October 2015 - National Student Nurses Association

COSP Connection
A New Adventure in Planning Your Nursing Career!
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, GA
33rd Annual MidYear Career Planning Conference
November 5-8, 2015
Please share this important message with students and faculty in your state & school
Online Registration Deadline October 20
NSNA Room Rates Still Available.
Although the housing reservation deadline is officially October 2, there are still rooms available at NSNA’s special rate.
These rooms are available on a first come, first serve basis.
There are a limited number of these rooms left, so act now and reserve your room!
Greetings from the Council of State Presidents (COSP) Planning Committee Chair
There are only a few weeks separating us from the 2015 NSNA MidYear Conference in Atlanta, GA. I look
forward to seeing you all there, especially at our Council of State Presidents (COSP) meetings on November 5 th
and 6th. The COSP Planning Committee has worked very diligently to bring you one of the best COSP meetings
yet. Here are a few highlights from the tentative agenda.
NSNA Board of Directors Committee Updates
Special Speaker: Dr. Rumay Alexander
Sharing Circles: Increasing Membership
Invitational Leadership Luncheon
White Elephant Gift Exchange: Check out the rules here.
Sharing Circles: Winners Way Group – Strategies to Mediate Transitions/Communication
Sharing Circles: Election Areas – Convention Planning/Fundraising
How to Run an Effective Association
 Promoting Leadership PowerPoints, created by NSNA
 Multimedia PowerPoints, created by NSNA
COSP Planning Committee Election & Election
 NSNA Bylaws- Article 7 Section 8
Be sure to submit your Sharing of Accomplishments Forms prior to our meeting so others can be aware of
your state’s activities. All Sharing of Accomplishments Forms submitted prior to convention will be
incorporated into a packet for State Presidents to keep and use as a source of question or topics during the
COSP Sharing Circles. Please make sure to complete and submit your forms prior to convention.
Being that many states are holding their conventions in the near future, please be sure to send in updated
State Roster Form as soon as possible after state elections and add the newly elected president to the COSP
Facebook page. This will help us to be adequately prepared for our COSP meetings at MidYear.
We will be electing new COSP Planning Committee members to participate in the planning of the COSP
meeting at the 2016 NSNA Annual Convention. There will be positions available in the North, East, and West
election areas. If you are interested in becoming involved, please take a look at the COSP Policies &
Procedures to review responsibilities and eligibility requirements. If you decide to run, prepare a one-minute
speech outlining what you would bring to the table as a COSP Planning Committee member.
Remember to register as soon as possible for our MidYear Career Planning Conference on November 5-8,
2015, Atlanta, GA. I look forward to seeing each of you at our upcoming COSP! If you have any ideas,
questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me at EXOFFICIOCOSP@NSNA.ORG.
Shawn Guerette, Chair, COSP Planning Committee
NSNA Board of Directors Ex-Officio
Links: Sharing of Accomplishment Form, COSP Policies & Procedures, and White Elephant Gift Exchange
Message from NSNA President
State Presidents,
I hope your fall semester has been progressing well. Many of you are coming off of exciting weekends from
your own State Conventions, while others are still ramping up for the big event. Amidst everyone’s hectic
schedules it’s important to practice a little gratitude. I hope we’re all finding moments to appreciate the
opportunities we have been given as nursing student leaders; reflect on the fortune we have to be entering
into this amazing field and learning life-changing skill sets. Have you stopped to thank the people who have
been supportive forces in your life or inspiring in their own simple ways? The House of Delegates blessed me
by electing an amazing group of young professionals to the board of directors. Stop by our personal webpages
to check out their recent fall memos and learn about highlights from other key committee projects.
Motivate your team at Midyear
I’m looking forward to meeting many of you at the upcoming Midyear conference in Atlanta, GA. We hope
you can bring your student colleagues because it’s a shaping up to be a fantastic experience.
 Talk about the big picture: The conference brochures have been distributed, and you can find a
schedule of events online.
 Come for career development: Attend an interactive forum with a panel of 12 nurses from a range of
 Help move the NSNA mission forward: We will also have special sessions lead by our respective board
of directors to talk about topics that are specific to your positions and committees.
“Lead up” as an NSNA Member
I’m still reeling from an amazing event put on by the National League for Nursing (NLN) at their annual
Summit. The NLN is a collective of nursing faculty who are dedicated to promoting excellence in nursing
education. They have a long history with NSNA and are an excellent organization to get involved with for
those students who are interested in becoming nurse educators. While there, several NSNA student members
from local Nevada schools joined us. We started asking questions about ways that students could approach
school deans to garner more student engagement in their local and state chapters. Perhaps NSNA members
can “lead up” in the nursing profession by working to craft a message that smaller chapters can take to nursing
school deans and directors to ask for more support and promotion.
Help raise $50,000 for nursing students
Johnson and Johnson has reinstituted their donate-a-photo campaign with the goal of raising $50,000 for the
Foundation of the National Student Nurses Association (FNSNA). Please consider promoting the campaign by
donating photos yourselves (they can be of whatever you want), and by alerting your constituents about
downloading their app and getting involved. The opportunity to earn one dollar a day for nursing students by
uploading one photo a day ends on December 15, 2015.
State Relationships – We want your input
At the beginning of our term, the Board of Directors were each assigned 4-6 States to start building a
relationship with, share information, and get feedback on respective projects. We’d love to see increased
input from our state constituents regarding national projects and want to understand how the national team
can support our membership better. If you haven’t heard from a national board member recently, please feel
free to email myself or the COSP Chair, Shawn Guerette directly at president@nsna.org, or COSP@nsna.org
respectively. Let us know what you have going on regularly! Your efforts and communication will help inform
a discussion I’m having with other nursing leaders about opportunities for mentorship. Here’s an example of a
few of the simple insights other states have offered:
 Alabama sees the importance of submitting state minutes in a timely manner, and is interested in
streamlining that process. When submitted on a monthly basis, State minutes provides the national
board and staff with valuable information that can help us align our objectives.
 Like many states, Arkansas students maintain contact via conference calls, however they noted that
scheduling conflicts make establishing a quorum difficult.
 Arizona reached out to their National contact for recommendations on speakers that would add value
to their convention attendees who are faculty advisors.
 Nevada has been working with their National contact to stabilize their State association recruit
students to the State Board
 The National contact person has talked with Oregon about the process of any new start-a-chapter
inquiries, and the leadership summit is being held on October 17, 2015.
 Pennsylvania has been making BTN related projects a top priority this year. We’ve shared thoughts
and ideas around mentorship, succession planning, communication, and leadership U. Their leaders
are looking forward to talking with the rest of the States at COSP, and is interested in the discussions
we will all have at COSP. They’ve also showed enthusiasm and good feedback for brief discussions
we’ve had about ways the national team can increase visibility of NSNA members with professional
nursing executives.
Thanks for all that you are doing.
Ryan Bannan, NSNA President
Message from Secretary-Treasurer
Greetings to you all, and welcome back to the school year! I hope everyone had a relaxing and productive
summer. Special congratulations to all you newly elected or appointed presidents!
Planning for the year’s activities in your local NSNA chapters will set the stage and motivate your chapters
toward a productive year. As you plan your activities for the year, know that it is completely normal to feel a
little nervous or uneasy. However, I and the rest of the Board of Directors are here to help you!
Feel free to point your treasurer and secretary to the resources on the NSNA website, particularly the
Secretaries’ Handbook, our policy for submission of state minutes to assure constituent status for Annual
Convention, the Treasurer’s Handbook, and our tips for filing taxes for state organizations.
