Lecture 7 High Risk New Born 2015

High Risk Newborn
Chapter 23 & 24
Mary L. Dunlap MSN
Fall 2015
Birth Weight Variations
• Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)
• Small for gestational age (SGA)
• Large for gestational age (LGA)
• SGA weight- less than 5lb 8 oz and
below the 10th% at term
• IUGR- High risk growth does not meet
the expected growth pattern and is
• Decreased
breast tissue
• Scaphoid
• Wide sutures
• Thin umbilical
• Head larger than
• Wasted
appearance to
• Reduced fat
Common Problems
Perinatal asphyxia
Hypothermia- lack of brown fat
Hypoglycemia- lack of glycogen stores
Polycythemia- increase rate of
production due to hypoxia
• Meconium Aspiration
Nursing Management
• Initiate early and frequent oral feedings
• Monitor for hypoglycemia
• IV infusion of 10% dextrose if unable to
maintain glucose level.
• Weigh daily
• Promote rest periods to decrease
metabolic requirements
• Monitor for Polycythemia
• Weight- Larger than 9 lbs. and above
the 90th%
• Infant can be preterm, term, or postterm
Large body-plump full face
Body size is proportionate
Poor motor skills
Difficulty in regulating behavioral state
(arouse to quiet alert state)
Common Problems
Birth Trauma
Shoulder dystocia
Nursing Management
• Screen newborn for hypoglycemia
• Encourage feedings
• IV glucose
• Hydration
• Phototherapy
Gestational Age Variations
Preterm newborn
Late Preterm
Post-term newborn
Term newborn
Post Term Newborn
• Gestation > 42 weeks
• Must determine if EDC is truly post
• After 42 weeks placenta loses ability
to nourish the fetus
Post term Newborn
• Newborn
• Meconium
• Hair and nails
• Dry peeling skin
• Creases cover
• Limited vernix
and lanugo
Nursing Management
• Monitor blood glucose levels and treat as
• Initiate feedings as soon as possible
• Monitor temperature and respiratory
• Assess for polycythemia and
Preterm Infant
• Infant born prior to the completion of
the 37th week
• Organs immature
• Lack physical reserves
• Survivability related to weight and
gestational age
Preterm Infant
Causes based on research:
• Infection
• Maternal or fetal stress
• Bleeding
• Stretching
Immediate Delivery Care
Evaluate prenatal risk factor
Rapid assessment
Basic equipment Box 23.2 pg. 795
ABC’s of resuscitation Box 23.3
Preterm Infant
Respiratory last to mature
• Surfactant deficiency-RDS
• Unstable chest wall-atelectasis
• Immature respiratory centers-apnea
• Small passages-obstructions
• Unable to clear fluid-TTN
Preterm Infant
• Difficulty transitioning from fetal to
neonatal circulatory pattern
• Congenital anomalies associated with
continued fetal circulation
• Fragile blood vessels (brain)
• Impaired regulation of B/P
Preterm Infant
• Lack neuromuscular coordination suckswallow-breath
• Perinatal Hypoxia shunts blood from
the gut
• Small stomach-compromised metabolic
• Risk for malnutrition -wt. loss
Preterm Infant
Renal System
• Slow glomerular filtration rate
• Reduced ability to concentrate urine
• Risk: fluid retention, electrolyte
imbalance, drug toxicity
Preterm Infant
Immune system
• Deficiency of IgG (trans-placental
transfer after 34 wks.)
• Impaired ability to produce antibodies
• Thin skin- limited protection barrier
Preterm Infant
Central nervous system
• Long term disability due to injury
• Immature temperature-regulating
• Susceptible to hypoglycemia
Wt less than 5.5lb
Head larger than chest
Poor muscle tone
Minimal fat
Thin transparent skin
Undescended testicles & minimal
scrotal rugae
• Prominent labia & clitoris
Nursing Assessment
Review prenatal record for risk factors
Head to toe assessment
Monitor respiratory effort
Monitor V.S.
Monitor for hypoglycemia
Nursing Management
Varies with gestational age
• Promote oxygenation
• Promote Thermoregulation
• Promote optimal nutrition
Nursing Management
• Prevent infections
• Provide stimulation
• Pain management
Prevention & Management Box23.4 pg. 800
Nonpharmacologic Techniques Box 23.5 pg.801
• Pharmacologic agents
Nursing Management
Promote bonding
Quite environment
Promote parent coping
Discharge Planning Box 23.6 pg 803
Nursing Care plan 23.1 pg 792-794
Neonatal Asphyxia
• Failure to establish adequate,
sustained respirations after birth
• Pathophysiology: insufficient oxygen
delivery to meet metabolic demands
Nursing Assessment
Asses for risk factors
newborn’s color
work of breathing
heart rate
Apgar scores
Nursing Management
Immediate resuscitation
Continued observation
Neutral thermal environment
Blood glucose levels
Parental support and education
Transient Tachypnea Newborn
• Mild respiratory condition
• Result of delayed or incomplete
absorption of fluid from the lungs
• Occurs within a few hours of birth
• Resolves over 24-72 hour period
Transient Tachypnea Newborn
• Respiratory rate as high as 100-140
• Labored breathing
• Grunting nasal flaring
• Retractions
• Chest x-ray shows lymphatic engorgement
( retained lung fluid)
Transient Tachypnea Newborn
Nursing Care
• Mainly supportive
• Monitory VS & O2 Sats
• Provide supplemental O2
• IV fluids
• Gavage feedings
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
• RDS result of lung immaturity and
surfactant deficiency
• Poor gas exchange & ventilation
• Seen in preterm newborns
• Cesarean births without labor
• Infants of diabetic mothers
Nursing Assessment
• Noted at birth or within in a few hours
• Expiratory grunting
• Nasal flaring
• Chest wall retractions
• Seesaw respirations
• Generalized cyanosis
Nursing Assessment
• Tachypnea- rates above 60
• Fine inspiratory crackles
• Tachycardia- rates above 150-180
• Silverman-Anderson index assessment
• Chest x-ray- alveolar atelectasis (ground
glass pattern)
• Lab test done to r/o infection and sepsis
Silverman-Anderson Tool
Nursing Management
Supportive care
• Thermoregulation- prevent cold stress
• O2 administration
• Fluid management
• Nutritional support
• Surfactant replacement therapy
• Monitor VS & O2 sats
Meconium Aspiration
• Fetus inhales meconium into the lungs
while in utero
• Meconium blocks the airway preventing
• Meconium irritates the airway making
breathing difficult (chemical pneumonia)
• Meconium aspiration related to fetal
distress during labor.
Nursing Assessment
• Cyanosis
• Tachypnea
• Course & rhonchi
• Labored breathing
• Apnea
• X-ray patches or streaks of meconium
& trapped air
Meconium Aspiration Nursing
• Assess for risk factors prior to delivery
• Neutral Thermal environment
• Supplemental O2
• Medications
• Monitor response to treatment
Persistent Pulmonary
• Marked pulmonary hypertension causing
right to left extrapulmonary shunting and
• Cause occur idiopathically or as a
complication of perinatal asphyxia,
meconium aspiration syndrome,
congenital heart defects
Persistent Pulmonary
Nursing Assessment
• Tachypnea within 12 hours after birth
• Marked cyanosis, grunting, and
• Systolic ejection murmur
• Blood pressure
• Oxygen saturation
• Echocardiogram
Persistent Pulmonary
Nursing Management
• Monitoring of oxygenation, perfusion,
and blood pressure
• Immediate resuscitation; oxygen therapy
• Respiratory support
• Medications
• Clustering of care
• Parental support and education
• Developmental abnormality affecting
immature blood vessels of the retina
• Five stages from mild to severe based on
severity, location by zones in the retina,
and proportion of retinal circumference
• If a newborn is premature, vessels may
cease to develop.
• ROP typically develops in both eyes due
to hyperoxemia (because of assisted
ventilation and high oxygen exposure),
acidosis, or shock.
• Review prenatal history for risk factors
(hypertension, substance abuse,
preeclampsia, heavy cigarette smoking, or
placental insufficiency).
• Assess newborn’s gestational age and
weight; newborns weighing less than
1,500 grams or born at 28 weeks’
gestation or less are at risk.
• Evaluate the newborn’s history for duration
of intubation and use of oxygen therapy,
intraventricular hemorrhage, and sepsis.
• Administer oxygen therapy cautiously—
ensure lowest concentration and shortest
• Assist with scheduling ophthalmic exam;
administer mydriatic eye agent 1 hour
before appointment
• Protect newborn’s eyes from light
• Provide support to parents by giving them
information and providing details about the
condition and follow-up examinations
• Bleeding in the brain due to fragility of
cerebral vessels; most common in the
first 72 hours after birth; Grades I to V
Nursing Assessment
• Possibly no symptoms
• Risk factors
• Unexplained drop in hematocrit,
pallor, poor perfusion, seizures,
lethargy, weak suck, high-pitched cry,
• Cranial ultrasonography
Nursing Management
• Prevention
• Correction of anemia, acidosis,
• Flexed contained positioning
• Daily head circumferences
• Clustering of care; limiting of stimulation
• Parental support
Necrotizing Entercolitis
• Pathologic mechanisms: Bowel
