Gr. 4 Big Idea 9-Changes in Matter

Changes in Matter
Big Idea 9 – SC.4.P.9.1
Pacing Guide 10/14-10/24
Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support Specialist
Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist
Millard Lightburn, District Supervisor
Department of Mathematics and Science
Office of Academics and Transformation
Department of Mathematics and Science
Benchmark Descriptions
• SC.4.P.9.1 – Identify some familiar changes in
materials that result in other materials with
different characteristics, such as decaying
animal or plant matter, burning, rusting, and
What is Matter?
• Matter is anything that takes up space and has
• Matter has three forms.
• Matter can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas.
• Matter is made up of tiny particles called
What do we know about solids?
• Solids take up space and
have mass.
• Solids have a shape of
their own.
• Solids can be described
by their physical
• Solids can be measured.
What do we know about liquids?
• Liquids take up space and
have mass.
• Liquids do not have a
shape of their own.
• Liquids take the shape of
their container.
• Liquids can be measured
(mass and volume).
What do we know about gases?
• A gas takes up space and
has mass.
• A gas takes the shape of its
• A gas is the only kind of
matter that always fills all
the space inside a container.
• The mass of a gas can be
Physical Changes
Matter’s appearance may change,
however it retains its own properties.
Matter can be combined to form:
mixtures and solutions
Department of Mathematics and Science
What are some physical
properties of matter?
• Solid, Liquid, or
• Magnetic
• Floats or sinks
• Boiling point
• Melting point
Physical Changes in Matter
• Cutting
• Melting
• Mixing
• Freezing
• Shaping
• Evaporating
• Changing from one state of
matter to another.
Mixtures and Solutions
Department of Mathematics and Science
Mixtures and Solutions
A mixture is a combination
of two or more components that
are NOT chemically combined,
and retain their identities.
• Mixtures can be physically separated. The
identities of the substances DO NOT change.
• A mixture is also called a solution.
Mixtures and Solutions
• Solutions
• A mixture in which all parts are mixed evenly
• Can be combinations of gases, liquids, and
even solids
What do you know about mixtures?
• Form when two or more substances
• Keep their physical properties.
• Can be separated by their physical
Examples of a mixtures
The lettuce and
vegetables do not
change when mixed
Can be separated.
Is cereal a mixture?
Yes…the properties of the
substances do not
You can still see the
bananas, cereal, and
Substances in a mixture can be separated
by their physical properties… So how can
we separate this mixture?
• Milk and cereal can
be separated by
pouring the mixture
through a strainer.
The cereal would
be trapped in the
strainer and the
milk would pass
Is cake a mixture?
No…the properties of the
substances change.
The eggs, flour, and sugar
change when the cake is
mixed and baked.
Which scientific tool could you use to separate
a mixture of iron filings and sand?
You can separate the iron filings from
the sand by using a magnet.
Iron filings
What do you know now about
• Form when two or more substances
• Keep their physical properties.
• Can be separated by their physical
• Do not form a new substance.
You can make a special mixture when
you stir sugar into water.
The sugar dissolves and the water
remains clear.
What are
• One of the substances spreads out evenly
or dissolves in the other
• Solutions are a special kind of mixture
What can be done to speed up or slow
down the dissolving process?
• Increase the number of and/or force of the
• Change the temperature of the substances
being mixed.
Solutions are a special kind
of mixture
• One of the substances
dissolves in the other
• The substance spreads out
• Solutions may be clear or
A mixture that appears to be a single
substance but is composed of particles of
two or more substances that are distributed
evenly amongst each other.
A solution may be liquid, gaseous, or solid.
Examples of solutions
Liquid - seawater
Gas - air
Solid - alloys
Do all substances dissolve in liquids?
No…if you mix sand
with water, the
sand does not
dissolve but settles
on the bottom of
the glass.
Sand +
Solutions can be separated
To separate a sugar water solution, let
the water evaporate.
Once the water is gone, the sugar will
be left.
Most solutions can be separated by
All solutions are mixtures but not
all mixtures are solutions
• Sugar + Water = ?
Mixture and a solution
• Sand + Water = ?
Mixture but not a solution
What do all solutions have in
• One of the substances in the mixture
dissolves in the other substance.
• Both substances in the solution retain
their properties and can be separated.
What are some other examples of
• Air = 21% Oxygen + 78% Nitrogen + 1% other
• Soda = Water+ CO2 + other flavors
• Jewelry = gold + nickel
What are some physical properties that
were used to separate the mixtures?
• Color
• Size
- Volume
- Mass
• Solid, Liquid, or Gas
• Magnetic
• Floats or sinks
1. What is a mixture? Give two examples.
2. What is a solution? Give two examples.
3. How do you know when a solid and a liquid
form a mixture that is also a solution?
4. How can mixtures be separated?
5. How are screen filters and paper filters
alike? How are they different?
6. The beaker has a mixture of sugar, sand, and
water in it? Which material will collect on the
paper towel filter?
Chemical Changes
Atoms rearrange and form a new kind of matter.
Department of Mathematics and Science
Other changes in matter
• Some changes in matter are
• Some changes in matter are
• Rusting, burning, and cooking
are irreversible changes.
Chemical Changes in Matter
Decaying Animals
Decaying Plants
Chemical Properties and
Chemical changes change the chemical nature
and properties of substances to form new
– A match burns
– Two substances mix together turn a color different
from either of them
– Toasting marshmallows
• Melt it—physical change
• Burn it—chemical change
Changes in Matter
Physical Changes
Chemical Changes
Let’s Explore!
