Candidate-Pack - Centre for Public Appointments

HCA Board Members x 2
Time commitment: 2 days per month
Duration: up to 3 years
Location: London (a small number of meetings may be held outside London)
Remuneration: £12,000 per annum
Closing date: Friday 2nd October
The HCA’s Role
The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) is the Government’s agency
tasked with supporting and enabling places to deliver their housing needs and
growth ambitions and the statutory regulator of the social housing sector in
The HCA is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) sponsored by DCLG.
Since its creation, the HCA has undergone significant change in both its
functions and form and has moved towards a significantly more commercial
The 2015 - 2020 Affordable Homes Programme will continue to offer grant to
registered providers for development of affordable housing. However, the
advent of new financial transactions programmes, especially Help to Buy and
Build to Rent, means that the HCA is now responsible for the delivery and risk
management of a major recoverable investments and guarantees portfolio
which will grow to circa £24bn.
The role of the HCA as both delivery partner and regulator will continue to
adapt to the rapidly evolving environment with housing a key priority for the new
Government. An upcoming Triennial Review will carry out a root and branch
review of the function and form of the Agency.
The core priorities of the HCA are:
increasing the supply of affordable homes
stimulating private investment in housing
bringing surplus public land to the market
supporting local economic growth
maintaining investor confidence in the social housing sector through
effective regulation
The Board meets 10 times a year, holding the executive team to account and
providing strategic advice. There is also a separate Programme and Finance
Committee together with a Project Committee (looking at individual deals), both
meeting 11 times a year and an Audit & Risk Committee, meeting 5 times a
year. Governance may change over time to support the new investment and
land roles.
What the HCA Board does
The responsibilities of the Board include:
Establishing the overall strategic direction of the HCA to deliver the
overall aims, objectives and the priorities approved by the Secretary of
State in the Corporate Plan within the policy and resources framework
agreed with DCLG.
Holding the HCA’s management to account for the effective use of public
funds, value for money and achieving Ministers’ priority objectives and
Setting strategy and risk management policy for the investment portfolio
in line with the Department’s risk appetite, receiving regular reports on
the performance of the portfolio and exercising a challenge function of
the investment unit.
Overseeing the delivery of the Agency’s public land role, plus
programmes and projects to deliver housing.
Enabling the Regulation Committee to discharge its regulation functions
effectively, in accordance with the regulatory framework.
Ensuring that the HCA’s affairs are conducted with probity and that high
standards of corporate governance are observed at all times.
The HCA is a national agency with a current total headcount of around 950
operating out of London headquarters and 5 regional operating areas.
Job Description
Board Members have corporate responsibility for ensuring that the HCA fulfils
the overall aims and objectives set out in the legislation and the priorities
determined by the Secretary of State. Board Members will also have
responsibility for ensuring that the HCA complies with any statutory or
administrative requirements for the use of public funds and assets.
The role
Responsibilities of Board Members include:
Establishing the overall strategic direction of the HCA within the
policy and resources framework agreed with DCLG, through
development of the Corporate Plan and the HCA’s contribution to
driving economic growth;
Holding HCA’s management to account for the effective use of public
funds and driving value for money;
Receiving and reviewing regular financial data and other
performance information concerning the management of the HCA;
Setting strategy and risk management for the investment portfolio,
receiving regular reports on the performance of the portfolio, and
exercising a challenge function of the investment unit;
Overseeing the delivery of the Homes and Communities Agency’s
emerging public land role, plus programmes and projects for housing
and regeneration;
Approving individual projects within delegated authorities;
Enabling the Regulation Committee to discharge its regulation
functions effectively and efficiently, in accordance with the regulatory
Working with HCA’s management to ensure the enhancement of the
reputation of the Agency;
Advising on the effective management of stakeholders;
Ensuring that the HCA’s affairs are conducted with probity, and that
high standards of corporate governance are observed at all times;
Ensuring that the Board operates within the limits of its statutory
authority and in accordance with the authority delegated from its
sponsoring Department and with guidance issued by it;
Complying at all times with the rules relating to the use of public
funds and to conflicts of interest;
Acting as a champion for the work and role of HCA at public events
and meetings; and
Acting in accordance with the seven principles of public life, full
details of which are provided in Appendix 1.
