Ch. 1.1 Notes

Name: ________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ____
Chapter 1.1
1. Science is a system of knowledge and the methods you use to find that
2. Technology is the use of knowledge to solve practical problems.
a. The goal of science is to expand knowledge to solve practical
b. The goal of technology is to apply that knowledge.
3. Science and Technology are interdependent.
a. What does that mean?
i. It means advances in one lead to advances in the other.
b. Ex. Advances in energy will lead to advances in items that use
energy. Such as gasoline to ethanol.
4. D. The study of science is broken up into two main branches. Social
Science and Natural Science.
a. Natural science is broken up into three different branches.
Physical science, Earth and Space Science, and Life Science.
5. The two main branches of physical science are chemistry and physics.
a. Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties,
and reactions of matter.
b. Physics is the study of matter and energy and the interactions
between the two through forces and motion.
c. C) The application of physics and chemistry to the study of
Earth is called Earth Science.
6. Other branches include Geology (the study of the origin, history, and
structure of Earth), Astronomy (the study of the universe beyond
Earth), and Biology (the study of living things).
7. Just because Science is broken up into different parts doesn’t mean
that each part is limited to its own branch. Many branches of science
overlap one another. Such as biophysics.
8. There are four big ideas of physical science. They include:
a. Space and Time
b. Matter and Change
c. Forces and Motion
d. Energy
9. Space and Time
a. The universe is about 13,700,000,000 years old.
b. 13.7 Billion Years Old
c. The observable universe is about
700,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 meters in diameter.
Name: ________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ____
d. 700 million billion billion meters in diameter.
e. The diameter of the earth is only 12,700,000 meters.
f. Twelve million seven hundred thousand meters
10. Matter and Change
a. A very small amount of the universe is made up of matter.
b. Matter has volume and mass.
c. Matter can exist in different states: Solid, Liquid, Gas.
d. All matter is made up of atoms.
e. Atoms are made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons.
11.Forces and Motion
a. A force is a push or a pull.
b. A force causes motion.
c. A change in motion can be described as causing a resting object
to move, speed up or slow down a moving object, or a change
in an objects direction.
12. Energy
a. Energy exists in many forms.
b. Kinetic, potential, chemical, and thermal or some examples of
different forms of energy.
i. Kinetic energy is the energy of an object in motion.
ii. Potential energy is the stored energy of an object.
c. Energy exists in matter and can be absorbed or released during
a reaction.
d. Matter can also be changed into energy or can be transferred
between objects.
13.What are four big ideas of science?
a. Space and Time
b. Matter and Change
c. Forces and Motion
d. Energy