Greek and Latin Roots in Language Arts Mrs. Melia & Mrs. Duggan Grade 6 ELA Cohasset Middle School Which is easier to learn, 100 roots or 100,000 new words? More than 70 percent of English comes from Latin and Greek word origins. When you learn 100 roots, you can figure out the meaning of 100,000 words! When you know the roots, you can be a word detective – figuring out the meaning of a word on your own. How are words formed? Many English words are formed with base words joined by prefixes and suffixes. Prefix Base Suffix A root is a word part, with it’s own individual definition from the Greek or Latin languages, which contributes to the definition of our words in English. More About Roots Each ROOT (prefix, base, or suffix) has it’s own meaning. Example: The word SUBMARINE has a prefix and a base that came from the Greek or Latin Language. Sub UNDER mar ine SEA If we know that the PREFIX “sub” translates to mean under, and the base “mar” translates to mean sea, we are able to GUESS that the word SUBMARINE has something to do with being under the sea. Submarine noun 1. a warship with a streamlined hull designed to operate completely submerged in the sea for long periods, equipped with an internal store of air and a periscope and typically armed with torpedoes and/or missiles. adjective 1. existing, occurring, done, or used under the surface of the sea. Prefixes, bases, and suffixes are all types of ROOTS that come from the Greek and Latin language. Each has a unique meaning that contributes to the definition of words in our language. Roots Prefix Base Suffix Base The base (sometimes also called root) is a word part with a specific meaning that usually contains the basic meaning of a word. Prefixes A prefix is part of a word (and is a type of root) that is found in the beginning of words. Each prefix has a different meaning. Common prefixes…Pre = before, Inter=between, co=together, post = after, bi =two, un = not The prefix Extra- means beyond Terr = land, relating to earth Extraterrestrial = beyond the earth Suffixes A suffix a word part (and is a type of root) that is an found at the end of words. Suffixes can oftentimes change the meaning of a word or help us identify the part of speech of a word. For example, the suffix –logy means science. The root bio means life. biology = Let’s Practice Neonatal If the prefix neo- translates to mean new, and the base nat means born, what must the word NEONATAL have something to do with? Newborn Child Induction If the prefix in- translates to mean in, the base duct translates to mean lead, and the suffix –ion translates to act of, what must the word INDUCTION have something to do with? Let’s get started During the roots weeks, you will be given a list of 8-10 roots and sample words. You will have the complete the same activities each week to help you learn the roots. Day 1 New roots lists are handed out in class Make roots flash cards and add them to your key ring Add the root to learn, its definition, and The word part to the flashcards. For homework: study for 10-15 minutes. After day 1, your card should look like this: Front of Card sub Back of Card Definition: Under (Prefix) Day 2 You will add sample word to the front of your flashcards. Use an online dictionary to look up the definition of each sample word. Write on the back of your flashcard. Definition: Under (Prefix) Use a highlighter to highlight the root in each word. Study cards for 10-15 minutes Sample word: subterranean After day 2, your card should look like this: Front Back Definition: Under sub subterranean (Prefix) Sample word: Subterranean – existing, occurring or done under the earth’s surface Day 3 On a piece of white-lined paper, write sentences using the sample words correctly in context. The sentences should show that you know the meaning of the sample word’s definition. Example: Looking from the road, you would never know I have a complex subterranean sprinkler system since it is all underground! Study flashcards for 10-15 minutes making sure you know all root definitions, word parts, sample words and their definitions. Day 4 Receive study guide for roots quiz. Review study guide and flashcards to prepare for quiz. Day 5 – Quiz Day ROOTS QUIZ Write in the definition of each root 1. Bio _____ 2. Logy _____ 3. Terr _____ 4. Sub 5. Extra 6. MATCHING Biology ____ ____ 7. Extraterrestrial___ _____ 8. Subterranean ____ a. Under the earth, underground b. The science of life. c. Life that does nor come from earth.