Person Specification
The successful candidate can come from any sector though candidates are
expected to be well informed about the HCA and the evolving external
environment, market sectors and geographies in which it operates. A proven
track record of dealing with Government would be highly beneficial. Due to the
increasingly commercial environment in which the HCA operates the candidate
should be able to demonstrate a high level of commercial and financial
Essential Criteria
Evidence of strong business acumen;
Substantial commercial background, ideally including experience of
property and land;
An understanding of the decision-making processes within public sector
Strong understanding of governance and risk;
Strong analytical skills evidenced in regulation, finance or economic
Desirable Criteria
Track record of ensuring effective governance for high profile
organisations, and management of organisations, particularly during a
process of change;
An ability to work on an audit committee.
A good understanding of current housing market issues, including the
delivery of both private rented and affordable housing;
This post will attract a remuneration commensurate with similar, senior roles
across the public sector, but also consistent with the Government’s
commitment to ensuring public sector pay is reasonable and affordable.
For this role, the remuneration is set at £12,000 per annum for a time
commitment of 2 days per month.
Period of Appointment
The appointment will be for up to three years.
The position is based in London with board meetings normally being held in
London with the likelihood of a small number of meetings being held outside
Conflicts of Interest
As with any public appointment, it is important that the highest possible levels
of probity and integrity are maintained. To that end, we ask that you give
details of any business or other interests or any personal connections which, if
you are appointed, could be misconstrued or cause embarrassment to the
Corporation or DCLG. These could include financial interests or share
ownership, active connections within a field of expertise in which the
Corporation will work, membership of societies, activities, associations or
employment of a partner or friend in the particular field in which the
Corporation will operate.
Any statements you make will be treated confidentially and we will contact you
to discuss any potential conflicts that might arise ahead of the sift process to
explain what might be required if you are successful and check that you still
wish your application to be considered.
Please note that you cannot be a Board member of a Registered Provider
Chair of the HCA Board. If you are currently a Registered Provider Board
member you would need to resign that position before taking this position.
The successful candidate would need to uphold and adhere to the Seven
Principles of Public Life (see Appendix 1).
To be eligible for employment you will need to be either a UK national or a
national of another European Economic Area Member State, or a
Commonwealth citizen and have the right to work in the UK. Swiss nationals
are also eligible. In addition, if you have dual nationality you will be eligible as
long as one of the nationalities meets the requirements.
Security clearance
Before the appointment of the successful candidate can be confirmed, you will
be subject to a Basic Disclosure Scotland check and Counter Terrorist Check.
Selection Process
This process is being managed by the Department for Communities and Local
Government. Any queries regarding the process should be directed to Gayle
Springett at or 0303 444 4129.
The panel will be
1. Chair – Peter Schofield - Director General Neighbourhoods,
Department for Communities and Local Government
2. Emma Lindsell/Isobel Stephen - Director for Housing, Department for
Communities and Local Government
3. Independent Panel Member – John Hirst
All appointments are made following an open competition conducted in
accordance with The Code of Practice published by the Commissioner for
Public Appointments.
The Commissioner regulates and monitors appointments to public bodies to
ensure procedures are fair, open and transparent and based on merit. More
information about the role of the Commissioner and his Code of Practice is
available from -
For further information, see Appendix 2.
How to apply
All candidates are required to complete and submit the following:
A copy of your CV (no more than 3 pages)
Covering letter explaining how you meet both the essential and
desirable criteria for the role (no more than 3 pages)
Political Activity Questionnaire (Appendix 4 of this document)
Other Relevant Information Declaration Form (Appendix 5 of this
Diversity Monitoring Questionnaire (Appendix 6 of this document)
Guaranteed interview scheme form (Appendix 7 of this document)
Your completed application should be returned by noon on Friday 2nd
October preferably by email to
or alternatively in hard copy to:
Gayle Springett
HCA Sponsorship Team
3rd Floor, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
Political Activity Questionnaire – Appendix 4
The Political Activity questionnaire is for monitoring purposes only, and will
not form any part of the selection process.
Other Relevant Information Declaration Form – Appendix 5
Any appointee to a Public Body could find that matters or incidents which
previously attracted no attention could become matters of public interest once
the person concerned holds a public appointment.
Diversity Monitoring – Appendix 6
The Department for Communities and Local Government is committed to
providing equal opportunities for all and welcomes applications from
candidates irrespective of race, age, disability, gender, marital status, religion,
sexual orientation, transgender or working patterns.
