A&P II Quiz 4 Answers Name __________________________________________ 1) Granulocytes form in A) the intestines. B) the spleen. C) the thymus. D) red bone marrow. E) yellow bone marrow. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 19-5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 2) The blood cells involved in specific immunity are the A) neutrophils. B) monocytes. C) basophils. D) erythrocytes. E) lymphocytes. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 19-5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 3) Which of the following descriptions matches the term near the left fifth intercostal space? A) pericardial cavity B) visceral pericardium C) apex of heart D) aorta E) right atrium Answer: C Learning Outcome: 20-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 4) Blood leaves the right ventricle by passing through the A) aortic valve. B) pulmonary valve. C) mitral valve. D) tricuspid valve. E) bicuspid valve. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 20-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 5) Intercalated discs serve to transfer ________ from cell to cell. A) ionic currents B) action potentials C) the force of contraction D) electrical signals E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 20-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Xtra Credit (1 point ea) 1) During a bacterial infection you would expect to see increased numbers of A) neutrophils. B) eosinophils. C) basophils. D) reticulocytes. E) thrombocytes. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 19-5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 2 Excess fluid in the ________ causes cardiac tamponade. A) pericardial cavity B) visceral pericardium C) apex of heart D) left ventricle E) both atria Answer: A Learning Outcome: 20-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension