CONTRACTS FALL 2012 PROFESSOR MARY ANNE WALDRON, Q.C. Table of Contents Legal remedies for breach of contract .................................................................................................................................... 4 Damages.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Wertheim v. Chicoutimi Pulp CB 27 ................................................................................................................................ 4 Hawkins v. McGee CB 36 “I promise a 100% good hand!” ............................................................................................. 4 What issues might complicate damage awards? ................................................................................................................ 4 Damages in Contract v. Damages in Tort ........................................................................................................................ 4 Specific Performance .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Falcke v. Gray CB 121 “I want those ugly china vases you promised me!” .................................................................... 5 Warner Bros. v. Nelson CB 135 “Betty Davis doesn’t want to act for you anymore!” ................................................... 5 Offer ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 What Is An Offer?................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Denton v. Great Northern Railway CB 174 “You advertised a train, there is NO train!” ................................................ 6 Johnston Bros v. Rogers CB 177 “You could buy some flour from us” ........................................................................... 6 Lefkowitz v. Great Minneapolis Surplus Store CB 181 “Fur coats are only for ladies” ................................................... 6 Pharmaceutical Society v. Boots CB 183 “Do you have to keep medicine behind a counter?” ..................................... 6 Dickinson v. Dodds CB 192 “Rumor has it, you’re going to sell that land to Allan now!” .............................................. 7 Acceptance .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 How Acceptance Happens .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Manchester Diocesan Council CB 189 “Judge is frustrated with the assumption of time limits” .................................. 8 Larkin v. Gardiner CB 191 “But I told my agent! That should count, right?” .................................................................. 8 Eliason v. Henshaw CB 199 “Sent acceptance for flour to wrong place via wrong mode” ............................................ 8 Acceptance or Counter-Offer? ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Notes CB 200 ................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Butler Machine Tool Co. V. Ex-Cell-O Corp. CB 201 “Battle of Forms” ........................................................................... 8 Tenders ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Tendering Process ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 MJB Enterprises v. Defence Construction CB 209 “but they didn’t give you a fixed price!” .......................................... 9 Formalization and Certainty.................................................................................................................................................. 10 Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Filling in the Gaps .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 May and Butcher Limited v. The King CB 219 “You can buy this tentage” ................................................................... 10 Hillas v. Arcos CB 222 “Buying some Russian Trees” .................................................................................................... 10 Foley v. Classique Coaches CB 223 “I’ll sell you this land if you buy your gas from me” ............................................. 10 Empress Towers v. Bank of Nova Scotia CB 230 “I want $15,000” or you are kicked out!” ......................................... 11 Correspondence .................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Acceptance ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Henthorn v. Fraser CB 240 “Mailed acceptance before received withdrawal” ............................................................ 12 Withdrawal of Offer .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Byrne v. Leon Van Tienhoven CB 242 “doing business overseas before telephones… ugh” ........................................ 12 Note from Pollock and Restatement excerpt CB 244 ................................................................................................... 12 Exceptions ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Howell Securities v. Hughes CB 244 “the letter that never arrived” ............................................................................ 12 Electronic Communication ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Eastern Power v. Azienda CB 248 ................................................................................................................................. 