Project Presentation in Climate Change and CO2 Sequestration

Topic integrated in Regular
Environmental Science Class
(Grade 10 – 11)
 Strand
I: Standard, Benchmark I.3 – 5.
Benchmark III.3 & 5
 Strand II. (Physical Science) Standard I,
Benchmark I.1, 5 – 6
 Strand II (Life Science), Benchmark I.3 – 4
 Strand II (Earth and Space Science),
Benchmark II.1 – 5, 9 – 11
 Strand III (Science & Society), Benchmark
I. 2, 3,7, 9, 12, 13 – 14, 16, 19
 Activity:
Determining Ecological
Footprint Calculator
 Teacher: Setting Objectives, will give out
activity paper (Paper # 1) for Day 1.
 Students: Will connect online and go to
the link:
 Students
will be given out materials for
their poster Activity:
 Poster Activity:
Each student will get Earth Pictures from
the teacher and paste the number of
Earths from the calculator activity. In
their poster, they will post pictures that
shows their lifestyle: what food they eat
(more meat than vegetable, mpg of their
vehicle, where they live, etc)
 Each
student will present their poster
and describe their lifestyle and share
reflections on how they affect the Earth’s
 After presenting individual posters, a
debate can be started according to their
results (consider the choices and
resources they have in the reservation,
 Class
secretary/secretaries will be listing
down key points from the debate on a
butcher paper and post them on the wall.
 Students
construct their own carbon
cycle and how they affect it (raising
livestock, trees planted in their
community) using the foldable guide
(Activity Paper #2)
 In their drawing of the carbon cycle, the
students should be able to indicate how
the way they live affect the carbon cycle
(sheep raising, recycling?, etc.)
 Students
are expected to have an
understanding of the dynamics of Carbon
 Students are expected to have
incorporated the way they live into their
illustration of Carbon Cycle.
 Students are expected to have their
personal insights on how they contribute
to the emission of Carbon Cycle.
 Why
is Carbon Cycle a big concern?
 Teacher will point out the objectives:
At the end of the activity, students should
be able to:
1. Understand that the carbon dioxide
levels in the atmosphere has significantly
increased due to human activities at the
beginning of the industrial period based
on studies.
Con’t of Objectives:
2. Determine the Natural and
Anthropogenic sources of Carbon
3. Determine what is the effect of
increased Carbon Dioxide level in the
4. Define Green house effect
5. Identify major Green house gases.
 Lecture
on sources of carbon emissions
(natural and anthropogenic)
Natural Sources:
Volcanic Eruption
Combustion of Organic Matter (incl. Wild fires,etc)
Fermentation of Microorganisms
 Anthropogenic
Burning of Fossil Fuel
Power Generation
Cement Making
 Show
the video clip: “A Climate Minute:
The Greenhouse Effect”
 Open discussion on the green house
• Assigned task for next meeting: Bring
materials for the lab:
 Greenhouse Effect Lab
 Students
will be organized into groups.
 Lab Activity Guide will be given out
(Activity Paper #3), lab notebook and
materials will be prepared by each
member of the group.
 Follow instructions from the Greenhouse
Effect Lab Activity Paper.
 HW: Data and Results in graph and
Analysis Paragraphs
 Students
turn in their results (Lab Notebook)
 Brain storming about the result, analysis of
the results.
 Introduction to Human Implications on
Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
 Show: “20 Deadliest Effect of Global
Warming” :
cetech/5-deadliest-effects-of-globalwarming/276?image=0 (via smart board)
 Lecture, definition, examples
 Case
Study: Students will be asked to go
online and go to the link:
 They will choose a case study under the
“Carbon Management” link and turn in a
reflection about the article.
 HW: Bring Materials for the lab next
 “Global Warming
in a Jar” Lab Activity
 Follow all the rules in doing a lab activity
 Assigning students in groups
 Preparation of Materials
 Results (Graph and Table) will be turned
in next meeting
 Interpretation
 Brainstorming
/Analysis of Results.
 Vocabulary
Activity : Word Find
(Anthropogenic, Cap, Sink, Reservoir,
 Lecture on Carbon Sequestration : Power
point presentation and current
technology on Carbon Sequestration
 Assigned task: Get ready for a lab
activity on porosity and permeability.
 Activity
on Porosity & Permeability
 Objectives: Students are expected to:
• 1. Understand the difference between Porosity
and Permeability
• 2. Present mathematical data of the lab (Lab
 Introduction
to Rock Lab
 Setting Objectives
 Identify which rock sample is a good cap
and which is a good reservoir
 Assigned Task: Prepare for a field trip in
the 4 corners region for rock samples
that could be a sink or a cap.