Ch 9 Nervous Tissue 1. CNS, ANS and PNS stand for what? 2. Which of the above is voluntary and which is involuntary 3. Afferent neurons differ how from efferent neurons? 4. Spinal nerves differ from cranial nerves how? 5. What are the two subdivisions of the ANS? 6. What role does glial cells provide 7. Name 4 functions of Astrocytes 8. What is the function of microglia? 9. What is the function of Epidymal cells in the brain and spinal cord? 10. Oligodendrocytes do what? 11. What is the function of nerolemmocytes? 12. What is the structural unit of the nervous system? 13. Amitotic refers to what? 14. Whats the longevity of a neuron? 15. Know the basic parts of a standard neuron…cell body, nissl bodies, dendrites, axon hillock, Schwann cells, myelin sheath, nodes of ranvier etc, etc…. 16. Where does an action potential originate in a neuron? 17. What part receives info 18. Terminal branches off a neuron are also referred to as? 19. Why do structures away from the cell body of a neuron not repair so easily? 20. What function does the myelin do for the cell? 21. What system contains myelinated axons? 22. What are the three classes of neurons? 23. Which type is most numerous? 24. Which type works with special senses? 25. What type of neuron exists between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron? 26. Where do you find association neurons or interneurons? 27. Irritability of neurons means? 28. What is potential difference in a neuron mena? 29. What acts as a resistor in any cell? 30. Name the ion channels associated with a neuron 31. What does resting membrane potential mean? 32. Whats an action potential? 33. What happens if a neuron depolarizes? What ions are involved? 34. Is firing threshold the same for all neurons in the body? 35. What does repolarization mean? 36. Whats hyperpolarization of the neuron? 37. Saltatory conduction refers to what? 38. Explain the all or none law for a neuron 39. What is “threshold” for a neuron? 40. What is the refractory period of a neuron? 41. What determined the conduction velocity of a specific neuron? 42. What is a neuronal synapse? 43. What type of synapses can be formed with neurons? 44. What is a presynaptic neuron? 45. What is a post synaptic neuron? 46. Synaptic transmissions can occur in two different ways…how? 47. What chemicals move across the synaptic cleft to bind with receptors on the post synaptic neuron? 48. What happens to extra neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft? 49. What is an EPSP? And how is it different from an IPSP? 50. Why would EPSP be summed? 51. Why would EPSP’s and IPSP’s occur at the same time with the same neuron? 52. What is the difference between a converging and diverging nerons?