
Kiera and Tasha
Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto,
he has a twin sister named Artemis,
the god of the natural environment.
Apollo had numerous love affairs
with both male and female gods and
mortals, such as Cassandra, the king
of Troys daughter, and Hyacinth, a
Spartan prince.
He had four children, Asclepius,
Troilus, Aristaeus
and Orpheus, to unknown consorts.
Apollo is the god of the Sun, music, medicine,
healing, truth, prophecy, plague, poetry,
education, archery, and the protection of the
young. He is sometimes shown with a golden
bow and arrow, as he is the god of archery. He
also has the power over plague. He is depicted
as a handsome, beardless youth with long hair
and various attributes including a wreath and a
Apollo fell in love with the Spartan
prince, Hyacinth, but so did the God
Zephyrus. To win him over, the two
male Gods threw a discus each, the
one who threw the furthest won the
love of the Prince. Apollo won,
however killed the his new lover
when throwing the discus, it hit his
head and instantly killed him. In
honour, Apollo turned his lovers
blood into the hyacinth flower.
Marsyas was a wonderful pan pipe
player and all the forests came to
listen to him play the pipes. One day
Marsyas said that he was a better
musician that the god of music
himself, Apollo. This angered Apollo
and so Apollo challenged Marsyas to
a music competition. The winner
could do anything they want to the
loser. Marsyas played his pipes and
he was wonderful but when Apollo
played the lyre, he was better. So
Apollo won and because Marsyas
had dared to even say that he was
even close to being as good at him,
he skinned him alive and hung him
from a tree.
Daphne, who was created
by mother earth was the
first love of Apollo. When
Apollo saw Daphne for the
first time he was struck
with arrows from Eros and
fell madly in love, Daphne
did not feel the same way
and tried to flee, but
Apollo didn’t want to give
her up and caught her. Full
of despair, Daphne prayed
to her mother to make her
disappear and the wish
was granted. She then
turned into a fragrant
plant called the laurel
tree, this is now the
symbol of Apollo.
Apollo once fell in love with a princess
Cassandra , this time without the help of
Eros. She was the daughter of the king of
Troy. Because he liked her he gifted her
with the gift of prophecy. Even though
Apollo gave her the gift of prophecy she still
disliked him. So he made it so that nobody
would believe whatever she said about the
future. She foretold the downfall of Troy,
but nobody believed her. She foretold the
dangers of the Trojan Horse, but nobody
believed her. Then finally she foretold that
Clytemnestra, the wife of Agamemnon, was
going to kill him. But he didn't believe her.
And as Agamemnon returned to his wife,
she and the male she really liked murdered
There was once an old man who was a priest of
Apollo. The old man respected Apollo and didn't
ever disrespect him. But one day the Greek hero
Agamemnon insulted the old man and he was
angry. So the old man prayed to Apollo to get
revenge on the man for the insult. And Apollo,
grateful for the man's service as a priest, went to
the Greek camp for nine days and shot poisoned
arrows at the men and all their animals, spreading
a plague on the Greeks in the Trojan War.
‘So he spoke in prayer, and Phoebus Apollo heard
him and came down in fury from the heights of
Olympus, his bow and covered quiver on his back’
‘So Apollo inflicted a deadly plague on
Agamemnon's army and destroyed his men’
‘Now respect the Archer-god Apollo, son of Zeus’
‘Apollo has found no faults with any broken vows or
‘For the rest of the day the young Greek warriors
sang and danced to applease the God with a
beautiful Hymn celebrating the Archer Apollo, the
which he listened with delight’