File - Living Leadership

LDRS 650
Principles of Organizational Leadership
Instructor of Record: Seth Kastle
Fort Hays State University
Cooperating Teacher: Jared Nieslen
Academic Honesty
Membership in the FHSU learning community imposes upon the student a variety of
commitments, obligations and responsibilities. It is the policy of FHSU to impose sanctions on
students who misrepresent their academic work.
Examples of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to:
1. Plagiarism: taking someone else’s intellectual work and presenting it as one’s own
(which covers published and unpublished sources). Using another’s term paper as one’s
own, handing in a paper purchased from an individual or agency, submitting papers from
living group, club or organization files, or using another’s computer program or
document are all examples of plagiarism. Standards of attribution and appropriate
acknowledgement of sources are important. Students should consult with their instructor
or with recognized handbooks in their field when in doubt.
2. Cheating: consultation of books, library materials or notes during tests without the
instructor’s permission; use of crib sheets or hidden notes; intentional observation of
another student’s test; receipt of a copy of an exam or questions or answers from another
graded activity; deliberate falsification of lab results; submission of falsified data,
alteration of exams or other academic exercises; and collaboration on projects where
collaboration is forbidden.
3. Falsification, forgery or alteration of any documents pertaining to assignments and
4. Students who (cooperate or in other ways promote) participate in promoting cheating or
plagiarism by others (or who take credit for the work of others) will also be in violation
of this policy.
Violation of Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is very important in this class. The following are the consequences of
engaging in any form of academic dishonesty:
1. On the first violation, sanctions will include failing the requisite assignment.
2. The second violation, will result in failing the course. Notification of the academic
dishonesty and accompanying failure may be sent to both FHSU and the partner school
3. Students who violate the academic honesty policy may also face program level
consequences, up to and including expulsion from FHSU and/or the partner institution.
Students are not allowed to rewrite assignments and submit for consideration or change of grade
without prior approval from their instructor.
Attendance and Participation
Attendance in this class is required, and to be counted present, students must be in class and
prepared to participate. This means that the student arrives on time, has completed any required
readings or assignments, and has all of the course materials with him or her. Students that do not
bring a copy of the required books and materials to class will be counted as absent for the day.
Students must be active participants in order to receive full credit. Attendance and participation
criteria will be explained more fully on the first day of the semester.
Students should be on time to class and prepared to begin as soon as class starts. Students should
also be prompt in returning after any breaks in a timely fashion. Excessive tardiness will be
treated as being absent for the day from the course.
Students deserving of an incomplete grade may, at the discretion of the instructor, receive an “I”
for the course. Incompletes will only be given in extreme circumstances and only to students
who meet the requirements of the FHSU policy on incomplete grades. The instructor is not
obligated to give an incomplete to any student.
Late Assignments
Assignments received after the due date will be deducted 10% per day. After five days, students
will receive a zero for the assignment. The instructor may, at his or her discretion, accept late
assignments without penalty if the situation has extenuating circumstances.
Homework Submission
Students will submit most assignments using blackboard. Students should put their Chinese
(Pinyin) name, English name, and student ID number on all documents.
Style Manual
All Leadership Studies courses will utilize the American Psychological Association (APA) style
manual for references, citations and manuscript formatting. A good resources for students
needing assistance with proper style is the Online Writing Lab, which may be accessed here:
I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the FHSU Academic Policy and agree to
the violations stated within this policy.
Signature of student
(English and Chinese Family Name)
Student ID