ischemia, bacterial flora, and effect of
Necrotizing Entercolitis
Nursing Assessment
• Risk factors (see Box 24.1)
• Signs and symptoms: abdominal
distention and tenderness, bloody
stools, feeding intolerance (bilious
vomiting), sepsis, lethargy, apnea,
• KUB: air in bowel wall; dilated bowel
Necrotizing Entercolitis
Necrotizing Entercolitis
Nursing Management
• Maintenance of fluid and nutritional
status; IV fluids
• Bowel rest and antibiotic therapy
• Surgery with proximal enterostomy
• Supportive care
• Family education
Infant of Diabetic Mother
• High levels of maternal glucose
crossing placenta, stimulating
increased fetal insulin production
leading to somatic fetal growth
Infant of Diabetic Mother
• Congenital abnormalities- during first
trimester due to fluctuations in BS and
• Macrosomia- develops last trimester
due to maternal hyperglycemiaexcessive fetal growth
• Tight control over glucose levels
needed ( less than 105 mg/dl)
Infant of Diabetic Mother
Common Problems
• Congenital
• Macrosomia
• Birth Trauma
• Perinatal
Birth trauma
Infant of Diabetic Mother
Infant Characteristics
• Rosy cheeks
• Short neck
• Wide shoulders
• Excessive subcutaneous fat
• Distended abdomen
Nursing Management
• Monitor glucose level q. 3-4 h keep level
above 40 mg/dl until stable
• Feed q. 2-3 h to create a constant level
• IV glucose
• Monitor serum bilirubin levels
• Maintain neutral thermal environment to
prevent cold stress
Newborns of Substance-Abusing
• Most common substances: tobacco,
alcohol, and marijuana Table 24.4
• Fetal alcohol syndrome: physical and
mental disorders appearing at birth
and remaining problematic throughout
the child’s life
Box 24.2
Newborns of Substance-Abusing
• Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
• Alcohol-related birth defects
• Neonatal abstinence syndrome: drug
dependency acquired in utero
manifested by neurologic and
physical behaviors
Newborns of Substance-Abusing
Nursing Assessment
• Maternal history; risk behaviors,
• Newborn behaviors (see Box 24.3);
• WITHDRAWAL assessment
Birth Trauma
Injuries due to the forces of labor and
• Fractures
• Brachial plexus injury
• Cranial nerve trauma
• Head trauma
Table 24.3
Nursing Assessment
Risk factors
• Physical and neurologic assessment:
bruising, bumps, swelling, paralysis,
symmetry of structure and function
Nursing Management
• Supportive
• Assessment for resolution or
• Support and education
• Realistic appraisal of situation
• Community referral for ongoing followup and care
• Excess of bilirubin in the bloodelevated bilirubin level > 5mg/dl
• Heme from erythrocytes break down
forms unconjugated bilirubin
• Jaundice
• Physiologic
• Pathologic
Hyperbilirubinemia Causes
• Drugs/Medical conditions disrupt
conjugation and albumin binding sites
• Decreased hepatic function
• Increased erythrocyte production
• Enzymes in breast milk
Hyperbilirubinemia Physiologic
Develops in 3-4 days after term birth
Develops3-5 days after preterm birth
Term birth resolves 7 days
Preterm birth resolves 9-10 days
Unconjugated bilirubin level < 12.9
mg/100 ml
Hyperbilirubinemia Pathologic
• Present at birth or develops within 24
• Persists beyond 7 days
• Bilirubin > 12.9mg/100 term
• Bilirubin > 15mg/100 preterm
• Increases > 5mg/100ml in 24hrs
Hyperbilirubinemia Nursing
• Phototherapy- eye shield, turn q2hrs.
monitor temperature 3-4 hrs.
• Increase feeding to q 2-3 hrs.
• Bili level q 6 hrs.
Phenylketonuria PKU
• Inability to metabolize phenylalanineamino acid found in protein
• Affect brain and CNS development
• Interferes with the production of
melanin, epinephrine & Thyroxine
• Both parents must pass the gene on
Phenylketonuria PKU
• Seizures
• Irritability
• Tremors
• Jerking movements arms & legs
• Hyperactivity
• Unusual hand posturing
Phenylketonuria PKU
• Diagnosed with PKU screening prior
to discharge from hospital
Hemolytic Disorders
• Hemolytic disease occurs when blood groups
of mother and newborn are different
• Antibodies are present or formed in response
to antigen from fetal blood crossing placenta
and entering maternal circulation
Hemolytic Disorders
• Maternal antibodies of IgG class
cross placenta, causing hemolysis of
fetal RBCs
• Fetal anemia
• Neonatal jaundice
• Hyperbilirubinemia
Hemolytic Disorders
Rh incompatibility (isoimmunization)
• Only Rh-positive offspring of Rhnegative mother is at risk
• If fetus is Rh positive and mother Rh
negative, mother forms antibodies
against fetal blood cells
Hemolytic Disorders
ABO incompatibility
• Occurs if fetal blood type is A, B, or AB,
and maternal type is O
• Incompatibility arises because naturally
occurring anti-A and anti-B antibodies
are transferred across placenta to fetus
• Exchange transfusions required
Neonatal Infections
Bacterial, viral, fungal, Group B Strip
• Early onset or congenital
• Nosocomial infection—late onset
Neonatal Infection
• Pneumonia
• Bacterial meningitis
• Gastroenteritis is sporadic
Neonatal Infections
TORCH infections
• Toxoplasmosis
• Gonorrhea
• Syphilis
• Varicella-zoster
• Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
• Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
and acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS)