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Write a 1,000- to 3,000-word, first-person-perspective story based on this statements:

“I browsed through the pages of ‘Exploring Science with Professor Zaps’ that I had just borrowed from the school library.

There he was, on page 13, doing some experiments in his laboratory, working with some bubbly and colourful chemicals.

I could have sworn he winked at me. He literally blinked and winked at me… and he winked again! Professor Zaps, the character in the book, actually blinked his eyes and winked at me!”

The crazy chemistry book

And so there I was, in high school filled with crazy technologies and such amazing teachers but

I, a transfer student, find it rather difficult to fit in.

And I was only a normal student but this high school uses tablets for books, robots to help them get to class and their desks have a cup holder!!! And then when it was the first class of the day which is chemistry. And our first assignment was to buy or borrow a book about chemistry or a science fiction book from the school library and bring it for tomorrow’s class. And so after school I went straight to the library and when I entered the library, I saw an old yet creepy librarian sitting at her desk in front of all the bookshelves. So I gathered all my guts and walked up to the Librarians desk and greeted her and I saw that in front of her desk said “Ms. Drutny the librarian”. Then I told her where all the science fiction book is and then “it is at shelf 8 row 3 on the second floor dear” said Ms. Drutny, so I went to the shelf and picked out a book called

“Exploring Science With Professor Zaps” and then I went to Ms. Drutny and told her that I wanted to borrow this book and she said “so is this the book you wanted?” she said. And I said yes and showed her my library card, then she said “This book has to be returned by next week” she said with a very old voice.

So I took the book and I arrived home and went straight to shower then I sat in front my computer which is playing one of my most favorite songs and with a cup of tea, I started reading the book. I browsed through the pages of Exploring Science with Professor Zaps that I had just borrowed from the school library. There he was, on page 13, doing some experiments in his laboratory, working with some bubbly and colourful chemicals. I could have sworn he winked at me. He literally blinked at me…and he winked again! Professor Zaps, the character in the book, actually blinked his eyes and winked at me!

So I touched him, and he said “Ouch!” I was shocked. Before I could do anything, he pulled me from my room and into the book!!! I was travelling into some type of dimensional portal frame into a magical world.

I was laying on the ground which felt like grass, suddenly, I heard a deep roar and the ground was shaking and when I stood up, a giant t-rex was right in front of me!!! I ran as fast as I could to out run the t-rex but it chased me until I was almost about to stop, professor Zaps had swooped in from a vine and carried me while swinging from vine to vine while I was screaming at the top of my lungs. Then, professor Zaps took us both behind a bush and covered my mouth with his hand “Don’t worry kid, we are in the dimension of the dinosaurs and this all may sound a little strange but we are in a dimensional clock. Now, just like a clock there are twelve numbers, and how this dimension clock works is that we are now in this dimension of the dinosaurs which is the first dimension which means your world is 12 th

dimension so we have to go pass another 11 dimensions more so that we can get you home. Oh and did I mention that in each dimension there is a dimensional door which leads to the other dimension.”

He was saying too many words that my mind went exploding into a million pieces. Then

I agreed to follow him since he knows a lot more than I do about this wacky dimension stuff. So we scavenged the land and from a mile away, we both saw a purple coloured door which looked like obsidian and because it’s at a far distance, professor Zaps pulled out what he called “The

Brachiosaurus Branch” which is actually a flute to mind control brachiosaurus. So he played the flute and the nearest brachiosaurus came to both of us and he bowed in front of us and the professor said that means the dinosaur is allowing us to ride on it!!! So we went on top of his head and carried us to the top of a mountain where the obsidian door is, and we stood in front of the door and I counted “1,2,3!!!!!” and I jumped in, circling in a purple vortex, wondering where do we end up next.

And I face planted on what felt like solid rock and the same happened to professor Zaps and when I stood with my legs, I knew that I was in a gigantic cave system!!! Filled with all types of ores like diamonds, coal, gold, iron, redstone and lapis lazuli with all shapes and sizes of stalagmites and stalactites. Then I told the professor, “Hey professor, where do we find the door that leads out or here” I asked. “Well that’s easy, all we have to do is to find the titanium ore and we are on to the 3 rd dimension!” he said like he has nothing to worry about. So we had head toward our prize which is the titanium ore while the professor created two iron pickaxes for me and the professor so that while we’re here we might as well gather some minerals to make armor and weapons for anything beyond.

So the professor made diamond armor for me and him and we saw the titanium ore and went through the yellow coloured portal and circled around the vortex again and we went to a water dimension and fought a giant water squid who shoots water beams and summons little squids with ray guns. And went to the blue portal passing our 3 rd

dimension and went to a fire dimension with a flaming magma fish with lava spikes on its back which was defeated with a whirlpool sword we got from the previous dimension and went to the red magma portal with a cool flaming vortex and landed in a jungle, fighting a banana shooting ape with a strangely coloured wig which was killed by the magma axe from the fish and went through the green portal passing our 5 th


Then we landed in a thunder cloud fighting a electrical goblin with big clown shoes and a electrical shield which was defeated by the banana bow from the ape and went through the gray portal and landing on an entire field of dirt while fighting a earthworm with cool sunglasses which was defeated by the electrical shield from the goblin. And went through the brown coloured portal passing our 7 th

dimension and appeared on a dance floor fighting a disco bird with several coloured light rings on his feet which was killed by the dirt nunchuks from the earthworm and went through the pink portal with a cool looking vortex. Then, we were in space fighting a giant alien with rabbit ears which was defeated by the disco staff from the bird, then going through the black portal passing our 9 th


Then we were at the science lab fighting a giant bacteria with cool jazzy music which was defeated by the moon rock slingshot from the alien and went through the white portal with a milky coloured vortex in it. Then we were in the middle of a snow biome fighting a giant snow owl with a sparkly beak which was defeated by the germ spear from the bacteria and went through the peach coloured portal, passing our 11 th

dimension. Then, we were at home!!! And professor Zaps is actually in real life!!! And he teaches my school!!! Wait, speaking of school, I don’t have a science report!!! Suddenly a wise voice whispers into my head “You have been seeking your report while adventuring it young one” and then I we`nt to my computer and started writing all the adventures I had with professor Zaps. And I got an A+++ for my story!!!

“I will always read books until my last breath…”