Speaking of taxes…
Organizations which are eligible to file a Form 990-N (e-Postcard) need to do so by the 15th of the 5th month
after the close of your fiscal year. If you have missed the deadline, don’t panic! There is no penalty assessment
for late filing the e-Postcard, but an organization that fails to file required e-Postcard (or information returns –
Forms 990 or 990-EZ) for three consecutive years will automatically lose its tax exempt status.
Best wishes to all of you for a productive and exciting school year! Good luck in your positions, and I look
forward to seeing many of you at MidYear Conference, November 5-8, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. I will be
running the Treasurer’s Workshop, the Leadership U Treasurer’s Certificate Workshop, and the Secretary’s
Workshop, so please send your treasurer and secretary to see me.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions, or if I can be of assistance to
you in any way!
Kelly Bell, NSNA Secretary-Treasurer
Message from Imprint Editor and Chair, Image of Nursing Committee
The NSNA Board of Directors is excited to work with you this year. You are an amazing group of dedicated and
motivated students, and are the critical link to our membership!
Here are some key points regarding Imprint and the Image of Nursing:
• Please remember to send us a digital copy of your state or school newsletter. PDFs are preferred. By
submitting your newsletters on time, your association is automatically entered into the newsletter contest.
Hard copy submissions are no longer required and are no longer considered entries into the contest. Submit
your newsletters online at www.bit.ly/nsnanewsletters
• Send in your submissions for Imprint magazine! Do you have some exceptional faculty advisors at the state
level? How is your state working to foster and increase “image awareness?” We would love to see letters,
articles, and submissions from our states and our individual members! Check the “Get Published” link for more
information and submission dates. Also, our Up Close reporter, Brian Duncan, profiles outstanding nursing
students. Reach out to him at nsna@nsna.org, attn: Up Close, and nominate a fellow nursing student who
goes above and beyond.
• Keep our Happenings reporter in the loop! Please send small items about recent activities to our Happenings
reporter, Katelyn Finnegan by emailing nsna@nsna.org with ATTN: Happenings. It can be a quick note about a
recent or upcoming activity, and she will follow up with you for the details.
It’s never too early to work on this year’s essay contest: "How does your stewardship of the Image of
Nursing brand protect and promote America's most-trusted profession?" To enter the contest, please go to
NSNA’s online Awards booklet, where you can also find out about this year’s other great contests:
Sabrina Lozier, Chair, Image of Nursing Committee
NSNA Imprint Editor
Message from BTN Director
Hello everyone!!
I hope everyone has been doing well in getting yourselves acclimated now that school started for the majority
of you all. Here is an update as to what is happening with BTN committee.
I went ahead and started with Goal 4: to publish successful BTN stories on our national website. I found an
excellent leader, Daniel Duron, from California who has brought success to not only his chapter but to the
nursing profession. I have received so many positive critiques from across nation about how helpful this is, and
I was also told by one individual from Jacksonville, Florida that they will use this project to bring success. If you
have a successful story/project that you wish to share, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be more
than happy to work with you on that.
Another big project that I have been working on is the Mentorship-Mentee Program Packet for 2015-2016.
This is a long-term project that I am hoping to see all state constituents use to distribute it to their respective,
local chapters. This will solidify a strong relationship among all levels of Breakthrough to Nursing: National,
State, and Local. Furthermore, I want to have this program, if possible, to be present everywhere. I strongly
believe that having a mentor is a key component in finishing nursing school. The person serves to help others
to success in nursing school, to create lasting relationship for network or friendship, and to showcase what the
nursing profession is all about.
I am extremely excited to see you all at the MidYear Conference. Please do not be afraid to come up to me! I
love making new friends and meeting people.
To stay updated with the National BTN committee, please look at this link for any help: BTN Program
Activities. I am also available via phone, Skype, emails, etc. As a national leader, I am open to you all and
feedbacks! My email is BTNDirector@nsna.org and you can also find me on the NSNA Forum. Last but not
least, you can request to be part of the BTN Facebook Group. I look forward to working with you all this
upcoming year!
