SYLLABUS TEMPLATE COURSE NUMBER, SECTION AND NAME COURSE TIME AND LOCATION Faculty members are expected to maintain at least three hours of office time each week during a semester when scheduled to teach a class. Faculty members should be available for face-toface conferences with students even for those students enrolled in online or hybrid classes. PROFESSOR/INSTRUCTOR: EMAIL: OFFICE LOCATION: OFFICE HOURS: OFFICE PHONE: (SOME INSTRUCTORS PROVIDE PERSONAL CONTACT INFORMATION, THAT IS THE DECISION OF THE INSTRUCTOR AND IS NOT REQUIRED). COURSE DESCRIPTION A course description is a short (3-4 statements using no more than 50-75 words) summary of the content and expectations for students. The description should be engaging as well as clear and easy to read. Some descriptions are written in the second person using “you” or “your” to describe the content in which the student will encounter. The description in the syllabus should include and expand on the description in the course catalog. COURSE GOALS Course goals are intended to describe what a faculty member will cover in a course. The course goals are broad statements about the content for the course. Typically 4-5 major goals are identified for each course. EXAMPLE: Students will gain an understanding of the historical origins of art history. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES Student learning objectives/outcomes describe what a faculty member will specifically cover in a course that include student behavior and learning outcomes that are to be achieved from the course. These objectives/outcomes use action verbs to specifically describe what the student will be able to do after completing the course. The statements should be observable and measurable. Student learning outcomes typically have three parts, behavior, condition, and criteria. The three colors indicate the three parts that objectives contain. • By the end of the semester, students will be able to (action verb-must be observable), using the (condition student will perform the behavior), as measured by (evaluate the behavior - how often?, how well?, how much?). • EXAMPLE: By the end of the semester, the students will be able to organize Mayan art chronologically using the three major periods (pre-classic, classic, post-classic) as measured by a timeline of events. COURSE PREREQUISITES (IF ANY) • COURSE TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Teaching and Learning Style 2. Technology Expectations 3. Class Assignments - the table should contain an explanation and point value for each assignment Assignments Explanation Points Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Assignment 3 Assignment 4 Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Exam 1 Final Exam Total Points 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Attendance Policy Tardy Policy Participation Policy Classroom Conduct and Civility Plagiarism Late Work/Incomplete Work Policy, etc. Tentative Course Schedule of Assignments and Exams Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Date Topic Readings/Assignments/Exams DETAILED GRADING SCHEME EXAMPLE Assignments Participation Quizzes Final Exam Total Final Grade 40% 30% 20% 10% 100% Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation LETTER GRADE EXAMPLE This example is provided for demonstration purposes only. Instructors are to create their own grading scheme based upon UTSA guidelines found The final course grade will be based on the following scale: (Plus or Minus scoring is determined by each college) A = 93-100 B = 88-92 C = 78-87 D = 70-77 EXTRA CREDIT (PROVISION OF EXTRA CREDIT IS DETERMINED BY THE INSTRUCTOR) The instructor for the course determines extra credit and the policy, if any. F = 0-69 UTSA SERVICES AND POLICIES Information about the following services/policies can be found at: Counseling Services - Student Code of Conduct and Scholastic Dishonesty - Students with Disability Services - Supplemental Instruction Services - Transitory/Minor Medical Issues - Tutoring Services – Tomás Rivera Center - The Roadrunner Creed - COPYRIGHT AND FAIR USE For more information on copyright, see the University of Texas System Office of General Counsel web site. A printed copy is also available at the Reference, Circulation and Multimedia Center service desks in the Library. For local guidance, please contact the UTSA Library at 210.458.7506 and check the information at CHANGES This syllabus is provided for informational purposes regarding anticipated course content and schedule of courses. It is based upon the most recent information available on the date of its issuance and is as accurate and complete as possible. I reserve the right to make any changes necessary and/or appropriate. I will make every effort to communicate any changes in a timely manner. Students are responsible for the awareness of these changes.