Please complete the Diversity monitoring form and return it with your
application. Please note the form will not be treated as part of your
application. The data will be treated in the strictest confidence, and will be
used for monitoring and statistical purposes only.
Guaranteed Interview Scheme – Appendix 7
DCLG uses the guaranteed interview scheme to help widen employment
opportunities for disabled people. Applicants with disabilities who meet the
criteria, as stated in the person specification and submit a completed
'Guaranteed Interview Scheme' form will be guaranteed an interview.
Information on how we will handle your personal information is contained in
Appendix 3.
Applications can be accepted in alternative formats. This candidate brief can
be made available in different formats. For further information please contact
Gayle Springett on 0303 444 4129 or
If at any time during the appointments procedure you have reason to question
how your application was handled you should first address your concerns to
the administration team
If after investigation by the Department, you remain dissatisfied, you may take
your complaint to the Commissioner for Public Appointments. Details on how
to make a complaint can be found on the Commissioner’s website at: Complaints should be lodged within 12
months of the appointment being made.
The Seven Principles of Public Life
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They
should not do so in order to gain financial or other benefits for themselves,
their family or their friends.
Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or
other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to
influence them in the performance of their official duties.
In carrying out public business, including making public appointments,
awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits,
holders of public office should make choices on merit.
Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the
public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their
Holders of public office should be as open as possible about all the decisions
and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and
restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands.
Holders of public office have a duty to declare any private interests relating to
their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way
that protects the public interest.
Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by
leadership and example.
The Selection and Recruitment Process
The Appointments Team will deal with your application as quickly as possible
and will advise you of the likely timetable at each stage. After the closing date
for applications:
 the panel will assess candidates’ CVs and supporting letters to determine
who it believes best meet the criteria for the role, and who will be invited to
interview. The panel will rely only on the information you provide in your CV
and letter to assess whether you have the skills and experience required.
Please ensure that you provide evidence to support how you meet all of the
essential criteria
 Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed to candidates who attend
for interview. Applications for reimbursement should be made to
 the panel will select for interview only the strongest applicants who they
feel have demonstrated that they best meet the criteria set out in the
person specification in an open, fair and transparent assessment process.
We will offer feedback at the completion of the process.
 if you are invited to interview and if you are unable to attend on the set date
then an alternative date can only be offered at the discretion of the panel.
However, due to the high profile nature of these appointments and the
quick turn-around, it is unlikely that an alternative date will be offered.
 the Appointments Team will write to let you know whether or not you have
been invited to be interviewed. Interviews will take place at The Department
for Communities and Local Government, 2 Marsham Street, London,
 if invited to interview, the panel will question you about your skills and
experience, asking specific questions to assess whether you meet the
criteria set out for the post
 due to the tight timescales, if you are shortlisted, we will need to contact
your referees before your interview. Please ensure that your referees are
available to provide either a telephone or written reference on the week
commencing 26th October 2015, and that their contact details are included
in your application.
 Candidates who the panel believe are ‘appointable’, will be recommended
to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State may choose to meet with
appointable candidates before making a decision. If he does, he will meet
all candidates and in the presence of the panel Chair or their nominated
representative. The time taken between interview and a final appointment
decision being made can sometimes take a number of weeks. Candidates
who have been interviewed will be kept informed of progress.
 If you are unsuccessful at interview you will be notified by the Appointments
Team by letter. We appreciate that feedback is a valuable part of the
process. The letter will provide the details of who you may approach for
feedback on your interview and application, if you so wish.
 for further information on how we will manage the personal information that
you have provided to us through your application, see Appendix 3
How we will manage your personal information
Your personal information will be held in accordance with the Data Protection
Act 1998. You will not receive unsolicited paper or electronic mail as a result
of sending DCLG any personal information. No personal information will be
passed on to third parties for commercial purposes.
When we ask you for personal information, we promise we will:
 only ask for what we need, and not collect too much or irrelevant
 ensure you know why we need it
 protect it and insofar as is possible, make sure nobody has access to it who
 ensure you know what choice you have about giving us information
 make sure we don't keep it longer than necessary
 only use your information for the purposes you have authorised
We ask that you:
 provide us with accurate information
 inform us as soon as possible of any changes or if you notice mistakes in
the information we hold about you
If you apply for a post, we will share some of the information you provide with
the members of the selection panel for the post to which you are applying, so
that your CV and supporting letter can be assessed.
