World History 50 Minute Class *Chapter 10 Test is Tuesday

World History 50 Minute Class
*Chapter 10 Test is Tuesday, December 9th.
Unit 6 includes the following state objectives:
Domestic Affairs
1. Understand different political systems in the Modern Western World and
their impact on the respective societies that adopted them.
a. Compare and contrast governmental forms (Democracy, aristocracy/oligarchy,
absolutism, constitutionalism, totalitarianism, monarchy and republic) as practiced by
the societies that adopted them over time. (DOK 2)
b. Compare and contrast the ideologies and practices of communism, socialism,
liberalism, fascism, nationalism, and imperialism. (DOK 2
2. Understand the impact of political, technological, economic, cultural,
religious, and demographic changes within the global community.
a. Analyze and explain the origins, spread, and impact of the First and Second
Industrial Revolutions. (DOK 3)
d. Analyze international demographic trends (population growth, decline, movement)
and their relationship with the development of various societies around the world.
(DOK 2)
7. Understand the development of various economic systems through time
and place and how those systems have shaped global relations.
a. Analyze the integration of countries into the world economy and roles of the
informational, technological and communication revolutions (e.g., steamship, the
telegraph, television, satellite, and computer) in that integration. (DOK 3)
b. Cite evidence of how the world has evolved from a multitude of economic systems
to a global interdependent economy. (DOK 2)
Date: Monday, December 1, 2014
Regular 50 Minute Class
Unit/Chapter: Unit 6: Nationalism
Chapter 10: Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
Objectives: How did Germany continue to develop even after Bismarck?
 Chapter 10 Notes German Nationalism and Powerpoint
 Student Notes Handout on Chapter 10: German Nationalism
 German Confederation/German Unification Map
Bell Ringer: What was Bismarck’s struggle with the Catholic Church called?
Class work/activities:
 Lecture and Powerpoint to on the Fall of Bismarck to finish the notes on
German Nationalism
o Students will take notes during the lecture
Students will complete the German Confederation 1815/German
Unification 1871 Map Activity
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Unit/Chapter: Unit 6: Nationalism
Chapter 10: Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
Objectives: Review German Nationalism
 Chapter 10 Section 1 and 2 Assessment on Canvas
Bell Ringer: In what year did Germany unify into one country?
Class work/activities:
 Students will complete Chapter 10 Section 1 and 2 Assessment on
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Unit/Chapter: Unit 6: Nationalism
Chapter 10: Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
Objectives: How did nationalism develop in Russia?
 Chapter 10 Russian Nationalism Notes and Powerpoint
 Student Chapter 10 Russian Nationalism Notes
 Chapter 10 Section 5 Worksheet
Bell Ringer: Pick up Russian Nationalism Notes or Download them from Canvas
Class work/activities:
 Lecture and Powerpoint from Nationalism in Russia through Russian
o Students will take notes during the lecture
 Students will complete the Chapter 10 Section 5
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2014
Unit/Chapter: Unit 6: Nationalism
Chapter 10: Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
Objectives: What reforms did Alexander II make during his time on the throne of
 Chapter 10 Russian Nationalism Notes and Powerpoint
 Student Chapter 10 Russian Nationalism Notes
 Russian Czars Tree Map
Bell Ringer: What were the “Three Pillars of Russian Absolutism?”
Class work/activities:
 Lecture and Powerpoint from Reforms of Alexander II through Reaction to
o Students will take notes during the lecture
 Students will begin working on the Russian Czars Tree Map Activity
o The Tree Map must be turned in to Canvas on Friday by the end of
Date: Friday, December 5, 2014
Unit/Chapter: Unit 6: Nationalism
Chapter 10: Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
Objectives: How did Russia begin to industrialize in the late 1800s?
 Chapter 10 Russian Nationalism Notes and Powerpoint
 Student Chapter 10 Russian Nationalism Notes
 Russian Czars Tree Map
Bell Ringer: What was “Russification?”
Class work/activities:
 Lecture and Powerpoint from Building Russian Industry and finish the
o Students will take notes during the lecture
 Students will finish their Russian Czars Tree Map Activity and turn into