13 Electronic Commerce Act CB 251.................................................................................................................................. 13 Consideration ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Consideration Provides: ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Gifts ............................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Contract of Agency ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Rescission: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 What is consideration? ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 White v. Bluett CB 255 “You don’t have to pay me back if you shut up, son” ............................................................. 15 Hamer v. Sidway CB 257 “Nephew, stop those shenanigans and I’ll give you $5000”................................................. 15 Thomas v. Thomas CB 258 “Oh I forgot to give my wife something in the will…” ....................................................... 15 Explicit vs. Implicit Consideration ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Tobias v. Dick CB 263 “I have exclusive right to sell your Dick Crusher” ...................................................................... 15 Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon CB 264 “Brand some fashion in my name”.............................................................. 15 Pre-Existing Legal Duties ................................................................................................................................................... 16 Harris v. Watson CB 266 “The ship is in danger! Please do this extra work to save it, I’ll pay!” .................................. 16 Stilk v. Myrick CB 266 “I will give you the deserters wages if you keep working” ........................................................ 16 New Zealand Shipping ................................................................................................................................................... 16 Gilbert Steel v. University Construction CB 271 “The price of steel went up! Sure we’ll pay that… not” .................... 16 Williams v. Roffey CB 274 ENGLAND 1991 “Oops, I didn’t charge enough for this job, now I can’t finish”................. 17 Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Greater Fredericton Airport Authority v. NAV CB 283 “We aren’t paying for your new equipment” ......................... 17 River Wind Ventures Ltd. v. British Columbia CB 282 ................................................................................................... 17 Money as consideration for Money .................................................................................................................................. 17 Foakes v. Beer CB 283 “Mrs. Beer has legal judgement against Dr. Foakes, but she lets him pay less at first” .......... 17 Mercantile Law Amendment Act CB 287 (see also, Law and Equity Act, RSBC 1996, c. 253, s. 46) ............................. 17 Legal compromise as Consideration ................................................................................................................................. 18 Fairgrief v. Ellis CB 291 “Come live with me and I’ll give you my house… oh wait, my bitch wife is back” .................. 18 Pledges and Donations...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Dalhousie College v. Boutilier Estate CB 292 “But he promised us $5000!” ................................................................ 18 Intention................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Contracts between family relations .................................................................................................................................. 18 Jones v. Padavatton CB 301 “Hey daughter, leave Washington and study for the bar in England, I’ll pay” ................ 18 Contracts between business relations .............................................................................................................................. 18 Rose v. J.R. Crompton CB 304 “Let’s put this into our K that it isn’t actually a K in any court” ................................... 18 Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Legal remedies for breach of contract Damages Two broad classes 1) minor—timing slightly off or inconviences—remedy is always DAMAGES. 