Once upon a time: Assessing Historical periodization Do now: Read and answer which periodization the person, place or event took place in ( try region too) Asoka’s conversion to Buddhism and establishing the Rock Pillar Edicts #2 600 B.C.E-600 C.E in South Asia Aryan’s Vedic Age (earliest Hindu text the Upanishads) #1 10,000 B.C.E-600 B.C.E in South Asia First Civil Service system est. by Han Wudi (meritocracy #2 600 B.C.E- 600 C.E in East Asia Development of monasteries in Western Europe #3 600-1450 in Western Europe Mongol re-opening of the Silk Route #3 600-1450 in East Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, Middle East and East Asia Byzantine building of Hagia Sofia and est. of Justinian’s Code #2 600 B.C.E- 600 C.E in Eastern Europe Islam granting Dhimmi status to Jews and Christians #3 600- 1450 in Middle East but also West Europe (Iberia) and South Asia Samurai providing protection through code of Bushido #3 600-1450 in Eastern Asia (Japan) Massive Urbanization of China #3 600-1450 in East Asia ( capitals like Chang’An and GuangZhou) Rational Greek approach to science #2 600 B.C.E-600 C.E in Eastern Europe Venetian attack of Byzantine political and economic center (Constantinople in 4th crusade #3 600-1450 in Eastern Europe English peasant rebellion after black plague #3 600-1450 in Western Europe Establishment of Spanish encomiendas exploiting land, labor and capital #4 1450-1750 in Latin America Bantu migrations and the spread of iron metallurgy and agriculture #1,2, and 3 ( 10,000 B.C.E-1450) in SubSaharan Africa- took place over a 1000 year period Paleolithic hunter-gatherer societies controlling fire for warmth and cooking #1further back from 1.5 M.Y.A – 10,000 B.C.E in various locales( regions)- Middle East the first to end paleolithic era ( neolithic comes next) Inca development of road building, terrace farming and suspension bridges #3 600-1450 in Latin America The Great Dying leading to the largest percentage loss of life from disease #4 1450-1750 in Latin America Caesar August’s promise of peace and prosperity #2 6000 B.C.E-600 C.E in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Northern Africa and Southwest Asia (Middle East) Development of a 22 character simplified alphabet by the “carriers of civilization” #1 10,000 B.C.E- 600 B.C.E in Mediterranean The development of geometrical patterns on Mosques to avoid idolatrous imagery #3 600-1450 starting in Middle East but also Western Europe (Iberia), Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Central Asia Southernization: pattern of intensified interactions along the Indian Ocean involving Dhows, Lateen sails and Junk Ships #3 600-1450 in the Indian Ocean Basin ( Includes Middle East, SE Asia, E Asia, Eastern Africa) The abandonment of the Ming Dynasty’s Oceanic voyages under Zheng he’s treasure fleet #3 600-1450 in East Asia Mansa Musa’s Hajj and its subsequent impact of Cairo’s gold #3 600-1450 in Sub-Saharan Africa and Middle East Alexander’s military extension into the Indus River valley #2 600 B.C.E-600 C.E in East Europe, SW Asia, and South Asia Empress Wu Zeitan’s state sponsorship of Buddhism #3 600-1450 in East and Central Asia Your Turn Group1: Interaction between Humans and the Environment Group 2: State-building Expansion and conflict Group 3: Creation, Expansion and interaction of economic systems Group 4: Development and transformation of social structures Group 5: Development and Interaction of Culture Formats: Puppet show (holiday themed?), song (Auld Lang Syne, 12 days of WHAPmas), rap (holiday wrapping), and children’s story (looking back on the year in WHAP), Acrostic Cheer (give me a…), Newscast (WHAP all over the world), Purpose: To review key themes, vocabulary and developments in World History AP Rationale: to begin a review utilizing the materials (there will be more) and to carry that over into the holiday break as the week we come back will have a pre-midterm exam (probably Friday January 9th 2015)