The diversity monitoring information you provide will not be used in the
selection process and will therefore not be shared with the selection panel
assessing your application at any stage. However, the Commissioner for
Public Appointments requires that selection panels review the political activity
response at the interview stage. This in no way acts as a bar to appointment.
Further information on this is provided in the attached Monitoring form.
The Commissioner for Public Appointments regulates and monitors
appointments to public bodies to ensure procedures are fair. The Department
for Communities and Local Government is required by the Commissioner for
Public Appointments to retain information about the people who apply for
public appointments within his remit, and make this information available to
him for audit purposes, if requested to do so. Information you provide in your
application may therefore be made available to the Commissioner for Public
Appointments and the Commissioner’s auditors on a confidential basis in
order to help fulfil either the Commissioner’s formal complaints investigation
role or for audit purposes.
All applicants for a public appointment should complete the questions below.
This questionnaire enables the monitoring of political activity of candidates for
a public appointment in so far as it is already in the public domain. Neither
activity nor affiliation is a criterion for appointment (except where statute
dictates specific representation).
If you are successful, the information provided will be published with the
announcement of your appointment.
Please indicate which of the following activities you have undertaken during
the past five years by ticking the appropriate box and by providing details of
your involvement. Name the political party or body for which you have been
active. If you have been or are an Independent or have sought or obtained
office as a representative of a particular interest group, you should state this.
You should tick all relevant categories.
 Obtained office as a Local Councillor, District Councillor, MP,
MEP, MLA etc.
 Stood as a candidate for one of the above offices
 Spoken on behalf of a party or candidate
 Acted as a political agent
 Held office such as Chair, Treasurer or Secretary of a local
branch of a party
 Canvassed on behalf of a party or helped at elections
 Undertaken any other political activity which you consider
 Made a recordable donation to a political party1
 None of the above activities
Name of Party for which activity undertaken:
Details of involvement:
NAME ………………………………….SIGNATURE…………………………..
DATE …………………………………..
Note: This form is for monitoring purposes only and therefore will be
detached from your application and will not be seen by any selection panels.
However, it is appreciated that such activities may have given you relevant
skills, including experience gained from committee work, collective decision
making, resolving conflict and public speaking. If, therefore, you have had
such experience and you consider it relevant to your application for this post,
you should include it separately in the main body of your application form.
You should not, however, identify the relevant political party in the application
1 The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 requires the Electoral
Commission to publish a register of recordable donations (donations from any individual
totalling more than £5,000 in any calendar year, or more than £1,000 if made to a subsidiary
accounting unit such as a constituency association, local branch, women’s or youth
organisation). These provisions became effective from 16 February 2001.
Any appointee to a Public Body could find that matters or incidents which previously attracted
no attention could become matters of public interest once the person concerned holds a
public appointment.
Please provide details on a separate sheet, if you answer “yes” to any of the following
Have you:
ever been convicted of any offence (other than minor motoring
offences) which are not spent in accordance with the
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974;
got any charges outstanding;
become bankrupt over the past 10 years;
been dismissed from any office or employment over the past 10
ever been disqualified from either acting as a Company Director
or in the management of a Company;
ever been a Director, Partner or Manager of a Company which
has gone into liquidation, receivership or administration;
any other information which you would consider relevant to an
assessment of your suitability as a public appointee; for example
business interests or personal relationships, which may lead to
an allegation of conflict of interest.
Please note: a YES answer to any of the questions (1) to (7) above will not
necessarily disqualify a candidate for public appointment.
Each case will be treated on its merits.
However, failure to disclose relevant information may result in an appointment
being summarily terminated.
Name: ………………………………………………………………….
Signed: …………………………………………………………………
Date: …………………
Diversity Monitoring Form
Equality and Diversity in Communities and Local Government
CLG is committed to valuing diversity and equality of opportunity for our
workforce. To create a working environment in which these objectives are
fully met, it is essential that we monitor our recruitment and selection
procedures. Therefore, we would like you to complete the attached
Purpose and Benefits
We need to find out whether our policy is working in practice and ensure there
is no discrimination in the way that we appoint and promote staff. The purpose
of monitoring is to identify trends that indicate problems, so that we can
remedy them. In so doing, the Department can adapt and amend procedures
to provide a fairer and more effective posting system for all staff.