2) Major—cancelling early or broken in a serious way—remedy is usually damages, an unusual remedy is for specific performance of the contract to be order, very rarely recission is ordered which means to put the parties back in original positions if the K never existed. Wertheim v. Chicoutimi Pulp CB 27 Issue Ratio How to determine the amount of The plaintiff should be damages to award? compensated so that they are in the same position as if the contract had been performed Hawkins v. McGee CB 36 “I promise a 100% good hand!” Issue Ratio How to determine the amount of The plaintiff should be Damages compensated so that they are in the same position as if the contract had been performed Notes Notes Losses incurred because of the breach of K not considered: i.e. pain and suffering b/c of hurt hand—JUST put them in the position had the K been performed, not extra damages What issues might complicate damage awards? Limiting Factors: Plaintiff needs to attempt to mitigate their loses if it is possible to do so. Remoteness: things not reasonably anticipated ex. The loss of a kingdom b/c the shoe fell off a horse is not a ‘fair’ circumstance in which to attribute damages to the horse shoe contract breaker. Intangible Damages: Normally psychological pain and suffering not considered, UNLESS the K has an element of psychological benefit to it, then you might be able to recover for emotional distress. Punitive Damages: If there is no economic loss, or in addition to damages for economic loss, rarely the court will place punitive damages to punish the K breaker Damages in Contract v. Damages in Tort Damages in Contract are all about remedying economic loss. Torts will give out remedies for pain and suffering, but not contract damages Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Specific Performance Originates in the court of equity and was historically reserved for transactions involving land. In order to sue for specific performance you have to be able to show that money can’t reasonably compensate you. Discretionary remedy, which means the plaintiff MUST 1) act promptly 2) Not be guilty of sharp practices or bad dealing Falcke v. Gray CB 121 “I want those ugly china vases you promised me!” Issue Ratio Notes Can specific performance be If an article in a K is of unique Must be impossible to find sought for the sale of chattels, character the court can order SP elsewhere rather than the historic realto enforce the K to sell it. -Court will not prejudice property? innocent 3rd parties (i.e. if already sold to someone else=No SP) -SP not ordered in this case b/c already sold to 3rd party Warner Bros. v. Nelson CB 135 “Betty Davis doesn’t want to act for you anymore!” Issue Ratio Notes Can the court enforce specific The court will not enforce a Negative covenants cannot be performance for personal service positive covenant for personal enforced if doing so leaves the (i.e. make you do a thing you service b/c it is tantamount to individual with nothing else to said you would do in a K) indentured servitude, it is too do but starve or perform the difficult to enforce, and is too personal service. detailed requiring too much supervision. Negative covenants can be enforced Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Offer Offer: What constitutes an offer? An important factor to consider is how the ptf relied upon the disputed offer. Would a reasonable person assume that this was de facto an offer? An offer must contain all the terms necessary for the contract to be performed. Certain terms can be implied if there is a usual industry standard for something like quantity etc. An offer can be withdrawn or changed any time prior to acceptance but this must be communicated to the other party. What Is An Offer? Denton v. Great Northern Railway CB 174 “You advertised a train, there is NO train!” Issue Ratio Notes Does a train timetable constitute A train time table constitutes an -The degree of certainty by Ptf a contract? offer which is accepted when a important, how much they relied person arrives to take the train. upon the “offer” -Policy issue: wanted railways to be responsible to the public Johnston Bros v. Rogers CB 177 “You could buy some flour from us” Issue Ratio Notes Is a price quote an offer or an A price quote is merely an The amount of reliance placed invitation to treat? What is the invitation to treat because there on a disputed ‘offer’ is difference btwn an offer and an are still many details of the K to important: what would the invitation to treat? determine, such as quantity and reasonable expectation be. Also timing. the wording of the disputed “offer”—is it clear that it is invitation to treat by wording? Lefkowitz v. Great Minneapolis Surplus Store CB 181 “Fur coats are only for ladies” Issue Ratio Notes What is an offer versus an An offer must contain all the -Anytime prior to acceptance the invitation to treat? terms necessary for the contract offer can be changed or Specific: Can an advertisement to be performed to be withdrawn be an offer? considered an offer. If it doesn’t, - Unusual situation in which then it is just an invitation to court held ad was offer- b/c it treat was so specific. -Legislation provides consumer protection for ads now. Pharmaceutical Society v. Boots CB 183 “Do you have to keep medicine behind a counter?” Issue Ratio Notes When does the contract of sale Displaying items on a shelf is Illustrates that the courts care in a self-serve store take place? merely an invitation to treat. The about the consequences of I.e. what is the offer? offer occurs when the customer declaring something a contract. takes the item to the till for They look at the practicalities purchase and acceptance is the that result from declaring cashier/clerk ringing the item something an offer. through the till and taking the $. Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Dickinson v. Dodds CB 192 “Rumor has it, you’re going to sell that land to Allan now!” Issue Ratio Notes Can an offer be withdrawn? A firm offer is not enforceable, - You can enforce a firm offer it until acceptance the offeror is as is placed under seal (from the free as the offeree to change old writ of covenant) their mind and withdraw or alter the offer. The offeror must communicate a change in the offer or a withdrawal to the offeree Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Acceptance How Acceptance Happens Manchester Diocesan Council CB 189 “Judge is frustrated with the assumption of time limits” Issue Ratio Notes Why does the law impose time If acceptance exceeds a The judge preferred option b b/c limits on acceptance when not reasonable amount of time the K that seemed more easy to imposed in the offer? is not valid b/c a)the offer is determine objectively and be fair considered withdrawn or b) the to both parties offer is seen as refused Larkin v. Gardiner CB 191 “But I told my agent! That should count, right?” Issue Ratio Notes What constitutes acceptance? When the power of acceptance OR is given to a person, that person Does acceptance need to be has a duty to communicate their communicated to the offeror? acceptance to the offeror. Until communication happens, no acceptance is made. Eliason v. Henshaw CB 199 “Sent acceptance for flour to wrong place via wrong mode” Issue Ratio Notes How Can the offeree accept? It is in the power of the offeror -Term of acceptance can’t be to dictate the terms of SILENCE. But, offeree can do an acceptance, if they are not met action to show they accept there is no K despite the faulty terms, there can still be a K. -Statute: unsolicited goods can be used or kept. They can’t make you pay. Acceptance or Counter-Offer? Notes CB 200 Not always easy to tell if counter-offer has been made b/c the terms might not be significantly different. If they aren’t different, the 1st offer dictates the terms—“material difference” required to be called counter-offer Butler Machine Tool Co. V. Ex-Cell-O Corp. CB 201 “Battle of Forms” Issue Ratio Notes What is a counter offer and what A counter-offer is essentially a Use classical analysis of offer and is merely attempting to add rejection of the original offer, so acceptance to determine what conditions? must have a significant the K is. K is bound by terms of Can you have a clause that says difference between it and offer. offer. Can’t just do what the counter offers don’t count? Valid counter offer contains the court thinks the party’s meant. NEW terms that the agreement is bound by and original offer terms are thrown out. Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Tenders UCC and notes CB 204 Tendering Process Can’t be subject to normal rules of offer and acceptance, b/c offerors who are calling for tenders need the bidders to keep their acceptance on the table and take contract if chosen To remedy problem Courts construct a K out of the call for tenders (becomes offer) and the bids(becomes acceptance) The bidders agree to keep bids on table and to accept K if awarded The consideration given in exchange by the offeror is to promise to treat all bids fairly. This contract is reffered to as contract A, while the contract that is awarded for the actual project (i.e. building a school) is referred to as contract B This leads many people to sue for breach of K A when they are not awarded K B Leads to more expenses which could be lessened by legislation but there isn’t any MJB Enterprises v. Defence Construction CB 209 “but they didn’t give you a fixed price!” Issue Ratio Notes Can a call for tenders choose a A privilege clause cannot extend You could negate terms of K A in non-compliant bid to award K B to cover non-compliant bids b/c order to choose a non-compliant to? this is a breach of K A—isn’t bid if you stated that intention treating bids fairly to choose a from the outset, but then no K A non-compliant one would be formed at all b/c there The only way to have a firm would be no consideration and offer is to construct a contract bidders wouldn’t have to leave out of the offer and agreement bids on table. to negotiate itself Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Formalization and Certainty Many details including price need to be determined for a K to be formed Few K can cover all the details, many are verbal etc. Bad public policy to declare all K with any amount of uncertainty void b/c then there would never be any Ks. Courts have a whole range of tools to attempt to fill in gaps of Ks if it appears parties meant to enter into a K. It is difficult to determine where to draw the line btwn being able to fill in gaps and the court simply writing a K which they will not do. The line btwn enforceability and void for uncertainty is