Unit 3, Lesson 4 Blue Team 12.4.14 Vocabulary Unit 3 Review Vocabulary • Provide an antonym for each word below. Try to do it without using your notes. • prosaic • tangential • caustic Review Vocabulary • Provide an antonym for each word below. Try to do it without using your notes. • prosaic: creative • tangential: relevant • caustic: kind 17. petulant (adjective) • having or showing the attitude of people who become angry and annoyed when they don’t get what they want • synonyms: crabby, irritable 18. truculent (adjective) • easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue • synonyms: aggressive, argumentative, belligerent 19. insipid (adjective) • not interesting or exciting; lacking strong flavor • synonyms: flat, bland, weak, plain 20. languid (adjective) • showing or having very little strength, energy or activity • synonyms: listless, limp, lethargic 21. acrimony (noun) • angry and bitter feelings • synonyms: hostility, tartness, cattiness 22. unwitting (adjective) • not aware of what is really happening • synonyms: accidental, unintended 23. impasse (noun) • a situation in which no progress seems possible • synonyms: deadlock, gridlock, standstill Practice Sentence Completion • Complete sentence completion exercises 1-6 on page 624. • Predict an answer • Identify clue words and phrase • Use process of elimination Reading Passages Unit 3 Review Reading Strategies • Know what you’re being asked. • Predict an answer • Use process of elimination • With long passages, annotate the passage. • • • • Main idea/purpose of each paragraph Opinions Key words underlined Additional notes: examples, etc. Practice Reading • Read the passage on page 392 of the packet, and answer questions 10-15. • Read the passages on page 394 of the packet, and answer questions 16-24. Grammar Review Unit 3 1 At the heart of the program, enthusiastically A endorsed by the city’s business association, is B plans for refurbishing neighborhoods and for C making low-interest mortgages available to young D families. No error E 2 Although the details of the contract has not A yet been announced, it is likely that union B negotiators accepted the proposed training C program for newly hired workers. No error D E 3 Poor pitching, along with injuries and defensive A lapses, are among the problems that plagued last B C D year’s championship team. No error E 4 The illustrated books by Dr. Seuss have managed keeping A B youngsters and adults alike C entertained for several decades. D No error E 5 Virtually all of the members who attended the A B meeting agreed to the president’s viewpoint on C the issue of budgetary restraints. No error D E 6 Though the statistics on their experiment A B were neither precise or significant, the C D biochemists still published them. No error E 7 Before he sprained his back, Morgan spends much of his A B leisure time engaged in C outdoor sports, particularly D hiking and canoeing. No error E 8 George Thornton Emmons was one of a A handful of ethnographers who committed B their life to studying the Tlingit culture of C D the Northwest Coast. No error E 9 Even though their commissions are paid by A B the musicians, the typical booking agent c represents the interests of the nightclub D owners and managers. No error E 10 Ms. Tanaka asked Juan and I whether we would A B consider joining our school’s quiz bowl team. C D No error E 11 If someone loses his way in the airport, they can A B C ask any employee for directions. No error D E 13 The office manager and her coworker, Ms. Andrews, received equal pay from the company A until she got a raise for helping to increase B C D productivity. No error E 14 Hiking along mountain trails is a less A expensive but considerably more B C demanding vacation activity than to cruise D in the Bahamas. No error E 15 It was fortunate that the inexperienced A veterinarian was able to examine the B C injured horse calm and with confidence. D No error E 16 None of this injury to life and damage to A property wouldn’t have happened if the B amateur pilot had only heeded the weather C forecasts and stayed on the ground. D No error