What happens to the information I supply?
 Any information provided is treated in strict confidence and will not affect
your application in any way.
 The data will be used to produce statistical reports. These comprise a
series of anonymous figures, by which we can monitor the applicant
numbers and performance within different groups.
 Only those monitoring job advertising and staff movement will have access
to the data. The information collated will be used entirely anonymously, but
names are included on forms to enable cross-checking between the forms
and the paperwork to be undertaken by the Recruitment Team.
 Staff involved in sifting and interviewing for the post will not see your
 The information collated will not lead to a quota system nor be used
against any particular group.
Helping us to help you
Your co-operation is central to building a workplace in which we all thrive;
please help us to improve equal opportunities. We strongly encourage all
applicants to complete and return the attached questionnaire to: Gayle
Springett at with your
This survey has the full support of the Commission for Equalities and Human
Rights and is being carried out in conjunction with the Council of Civil Service
Unions. All of the descriptions used on this questionnaire are either taken
from the 2001 census form or from good practice guidance from such groups
as Stonewall and the Council of Civil Service Unions.
We thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Name of Applicant:
Post Applied For:
It is important that you provide your name on this form so that we are able to
analyse diversity details in respect of those who apply, are invited for
interview, and are subsequently offered the posts. This information will not be
shared with anyone involved in the sifting or interview process, and is purely
for monitoring purposes.
1. Age
Date of Birth
Which groups do you most identify with? Please tick  only ONE box in each
of the sections below.
2. Gender
Do not wish to disclose
3. Disability
The Disability Discrimination Act defines a person as disabled if ''they have a
physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long term (has
lasted, or is expected to last, for at least 12 months) adverse effect on their
ability to carry out normal day to day activities''.
Taking this into account, do you consider yourself to be a disabled person?
Do not wish to disclose
If answering Yes, please state the nature of your disability:
4. Ethnic Origin
Asian or British Asian
Black or Black British
Black African
Asian Other *
White and Asian
White and Black African
White and Black Caribbean
Mixed Other*
*Any Other: Please Specify below
Black Caribbean
Black Other*
Irish Traveller
White Other*
Other Ethnic Group
Other Ethnic Group*
Do not wish to disclose
5. Sexual Orientation
Do not wish to disclose
Gay man
6. Religion and Belief
Christian (all denominations)
*Any other, please specify below
No Religion:
Do not wish to disclose
7. Flexible working
What is your preferred working pattern (please tick all that apply)?
Full time
Part time
Compressed hours
Annualised hours
Job share/job split
Thank you for completing this form. The information it contains will be
treated in the strictest confidence.
We are committed to actively encouraging applications from people with disabilities.
Applicants with a disability are guaranteed an interview if they meet the minimum
criteria for a job vacancy. The job description gives you the minimum criteria.
Declaring a disability for the purposes of a guaranteed interview is your decision and
is entirely voluntary.
Definition of a disability
The Equality Act 2010 (EA) generally defines a disabled person as:
 someone who has a mental or physical impairment that has a substantial and
long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day
We aim to select staff on suitability for the job and welcome your application if your
disability does not stop you from doing the job in accordance with our responsibilities
as an employer in accordance with the EA 2010.
Please tick, if appropriate:
I consider that I have a disability under the terms of the Equality Act 2010 and
wish to apply for a guaranteed interview, providing I meet the minimum criteria for the
job vacancy.
Whether you choose to apply under the Guaranteed Interview Scheme or not you
can still ask us to make particular arrangements for you when attending an interview.
You can also contact us if you want to discuss the criteria for the job or have
questions regarding your application.
If you believe this applies to you, please state the type of disability you have:
We will try to provide access, equipment or other practical support to ensure that
people with disabilities can compete on equal terms with non-disabled people. If any
of the options below would be of some help to you, please tell us by circling the
appropriate options. Also let us know if there are other items you think you may need
to complete the forms, and participate in an interview/selection tests.
Induction loop
Sign language interpreter (type)
Keyboard or other facility for written test
Speech facilitator
Car parking arrangements and any added assistance
Wheelchair access
Accessible toilet facilities
Any other assistance
Applicants with disabilities who have any queries about specific needs should contact
the Appointments Team at
If you have equipment of your own or an interpreter of your choice available for the
interview, please provide details.
Any false declaration of disability to obtain an interview may invalidate the contract of