tricky Filling in the Gaps May and Butcher Limited v. The King CB 219 “You can buy this tentage” Issue Ratio Notes Is an agreement to agree a The court will not create a K -Couldn’t rely on arbitration contract? NO between the parties. Must be clause b/c K didn’t give the enough material to work with in arbitrator the power to decide the original K in order for the the price, just was a method of court to “fill gaps” resolving a disagreement -B/c disagreement couldn’t be resolved, impossible to have a K b/c only way price could be decided was by agreement Hillas v. Arcos CB 222 “Buying some Russian Trees” Issue Ratio Is an agreement to agree a Ongoing relationships/contracts contract? YES require a certain amount of flexibility for them to work, therefore a court should use tools such as examining history of past details or industry standards to fills in gaps when a disagreement about an uncertain detail arises Notes -Court wanted to limit the rule from May and Butcher. -Distinguished b/c parties had operated with the uncertain contract for 1 year before disagreement occurred. Foley v. Classique Coaches CB 223 “I’ll sell you this land if you buy your gas from me” Issue Ratio Notes Is an agreement to agree a The courts may use past -Distinguished from May and contract? YES practices to ‘fill gaps’ in Butcher b/c parties had operated contracts to make them work K for 3 years w no problem, rather than voiding them. which means party couldn’t legit believe there was no K -Also this K was a condition of a larger K to sell some land, so couldn’t just void this K w/o voiding the larger K Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Empress Towers v. Bank of Nova Scotia CB 230 “I want $15,000” or you are kicked out!” Issue Ratio Notes Where is the line between gap Courts may imply terms into a K 2 Tests for when courts will filling and no contract for lack of to resolve internal imply terms detail? inconsistanccy OR to make the K 1) Efficious Bystander- what work would an objective third party say about the intention of the K 2) Business Efficacy- Did parties act as if legal relationship was intended-imply terms to make legal relationship work Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Correspondence Acceptance Henthorn v. Fraser CB 240 “Mailed acceptance before received withdrawal” Issue Ratio Notes Is acceptance complete when it Acceptance is complete as soon -b/c risk of acceptance by mail is is posted or when it is received? as it is posted if both parties born by offeror, b/c they have would reasonably expect the power to set terms of mail to be used to give acceptance and could say no acceptance mail if they wanted. -Reasonably expect mail to be used: live far away, no other options, offer sent by mail etc. Withdrawal of Offer Byrne v. Leon Van Tienhoven CB 242 “doing business overseas before telephones… ugh” Issue Ratio Notes Is withdrawal of an offer official Withdrawal of an offer by mail is when it has been posted, or not considered withdrawn until when it has been received? the offeree receives it Note from Pollock and Restatement excerpt CB 244 Can only consider offer revoked if it is communicated to other party Unfair otherwise b/c offeree may act on the basis that they have a K Exceptions Howell Securities v. Hughes CB 244 “the letter that never arrived” An “option K” is when an offer is open for a fixed period of time. Because this is a great benefit to the person who has power of acceptance, the courts interpret option clauses very strictly. Issue Is there still a K if the letter never arrives, b/c it was formed when it was mailed? Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Ratio Rule of acceptance upon posting does NOT apply if express terms of offer specify acceptance must reach the offeror. Notes This is the 2nd qualification for post box rule: 1. Mail must be mode 2. Can’t if terms indicate otherwise Electronic Communication Eastern Power v. Azienda CB 248 Issue Ratio Who has jurisdiction? Was the K Normally where acceptance is formed where acceptance received is the jurisdiction of the received or where sent? K. However, this is opposite for letters that are mailed, where it is where the acceptance is sent. Should acceptance by fax fall The post box rule is not applied under the post box rule? to instantaneous forms of communication. Notes Electronic Commerce Act CB 251 Received when capable of being retrieved (if addressee uses that system for that type of communication, if they DON’T then it’s when the addressee becomes aware of it) Acceptance It’s ok to click on an icon to accept Errors with online agents Escape clause if there is a mistake with an automated agent Sent considered ‘sent’ when it leaves your system Further clarification of location of things sent/received. Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Consideration Legal requirement of a K Something given in exchange Promisor = person doing the thing you want to enforce Promisee= recipient of the thing you want to enforce Consideration must move from the promisee to the promisor Wholly executory K there are just promises given in consideration, no one has acted Executed K when something has been carried out in consideration (whole or part) Promise for a promise counts as consideration, although this is theoretically tricky. For policy reasons that we want people to be able to rely on those promises. Generally: consideration is a detriment to the promisee (at the request of the promisor) OR is a benefit to the promisor. Consideration Provides: 1. Evidence that a K was made 2. Evidence that the parties intended a legal relationship 3. Distinguishes transaction as a K rather than a gift 4. Protects Reliance (even for wholly executory Ks) **See if the contested consideration fulfills any of these functions to determine if it is consideration*** Gifts A promise to make a gift is NOT enforceable. A gift must actually be transferred, completed, to be consider giftee the owner of the gift. Court will protect reliance on K’s over reliance on uncompleted gifts. Contract of Agency Party A contracts party B to do something: i.e. sell property or sign contracts on their behalf Party A implicitly receives consideration of party B’s “reasonable efforts” Agent doesn’t buy the property, if they fail to sell it is still party As. Rescission: Both parties promise to release the other from the original K (therefore adequate consideration from both— promise for a promise) which essentially creates a new K ending the original K. Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 What is consideration? White v. Bluett CB 255 “You don’t have to pay me back if you shut up, son” Issue Ratio Notes Is a promise “not to complain” ‘giving up’ something for Also policy: don’t want to say consideration? consideration is only valid if the you can annoy someone until promisee has the legal right to they agree to pay you $ for you do that thing. to stop. Hard to prove if son kept his bargain anyway. Son doesn’t have legal right to complain b/c father not legally required to treat all his children the same. Hamer v. Sidway CB 257 “Nephew, stop those shenanigans and I’ll give you $5000” Issue Ratio Notes Is a promise to “not smoke, A promise to refrain from doing distinguished from white b/c drink, play cards, swear until 21” something that you have legal very specific transfer consideration? right to do is good consideration. requirements, witnesses, Detriment to Nephew AT evidence in writing REQUEST of the Uncle Thomas v. Thomas CB 258 “Oh I forgot to give my wife something in the will…” Issue Ratio Notes Consideration, or burdens Consideration must flow from Here the £1 rent was paid to the incidental to a gift? promisee to promisor and be executor not the landlord, something more or different therefore wasn’t just an incident Ex. someone gives you a horse than they would necessarily have of a gift of the house but rather and you have to feed it, feeding to do if the item was a gift. was consideration. it is incident to the gift. Explicit vs. Implicit Consideration Tobias v. Dick CB 263 “I have exclusive right to sell your Dick Crusher” Issue Ratio Is a contract of exclusive right to sell If the K does not specify amounts or void for lack of consideration? quotas of sale there is no K b/c there is no consideration. Instead it should be seen as an “umbrella offer” and acceptance creates a mini contract each time the one person buys the product from the other. Notes Not an Agency K because Tobias was buying the product from Dick, therefore not acting as his agent and couldn’t find implicit consideration that Tobias would “do his best” to sell. Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon CB 264 “Brand some fashion in my name” Issue Ratio Notes Can consideration be implicit in a Consideration can be implicitly Different than Tobias b/c Wood contract of exclusive right to sell? understood as “reasonable effort” if wasn’t buying, he was providing the K is an agency K. detailed accounts, K was quite detailedlooks like joint enterprise Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Pre-Existing Legal Duties Harris v. Watson CB 266 “The ship is in danger! Please do this extra work to save it, I’ll pay!” Issue Ratio Notes Is a variation of consideration Extra consideration offered for what Policy decisiondidn’t want to fuck enforceable because continuing to do the party already had a pre-existing with sea faring business in England your contractual obligations adequate duty to do is not enforceable. consideration? Stilk v. Myrick CB 266 “I will give you the deserters wages if you keep working” Issue Ratio Notes Is continuing to do your contractual It is not adequate consideration to Decision based on: obligations adequate consideration in continue to do your pre-existing legal Doctrine of Consideration return for a variation of original K? obligations. Consideration must be something new, something that isn’t already required. New Zealand Shipping Issue Can a pre-existing duty to party A be valid consideration to party C? Ratio Notes It is valid consideration to promise to Exception to Pre-existing