Science Olympiad 2015/2016 Division C Presentation

Science Olympiad
Division C
Mrs. Bunch and Mrs. Sanders
What is Science Olympiad?
Science competition that is huge in the
lower 48 (especially mid US) that has
topics in life science, earth science,
physical science, technology and
engineering, and inquiry and nature of
Colleges would love to see this on your
National Tournament
Madison, WI 2011
What else?
Lots of fun events with friends
Chance to show off your knowledge in
important areas of Science Technology
Engineering and Mathematics
Challenge yourself to go above and
Science Olympiad History
2015 CHS 2nd place
2014 CHS 3rd place
2013 CHS 2nd place
2012 CHS 1st place
2011 CHS 2nd place
2010 CHS 1st place
All day Saturday, March 26 at UAA
– (Easter weekend, honor band/choir concert on Friday)
You MUST attend this day
To be on the team you need to commit
to a minimum of 3 events
Nationals this year is May 20-21at the
University of Wisconsin 
What do we expect from you?
To come to Mrs. Bunch’s room if
possible on Thursday’s advisory (mostly
for check in).
To come after school most
Wednesday’s 2:20-3:30
– You can come, give us an update, and
head to your sport/activity
Extra Credit for Science
Each semester your science teacher will
give Science Olympiad members extra
NOTE: Mrs. Bunch and Mrs. Sanders
must see definitive progress for you to
be eligible for extra credit.
Choose events for fun or for
better chance at medals
Build-it events are great! But everyone
else thinks so too…
If you want to medal, put some effort
into a couple “test” events
Events this year
Life, Personal, & Social Science
Disease Detectives
Cell Biology
Earth & Space Science
Dynamic Planet
Physical Science & Chemistry
Air Trajectory
It’s About Time
Chem Lab
Invasive Species
Green Generation
GeoLogic Mapping
Protein Modeling
Wind Power
Events this year
Technology and Engineering
• Bridge Building
Electric Vehicle
• Wright Stuff
Robot Arm
Inquiry and Nature of Science
• Experimental Design
• Game On
Write It Do It
“Test” events
 Allow 1 partner and a “cheat sheet”
Anatomy (skeletal, muscular, integumentary)
Disease Detectives (population growth)
Dynamic Planet (oceanography)
Astronomy (stellar evolution & star/planet formation)
Green Generation (human impact on environment)
Cell Biology (cell biology and cellular biochemistry)
More “test” events
 These test events usually also have stations
Fossils (quickly identify, answer questions)
Chemistry Lab (demonstrate lab skills related to
kinetics and gas laws)
Hydrogeology (groundwater)
Forensics (crime scene analysis)
GeoLogic Mapping
Demonstrate understanding in the construction and
use of topographic maps, geologic maps, cross
sections and their use in forming interpretations
regarding subsurface structures and geohazard risks.
Experimental Design
THREE on a team
You are given a list of random materials
and a topic
Design, conduct, and report the findings
of an experiment
Protein Modeling
Use computer visualization and online resources to
guide the construction of physical models of proteins
and to understand how protein structure determines
Write It Do It
A random assortment of stuff is laid out.
One partner has 25 minutes to write
how to construct it.
The other partner has 20 minutes to
build it.
Game On
Design and build an original computer
game incorporating the theme provided
to them by the supervisor using the
program Scratch. (before the
competition you need to download the
FREE software and play with making a
video game)
All of the next events are really cool
build-it events. You need to be savvy 
It’s About Time
Construct one non-electrical device to
measure time intervals between 10 and
300 seconds and answer questions
related to time.
Air Trajectory
Design, construct and calibrate a single device capable of
launching projectiles into a target and collect data
regarding device parameters and performance
Wind Power
Build a blade assembly that consists of any kind of
propeller/pinwheel/rotor attached to a CD which will
be used to capture wind power. Students will also be
tested on their knowledge relating to alternative
Bridge Building
Build a bridge as light as possible that can
hold the maximum amount of weight.
Wright Stuff
Design and build, free flight rubber-powered
monoplanes of the highest time aloft
I can usually purchase a kit
Electric Vehicle
Design and build a vehicle that uses electrical
energy as its sole means of propulsion to travel
as quickly as possible and stop close to a Target
Robot Arm
Design, build, document and test one robotic
device to move score-able items.
New events this year
New event = new event for EVERYONE
Invasive Species
Wind Power
Electric Vehicle
Robot Arm
Game On
Fill out yellow activity form
– Turn in to activities secretary (Ms. Crockett)
Pay -----Start deciding which events you are interested in
First after school meeting is next Wednesday 
After you turn in paperwork and money we will
give you an advisory pass.