Jae Lim
NSNA BTN Director
Message from Convention & Program Planning Chair
Greetings State Presidents!
School is back in full blast for many of you and I know that most of you are under the full load of schoolwork. I
hope that it is all getting done in a timely fashion and I hope that you are all doing great in all your classes.
The MidYear Conference is just around the corner and the time is now to start planning your trip. To aid in
your trip, I would like to focus on some of the specifics of the conference that will get you excited to attend.
The first piece of advice I have for you is that it is important to plan ahead. We all know that it is important to
not only prepare for our classes by staying in front of our schedule as much as we can, but it is important to
budget for it. The Budget Information is a great tool to help you get an idea on the budget that is in the
expected range for students to spend on the trip to Atlanta, Georgia on November 5-8. It will help you learn
more on the airline prices, hotel expenses, registration fees, and even the cab fare. It’s never too early to start
saving so make sure you save according to the proposed budget you put together!
So what exactly is at the MidYear Conference? Well for all the state presidents, NSNA is once again offering
the Council of State Presidents. This is where the state presidents can collaborate with one another about the
success stories of your organization has been experiencing, ask each other for advice, fabricate ideas on how
to develop better state infrastructure, and create life long bonds with other leaders. There will be several
workshops and classes that will focus on the aspects of learning pharmacology, how to improve test scores
and dominate the NCLEX, and how escalate your future career, and inform you about the newest subject
matter on human trafficking.
Did I mention that you will not want to miss out on the exhibit hall and The 80’s Strikes Back fundraising event
for FNSNA? There will be vendors that range from NCLEX Prep courses to future employers and graduate
schools. Take a look here to find the most update Vendor List. As for the fundraising event, all students,
faculty members are invited to enjoy an evening amongst each other and NSNA board members. There will be
refreshments provided while we karaoke and dance the night away to the classics of the 80s! Look here for
the online flier The 80’s Strikes Back.
I hope you all plan ahead and make it out to the conference. There is still much work being done that is
focused on advancing every student’s professional development by focusing on “A New Adventure in Planning
Your Nursing Career!” Be ready for great fellowship, networking opportunities and a chance to grow as a
person/student. It is one you don’t want to miss out on! Be looking for my article in the next Imprint issue for
some ideas on how to fundraise for MidYear Conference and Annual Convention!
Adam Tebben, Chair, Convention and Program Planning Committee
NSNA Director
Message from Legislation/Education Committee Chair
I cannot believe we are already halfway through with the semester! I hope you all doing well in school and
having some fun along the way! As you all know the theme this year is Nurses: Educate, Legislate and Vote.
With the focus on creating informed voters we are working hard to be successful! We are promoting Get out
the Vote strongly! This is a project that schools can participate in to set up tables and provide information on
how to register to vote. I know this is a big task so please reach out to myself with any questions or help to
get the campaign started! I will also be focusing on implementing resolutions and will definitely be asking
authors to write for me so be on the lookout for that!
Midyear is approaching fast and I hope to meet many of you there and I will be hosting a workshop focusing
on this campaign and I hope it can be an open discussion and brainstorm for all of us to help each other! I
encourage you to use the NSNA Forum to voice your questions, concerns and ideas to each other, this is what
this resource is for! Join at NSNA Forum! Again if you have anything you want to discuss with me please don’t
hesitate to contact me at vicepresident@nsna.org. I would love to keep up to date with everything you are
Caroline Miller, Chair, Legislation/Education Committee
NSNA Vice President
Message from Membership Recruitment
Hello Everyone!
It is hard to believe that we are halfway through with the semester and so close to MidYear Career Planning
Conference which means membership recruitment is so important! As you know our theme is “Nursing: The
Magical Connection”. We chose this theme because of Orlando in mind but also that we want to show
everyone whether and current or perspective NSNA the amazing connections NSNA can give you. You have so
many tools and resources at your fingertips to utilize and of course if you need help, I am here! Please feel
free to contact me with any and all of your membership recruitment questions because there is definitely a lot
that goes into recruiting members!