Department of Mathematics and Science
All matter has properties, but matter also
undergoes changes.
Look at a cube of sugar. What are its physical properties?
It’s white. It’s shape is a cube. It smells sweet. It’s made of
sugar crystals.
If you crush it, it will still be sugar. What was changed?
Only it’s shape. It is still made up of sweet, sugar crystals.
Matter has physical properties that can be observed
without changing the type of matter.
Matter can also change in ways that do not affect the
type of matter.
These changes are called physical changes.
Take a piece of paper and change it
in some way.
How did you change it?
• Folding
• Tearing
• Crumpling
Why are the changes that you all made to the paper just
physical changes?
The paper is still paper. You can unfold it.
Matter has other properties that cannot be
observed without changing its identity.
What will happen if I hold a lit match to a piece of paper?
Yes, the paper will burn. Observe as I demonstrate lighting a
piece of paper with a match.
What happened to the paper?
The paper changes into ash and smoke.
(The smoke is carbon dioxide gas, and water vapor).
What kind of change is burning paper?
During a chemical change, substances react and form new
substances. Did this happen?
Yes, burning is a chemical change.
Compare and Contrast
Property Changes
Physical change
• A physical change is a change in
the physical properties of matter.
The matter changed in how it
looks, but what it is made out of
does not change.
• A change that takes place when a
substance changes in size, shape
or form. The particles of matter
do not change.
Chemical changes
A chemical change is a change in the
chemical properties of matter. A
chemical change occurs when two
or more kinds of matter combine to
form a new substance with different
A change that takes place when a
substance is completely altered. The
particles of matter do change.
More on Physical Changes
What is happening to the ice cubes?
They’re melting.
If you add enough heat energy to ice, it turns into liquid
water, then it turns into a gas called water vapor.
• If you cool the substance, by taking away heat energy,
you can reverse these changes.
• You can change a gas into a liquid and
a liquid into a solid.
• What type of change is this?
• Changing from one state to another state is an
example of a physical change.
Physical change is often due
to a change in temperature
How does heat affect physical changes?
Some types of matter change state when
enough heat is added to it (melting)
or taken away from it (freezing).
What are some examples of each?
Water freezes at 0 ̊ Celsius or 32 ̊ Fahrenheit
Water changes to steam, a gas, when it
is heated to its boiling point*, as water
vapor cools it condenses back to form a
*Water boils at 100 ̊ Celsius or 212 ̊ Fahrenheit
What are some different ways
that matter changes physically?
Melting *
Freezing *
*A process in which a
type of matter changes
state when enough heat
is added to it (melting)
or taken away from it
Making Cookies
Imagine that you and your mom are making
cookies. You mix all the ingredients together in a
bowl. Next you spoon out cookie dough onto a
baking sheet. Then you place the sheet in a hot
oven to bake. The change that turns the dough
into a cookie is called a chemical change.
Chemical changes are also called reactions.
Chemical Changes
Chemical changes produce new substances
that have different properties than the original
What are some examples of chemical changes?
• Burning
• Rusting
• Cooking and baking
Evidence of Chemical Change
• Color Change
• Formation of Gas
• Formation of a solid
• Production of Heat
What are some signs of a chemical
change that can be seen?
• Change in odor
• Change in color
• Change in taste
• Change in mass
• Forming bubbles (giving off a gas)
• Giving off smoke
• Giving off light
Chemical changes change the chemical
nature and properties of substances to
form new substances.
What are some examples of chemical properties?
• Corrosion of metal—when iron combines with
oxygen in the air, rust forms
• Gas bubbles— Baking soda combines with vinegar,
carbon dioxide forms
• A change in color (browning of fruit - decay) – an
apple is peeled and reaction with oxygen in the air
More on Chemical Changes
• Chemical changes can happen quickly or slowly.
• Chemical changes to matter can be produced by
• Light energy can produce a chemical change in
some materials.
• Sometimes when two substances combine,
energy is released.
• Chemical changes are often difficult to reverse.
T-Chart (IAN)
Frayer Model (IAN)
What is a chemical change?
Answer: A chemical change produces substances that have new
How is a chemical change different than a physical change?
Answer: A physical change does not produce new substances
like a chemical change does. It only changes physical
How is heat involved in chemical changes?
Answer: Sometimes heating can cause chemical changes.
Sometimes chemical changes give off heat.
How is heat involved in physical changes?
Answer: Sometimes adding heat to matter can change its state
-when enough heat is added to it can cause melting or if heat
is taken away it can cause freezing of the matter.
Quiz: Decide if each example is a
physical or chemical change.
Change Scenario
1. Water boiling into steam
2. An ice cream melting
3. A bicycle rusting in the rain
4. A banana turning brown
5. Tearing paper into pieces
6. A candle wick burning
7. Water freezing into ice
8. A carton of milk going sour
9. A loaf of bread cut into slices
10. Burning toast in the toaster
Physical or chemical
Chemical Change Resources:
Free Brain POP:
Matter Changing
Property Changes
Scholastic Study Jams:
Physical & Chemical Changes of Matter
Changing States of Matter
Chemical Reactions
Discovery Education Science Content:
• Exploration: Chemical Changes
• Reading Passage: Keep it in the Dark
• Video: Chemical Changes
• Video: Chemical Reactions
Clip Art Resources