WEHS English Department Lesson Planning Guide Teacher: _Miss Christina Davis_______ Course and Grade Level: English IV- (1st Period) Dates: September 16-20, 2013 Monday September 16 Tuesday September 17 Wednesday September 18 Thursday September 19 Friday September 20 Standard(s): Standard 1: The student will read and comprehend a variety of literary texts in print and nonprint formats. Standard 3: The student will use word analysis and vocabulary strategies to read fluently. Standard 4: The student will create written work that has a clear focus, sufficient detail, coherent organization, effective use of voice, and correct use of the conventions of written Standard American English. Standard 5: The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences. Standard 6: The student will access and use information from a variety of sources. Indicators and Essential Questions: Grammar quiz and build schema for depth of knowledge What is a Shakespearean Sonnet Grammar study on Prepositions and Objects of the Prepositions Petrarchan sonnets Instructional Strategies (List and Specify when: Teacher (T) Whole Group (WG), Small Group (SG), Partner (P), Individual (I): -SSR with writing -Review of Reading HW -Discussion based on writing portfolio assignments -Grammar quiz (summative) -Individual / Partner work to make final revisions to Marlowe/ Raleigh poems before turning them in Tuesday -Teacher will circulate and provide feedback Grammar Quiz *OPTIONAL* presentation of poems -Quick quiz on Marlowe and Raleigh poems -notes on sonnet forms and structures -WG reading of 3 of Shakespeare’s sonnets (29, 116, & 130) -analysis of poems form and structure -Review of Vocab HW -Notes on Prepositions and Object of the Preposition. -Practice identifying Prepositions and Object of the Preposition. -practice writing sentences using Prepositions and Object of the Preposition. -SSR with Writing -Review of reading HW -Quiz on Shakespearean sonnets -Notes on Petrarchan sonnets - Reading of sample Petrarchan sonnets -WG discussion of the differences between Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets Students will analyze the structure of Shakespeare’s sonnets to see the form and structure - Students will complete practice activities that will allow me to gauge their level of understanding. -Final draft of poem due Tuesday -Study for vocabulary test -Finish Grammar sheet by Wednesday -Typed Resume due by Friday -Study for vocabulary test -Finish Grammar sheet by Wednesday - Reading questions in textbook as well as worksheets on Sonnets by Thurday -Typed Resume due by Friday Finish preposition worksheet to turn in Friday -Study for Vocab Test Friday -Typed Resume due by Friday -Students will differentiate between Petrarchan and Shakespearean sonnets -Students will analyze the form and structure of sonnets -Study for Vocab Test Friday -Typed Resume due by Friday Performances and Assessments: Homework Summative assessment on vocabulary words from whole word vocabulary source -Students will take a cumulative test on the 60 words covered in units 1-3 -If students finish early they will be expected work on revising the writing in their portfolio -Revisions should be made and typed before the end of October -Students will complete the vocabulary test on the first 3 units in their workbook revising the writing in their portfolio