One of my goals this year is to increase the number of schools that request Start-A-Chapter information so
they can become official chapters of NSNA. The NSNA Board will be emailing you to let you know what
schools are requesting information so that you can be aware! More schools that become official chapters of
NSNA means more members! I hope to see you all at MidYear as we will be having a panel of various areas of
the membership program to come speak about how and why they are successful! I hope you have also
reviewed the updated dues schedule. The dues schedule reflects state and national dues combined. Check
the Student Membership for the new membership brochure featuring the new schedule and application.
Finally, make sure you join the NSNA Forum as it is a great tool to exchange ideas. Again, if you have any
questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at vicepresident@nsna.org
Caroline Miller, Chair, Membership Committee
NSNA Vice President
Message from Community Health and Disaster Preparedness
Greetings State Presidents! I hope all of your semesters are off to a great start and you are looking forward to
this year as much as I am!
This year’s Community Health & Disaster Preparedness theme is “Prepare to Be Aware, Education Today for
Tomorrow’s Possibilities”. Through your CHDP initiatives, you are creating a positive impact in your local
communities every day. This upcoming year, we hope for NSNA to make an impact at the national level as
well. We need to communicate in order to be successful. A large portion of the resolutions passed at the 2015
Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates were related to involving the community in disaster preparedness.
All of the goals and resources for CHDP can be found on the CHDP WEBSITE. Look out for more information on
hosting blood drives with the American Red Cross, participate in NSNA’s National Day of Service, and see a
future edition of Imprint how you can become NIMS certified!
Most recently the CHDP has been promoting FEMA’s National Preparedness Month all through September.
We hope a lot of chapters participated by becoming NIMS certified, helping their local communities
understand how to prepare for an emergency, and/or hosting disaster drills. Feel free to share you projects
with us and we encourage you to enter for an award at the annual convention in April of 2016.
Please feel free to browse the NSNA website for more information including our Planning Guide for
Community Health and Disaster Preparedness. There are two separate booklets since both topics require
unique planning and have their own awards.
I cannot wait to meet you all at NSNA’s 33rd MidYear Career Planning Conference in Atlanta, GA. I hope that
you will attend the CHDP Seminars and Events and take advantage of the valuable information and resources
we will provide. Feel free to contact me with any ideas, questions, or concerns you may have by email or by
posting on my Facebook page: NSNA Community Health & Disaster Preparedness -2015-2016
Enjoy the beautiful fall weather and I look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Megan Goodman, Chair, Community Health & Disaster Preparedness Committee
NSNA Director
Message from Bylaws and Policies Committee
Hello hard working state presidents of NSNA. Hopefully, all is going well in your state and you are having a
productive year in your positions. The Midyear Conference is close at hand so register and book your hotels
early. Also remember you have each other as resources, many of you have experience that can benefit
The Bylaws and Policies committee has been hard at work. The Core Values award is now on the NSNA
website and is available for application the deadline to apply is February 3, 2016. This award will be given to a
student you exemplifies the NSNA Core Values. Also on the website is the Bylaws and Policies award that is
given to a school who sets up a successful event informing students about bylaws, policies, and procedures.
The bylaws and policies committee is still working on editing some of our codes of conduct to reflect these
new changes with the institution of the Core Values. We are also making our way on standard operating
procedures and fact sheets to stream-line things like state/local chapter set-up, delegate credentialing, and
constituency. We would like to have input from the membership about these processes and what you would
like to have more clarification on. This could come by way of e-mail, Facebook, or the NSNA forum. Also during
the NSNA Midyear conference we will be having a workshop to discuss bylaws and policies, credentialing, and
delegate process please come participate and ask questions if you are in attendance.
As always, there are many resources available to the bylaws chairs at the school at state level. We encourage
you to help members of your state association and school chapters to become more knowledgeable of
your POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, as well as those of NSNA. There are several excellent tools available on
the NSNA BYLAWS AND POLICIES WEBSITE that can help with this process including the NSNA Bylaws, NSNA CODE
OF ETHICS, and Getting the Pieces to Fit, the handbook for school and state chapters. For important deadlines
download the calendar on NSNA website.
Also for students who want to learn more about bylaws and policies or parliamentary procedure we have a
PowerPoint presentation with basic information about the difference between law, policy, shared governance,
and parliamentary procedure. Please VISIT often to see how it is being improved and expanded. It is the goal
of this committee to continue to make this webpage more user friendly so that the resources of NSNA are
easily accessible to all members!
I look forward to working with all of you this year! See you in Atlanta!
Tanya Davis, Chair, Bylaws and Policies Committee
NSNA Director
Message from Global Initiatives in Nursing
The NSNA Global Initiatives in Nursing Committee is very excited about the upcoming NSNA MidYear Career
Planning Conference and the wonderful opportunities members will have to learn about global nursing and
healthcare issues.
Emerging Infectious Diseases: Global Impact—Local Consequence, will be presented as a general session at the
upcoming MidYear Career Planning Conference, November 5-8, 2015 in Atlanta, GA. As we learn more about
this important topic, we can bring the information back to our schools and engage our classmates in learning
about infection control. This topic is especially important as more and more nursing students participate in
mission trips, travel and work abroad. You will hear from a nurse who cared for Ebola patients about her
experience with this emerging disease.
Human trafficking—locally, nationally and globally program at the MidYear Conference, Human Trafficking:
Think Globally, Act Locally. As nursing students we may be exposed to this issue when we work in the
community or in the acute care setting. How can we help the victims of human trafficking and how can this
form of human slavery be abolished? Have you thought about having a program at your state convention on
this topic? There are several organizations working to inform as well as take action on human trafficking.
Here’s some links to get you started (and you will want to see if there are organizations in your state that can
provide resources):
Human Trafficking Resources in Atlanta, Georgia
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Polaris Project—Freedom Happens Now
Youth of Tomorrow
Homeland Security—Blue Campaign—Resources for Victims
I look forward to hearing about your global health initiatives at the state level. Remember to check out the
NSNA Awards information so that you are ready to submit your projects and photos in time for the March 4,
2016 deadline.
Do not hesitate to contact me at directors@nsna.org if you have any questions or need additional information
on how to Think Globally and Act Locally!
Johanna Bridges, Chair
Global Initiatives in Nursing Committee
Message from The Nominating and Elections Committee
Greetings from the Nominating and Elections Committee!
The upcoming MidYear Career Planning Conference in Atlanta, GA on November 5-8, 2015 is quickly
approaching. It’s been a busy year so far, and the Nominating and Elections (NEC) is looking forward to
meeting potential candidates from each state at the MidYear Career Planning Conference, and to assist these
individuals as they begin their quest towards serving in a NSNA leadership position.
The NEC has planned several opportunities to meet with interested candidates, and to provide
information and details regarding the application and election process. These sessions are designed to answer
questions about roles, qualifications, and application requirements for positions on the 2016 – 2017 NSNA
Board of Directors and NEC. These opportunities include:
• Information table in the Student Activity area
• Running for National Office Workshops on Friday and Saturday
• Roundtable discussions on Saturday evening, hosted by the NEC
The NEC will participate in the COSP and will present an update to the Council of State Presidents. We
encourage State Presidents to consider running for a National NSNA office, and to encourage other State and
Chapter leaders to explore these opportunities, as well.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, and we look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!
