2014 May Agenda & Minutes

Cardiovasc ular Disease and Diabetes Coalitio n o f Indiana | CA DI
Data, Surveillance and Evaluation Ad-Hoc Committee
Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date:
Meeting Time:
Meeting Location:
Conference Line:
Recorded By:
9:00am to 10:00am
Indiana Public Health Association
615 N Alabama St. Ste. 426 Indianapolis IN 46204
Number: (877) 422-1931
Passcode: 4717625879
Kiran Gill
1. Agenda:
1. Welcome and introduction
2. April Minutes
3. Quarterly Newsletters
a. Q2— Community health workers
b. Q3— Trauma registry
c. Q4—Gestational diabetes or Caregivers
4. Partner Organization Survey
5. Feedback on CADI Resource Directory Survey
6. Updates on BMI/Gestational Diabetes –Greg Budney
7. Quarterly Meeting – June 11 1pm to 4pm at Marion County Public Health Department
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Cardiovasc ular Disease and Diabetes Coalitio n o f Indiana | CA DI
Indiana State Department of Health
Indiana State Department of Health
Program Manager and Assistant Director
of Outreach
Purdue University Center for Cancer
MPH student
Purdue University
1. Welcome and introduction
2. April Minutes
a. Group gave consensus to approve minutes.
3. Quarterly Newsletters: Caitlin discussed the quarterly newsletter topics.
a. Q2— Community health workers
b. Q3— Trauma registry
i. Caitlin mentioned that the Systems of Care committee heard a great presentation about trauma
registry from Katy Gatz.
c. Q4—Gestational diabetes or Caregivers
4. Partner Organization Survey
a. The group discussed the Diabetes State Plan. Cynthia mentioned that Community Solutions turned it
back to ISDH, who had letters to put in place. She does not know where it stands as of now.
b. Caitlin mentioned that the Purdue Extension meeting had a presentation on coalition evaluation; we
could look at what other coalitions are doing to survey their partners.
c. Teasa mentioned that ICC has a good method. Cynthia mentioned we could use that as a model but we
need guidance from Laura before we move forward because we do not have a cardiovascular state plan.
i. The group decided to consult Laura; Greg stated that this is a steering committee question.
d. Caitlin mentioned that we need to decide what information to collect from members now that we can
use later; we need to get information about monetization (membership dues, etc.).
e. Caitlin also discussed the need for exhibitors for the Community Health Workers Symposium and
mission driven advertisements for the resource guide.
f. Cynthia mentioned that on Question 10, if we remove diabetes state plan language and add
cardiovascular disease and stroke, we can use the survey.
g. Teasa stated that for question 9, we need to look at the ICC model to rephrase.
h. Caitlin can draft objectives for committees to approve and put that together with the survey.
i. Before the next meeting, Caitlin will put the survey in survey monkey for the committee to review.
5. Feedback on CADI Resource Directory Survey
a. Caitlin will email the language to Cynthia.
6. Updates on BMI/Gestational Diabetes
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Cardiovasc ular Disease and Diabetes Coalitio n o f Indiana | CA DI
a. Greg mentioned that the abstract was submitted on May 4th and it is under review; the conference is in
b. While the BRFSS indicates a 1% prevalence rate, birth certificates show a 6% prevalence rate of
gestational diabetes.
7. Quarterly Meeting – June 11 1pm to 4pm at Marion County Public Health Department
a. Tova Green (Ivy Tech Ft. Wayne), who started the community health worker certification program, will
be presenting.
b. Partner mapping tool: Cynthia suggested that attendees should identify and draw links among the
organizations they are involved in on a large sheet of paper.
i. The group discussed that it would be best to divide up the attendees into 4 small groups, have
them create a mapping tool and then rotate once to check whether their organization was listed
in the other groups.
Post-Meeting Action Items
Action Item
Assigned To
Email resource directory survey language to Cynthia.
Draft objectives for committees to approve.
Put the survey in survey monkey for the committee to review.
8. Decisions Made
Will implement partner organization evaluation next
Will introduce network mapping tool at next quarterly meeting
Next Meeting
Next Meeting: Thursday, July 24th, 2014 9:00am to 10:30am at IPHA.
Quarterly Meeting: Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 1:00pm to 4:00pm.
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Cardiovasc ular Disease and Diabetes Coalitio n o f Indiana | CA DI
Appendix I – Evaluation Timeline
Develop/update CADI Committee
Logic Models, emphasizing the current
priority objectives and activities
Update Progress Indicator Report
Implement Partner Organization
Survey; draft a summary report
Conduct CADI Member Registration
Data Analysis
Implement CADI Member Satisfaction
Survey; draft a summary report
Conduct Member Network Mapping
Survey; analyze findings
Complete Committee Activity Reports;
draft a summary report
Conduct group discussions with
committees or specific groups using
Focus Group Protocol; draft a
summary report
Review the Evaluation Plan for the
Indiana Diabetes State Plan
May, even years only
Quarterly (collect and review each
As needed with an annual
conversation each Fall to access
CADI Committees; Steering
Data, Surveillance, and Evaluation
Committee; Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Advocacy and Partnership
Advocacy and Partnership
CADI Committees; Steering
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
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Cardiovasc ular Disease and Diabetes Coalitio n o f Indiana | CA DI
Appendix II – Partner Organization Survey
The Partner Organization Survey (POS) will assist CADI leadership in assessing the degree to which CADI partners are
engaging in the objectives and strategies outlined in the IDSP. This information is useful context when considering the
progress toward the objectives and is also helpful in identifying gaps in the implementation of the IDSP. CADI has many
active committees; however, the IDSP was designed to guide and mobilize partners across the State. Therefore,
assessing the degree to which IDSP objectives and strategies are being implemented requires monitoring of CADI
committees AND the efforts of individual partner organizations across the state.
The POS asks a single representative from each partner organization (or for large, multiunit organizations, a
representative from each partner unit or division) to identify each of the goals, objectives, and strategies that the
organization has been working on since the previous survey. The POS will be administered electronically (via Survey
Monkey) to the individual listed as the point of contact on each Organizational Member’s application. The survey will be
administered annually, in September. The results of the POS will be summarized and reviewed by the CADI Coordinator
in collaboration with the Steering Committee, who are then responsible for using the findings to develop strategies to
ensure that all elements of the IDSP are being addressed by stakeholders. Again, the committees of CADI are not solely
responsible for implementing every strategy in the IDSP. Rather, the Partner Organization Survey is a tool that CADI
leadership can use to identify areas of the Plan that are not being addressed directly or indirectly by CADI members and
partner organizations. Contextualized with the indicator progress report and other membership information, CADI
leaders can use the information gleaned from the POS to determine whether sufficient effort is being applied to the
objectives and strategies outlined in the IDSP and to take leadership on finding appropriate partners in areas where gaps
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