duty rule do a pre-existing legal duty from one K to a 3rd party, because the 3rd party receives the consideration of a right of direct cause to enforce the K that otherwise they wouldn’t be able to. Gilbert Steel v. University Construction CB 271 “The price of steel went up! Sure we’ll pay that… not” Issue Ratio Notes Are contractual variations, which are Contractual variations fail for want of Policy problem for doing business, practical, enforceable? consideration. Consideration cannot people don’t check with their lawyers be vague or merely an incident of the every time they need to change variation (i.e. natural consequence). something in a K. The only way to change the consideration of one party, is to mutually rescind the original K and make a new K with the new (i.e. price) Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Williams v. Roffey CB 274 ENGLAND 1991 “Oops, I didn’t charge enough for this job, now I can’t finish” Issue Ratio Notes Can the rule of pre-existing duties be Yes if ALL these conditions are met: Still developing area, yet to be seen if relaxed in some circumstances? 1. Pre-existing K for A to do or supply this will be applied in Canada or something for B perhaps in altered version. 2. B has significant doubt that A will or will be able to complete K 3. B offers A more $ (consideration) to complete on time *Without any economic duress 4. B receives the practical benefit of having K done on time, even if this does not come directly from B. Then performing the pre-exisiting duty can be good consideration. Greater Fredericton Airport Authority v. NAV CB 283 “We aren’t paying for your new equipment” Issue Ratio Notes Enforceability of contract variation. “post-contractual modification, -However misses the part from Does it apply the Williams v. Roffey unsupported by consideration my be William v. Roffey which requires a test? enforce able so as it” (is made in a “practical benefit” so doesn’t really serious way with intention for legally apply it correctly even though it enforceable promise) “is established purports to. that the variation was not procured under economic duress” River Wind Ventures Ltd. v. British Columbia CB 282 Issue Ratio Did greater fredricton airport apply No, it was missing the “practical the Williams v. Roffey test? benefit”. This is required for contract variation with no consideration Notes Money as consideration for Money Foakes v. Beer CB 283 “Mrs. Beer has legal judgement against Dr. Foakes, but she lets him pay less at first” Issue Ratio Notes If a debtor makes a promise to receive Payment of a lesser sum cannot be -Because if I give you 10$ for 20$ what a lesser payment than they are legally satisfaction for a greater is actually happening is you are giving owed, is this promise enforceable? me a gift of $10. Where is the consideration? Mercantile Law Amendment Act CB 287 (see also, Law and Equity Act, RSBC 1996, c. 253, s. 46) English law in response to Foakes v. Beer but have similar law in BC If creditor says part repayment in a certain way is ok, then doing so extinguishes the whole debt However if promise is made and not yet acted upon it is not enforceable Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012 Legal compromise as Consideration Fairgrief v. Ellis CB 291 “Come live with me and I’ll give you my house… oh wait, my bitch wife is back” Issue Ratio Notes Is giving up a right to legal action, If you have genuine belief that you No legal claim here b/c contract for which doesn’t actually exist, have a legal claim, it is good sale of land was not in writing—old consideration? consideration to promise to give it up. statute of frauds rule. Pledges and Donations Dalhousie College v. Boutilier Estate CB 292 “But he promised us $5000!” Issue Ratio Notes Is a pledge to donate an enforceable Pledges are gifts and not contracts for UNLESS project embarked upon with K? Where is the consideration? lack of consideration on the part of the donation is at the request of the the charity donator or subject to their conditions (like naming the building after them) Intention Contracts between family relations Presume that agreements between family are not legally binding contracts Jones v. Padavatton CB 301 “Hey daughter, leave Washington and study for the bar in England, I’ll pay” Issue Ratio Notes Can the presumption against family Yes, if intention to the contrary is Factors: specificity, significan relation agreements being legally shown given all the circumstances detriment in reliance, evidence in binding be rebutted? writing, degree of flexibility Contracts between business relations Presume that agreements between business relations are meant to be legally binding Rose v. J.R. Crompton CB 304 “Let’s put this into our K that it isn’t actually a K in any court” Issue Ratio Notes Can the presumption that business Yes, if express intention is written into Rare, but particularly used in interagreements are legally binding be the agreement to the contrary. institutional agreements (i.e. rebutted? universities) Cassidy Thomson Fall 2012