Kaitlin Lovato, Chair, Nominating and Elections Committee
NEC West, Chair: Kaitlin Lovato, NECWEST@NSNA.ORG
NEC South: Shayla Monroe, NECSOUTH@NSNA.ORG
NEC North: Amanda Nuckols, NECNORTH@NSNA.ORG
Message from the Resolutions Committee
I am looking forward to meeting many NSNA members and state presidents at the upcoming NSNA MidYear
Career Planning Conference. I will be presenting a workshop entitled, Empowering Policy: Write a Resolution
and Impact the Future of Nursing. The program takes place at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta on Friday, November
6, 2015 from 3:30pm – 4:30pm. I will also be participating in the School President’s Forum and the Navigating
Convention as a Delegate or Alternate session. I will be available to discuss resolution topics and to answer
your questions about writing resolutions at the Roundtable Discussions on Saturday evening.
As you may know the entire process of submitting a resolution is online—no mailings, no envelopes and no
postage! More details are forthcoming in the Guidelines for Submitting Resolutions publication. Click here to
go to the NSNA Resolutions webpage.
Susan Hansen, Chair
NSNA Resolutions Committee
nsna@nsna.org (Att: Resolutions Chair)
The Foundation of the NSNA (FNSNA) News: Please share with your members!
The 2016-17 FNSNA undergraduate scholarship application is now available. Please visit
www.forevernursing.org and follow the links to the application website. The deadline to submit a
completed application is Friday, January 29, 2016. For further information on scholarships, please contact
the FNSNA at (718) 210-0705 or email nsna@nsna.org Attn: Foundation Scholarships.
School clubs or official school chapters wishing to establish or enhance their involvement in NSNA may
apply for the Marilyn Bagwell Leadership Development grant. A grant of up to $2,500 is awarded to one
school each year. For more information or to complete an application please visit www.forevernursing.org
Coming soon…new NSNA student leader graduation cords debuting at the NSNA MidYear Career Planning
Administrative Updates
How to Invite an NSNA Board Member to Visit Your State
Did you know that you can invite an NSNA board member to attend your state convention? NSNA allocates a
portion of its budget toward sending board members to state conventions. Requests for field visits are
reviewed by the NSNA Executive Committee and should be submitted at least 30 days prior to your meeting.
Decisions are based on the availability of a board member, cost, location, and any other considerations
mentioned in your request. Please keep in mind that NSNA may not be able to accommodate your request for
a specific board member. Also, NSNA board members are expected to attend their own state conventions.
States with a national board member should take advantage of the opportunity to invite this official
representative from NSNA to bring greetings at the convention. Click here for online form.
State Association Resources - An area for state association information has been developed on the website.
Any ideas of what other information you would like to see posted.
PROGRAM ACTIVITIES - Board Memos of the committees will be on individual committee web pages for all
membership to view. All summer and fall memos will open in PDF format.
Getting the Pieces to Fit 2015/16 - Available online as downloadable PDF. Hard copies available upon request.
NSNA Membership
The membership recruitment campaign theme, “Nursing: The Magical Connection” highlights the many
benefits and services available exclusively to NSNA members and encourages participation in leadership
development. To request membership brochures click here, Membership Brochure Order Form.
NSNA MidYear Career Planning Conference Brochures
The conference offers students a variety of enriching and rewarding learning opportunities, including
workshops, panel, exhibits, and NSNA State Board Mini Review. To request MidYear brochures click here,
MidYear Brochure Order Form.
COSP Communication Schedule
As state presidents, you can expect to hear from the NSNA Board of Directors on a regular basis. Through the
COSP Connection, broadcast emails, telephone calls and discussion on FACEBOOK, the Board hopes to keep the
channels of communication open between state presidents and the NSNA Board. If you do not receive these
communications from your NSNA Board contact, please contact Qiana Valenzuela at NSNA@NSNA.ORG, Attn:
Share Your Activities Year Round!
The deadline for submissions to the next COSP Connection is February 26, 2016.
For those of you who attended the COSP, you experienced the importance of state presidents sharing their
activities and their concerns. Please submit ongoing activities and concerns that you experience at your state.
These items can be emailed to Qiana Valenzuela, nsna@nsna.org, Attn: Qiana.