Study Guide for Rome Test

Study Guide for Rome Test
A rich, Roman noble was known as a patrician.
A civil war is conflict in which people within one country fight
each other.
The Forum is the central market place of Rome.
A republic is a type of government in which the people choose
their leader.
Catacombs are underground burial chambers were people
practiced Christianity in secret.
Plebeians are the poor, common working class of Ancient Rome.
Consuls were officials who managed the government and the
Tribunes were officials elected to protect the rights of the
Senate is the lawmaking council of a government.
The Twelve Tables became the foundation of Roman law.
A dictator is a ruler with absolute power.
Pax Romana means Roman Peace.
An empire is a large area of land under the control of one
Architecture is the science of building.
A gladiator was a slave, criminal, or prisoner of war who fought
for entertainment.
Colosseum is a large sport arena built in Ancient Rome.
Aqueducts are stone structures built to carry water.
The Tiber River is the main river in Rome.
Disciples are followers of Jesus.
The Visigoths pillaged Rome.
Italy is long, boot-shaped peninsula.
Italy stretches into the Mediterranean Sea.
Rome is located midway between Italy’s northern and southern
Romulus and Remus were given credit for founding Rome.
The last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was Romulus
Patricians could hold office, were wealthy, and could own their
own armies.
The Apennines Mountains stretch down into Sicily.
Regulus showed Roman Spirit.
The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and Carthage.
Octavian was Julius Caesar’s nephew who led Rome to peace.
The Pax Romana lasted for 200 years and was called the Roman
The Colosseum was a famous Roman arena were navy battles and
fights were held.
Mt. Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii in AD 79.
Veto means, “I forbid.”
Constantine legalized Christianity.
Romans made advances in architecture by using arches, domes
and concrete.
Diocletian divided the empire into two parts.
The Circus Maximus was where chariot races took place.
Theodosius made Christianity Rome’s official religion.
In AD 395, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman
A lack of strong leadership, high taxes, and cities being invaded
were all things that caused the fall of the Roman Empire.
Octavian (Augustus) was the nephew of Julius Caesar.
Jesus is the founder of Christianity.
Junius Brutus was a Roman leader who removed Tarquin from
Marcus Aurelius was a man who founded schools, hospitals, and
Constantine was an emperor who favored Christianity.
Romulus was the founder of Rome.
Julius Caesar was a popular leader of Rome who was murdered.
Hannibal used elephants to attack Rome during the Punic Wars.
Scipio was a Roman general who defeated Carthage during the
Punic Wars.