Social Studies Map review: Day 1: 1. Why are the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn at 23 1/2 degrees latitude. We all hate fractions and odd non-divisible numbers so what idiot came up with these odd lines? A) A right or left wing conspiracy (Your choice according to your viewpoint)? B) The NC Dept. of Ed. Wanted to make life hard for students.? C) The Boomer Geographical Society wanted to be odd as they tend to be, and they dreamed them up? D) Santa Clause ? E) Blame it on global warming? F) Blame it on the sun? It has to do with the sun and the earth’s tilt. These lines are as far north and as far south that the direct rays of the sun ever hit. The sun is over Cancer on June 21st, our Summer Solstice, the longest daylight of the year, and over Capricorn on December 22, the shortest daylight of the year. our Winter Solstice. It is over the equator on September 23, the Autumnal Equinox, and March 21st, the vernal Equinox. Periods of daylight and darkness are even on these days. Now, Why the Arctic and Antarctic Circles? The Arctic Circle is one of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. As of 23 August 2015, it runs 66°33′45.9″ [1] north of the Equator. The region north of this circle is known as the Arctic, and the zone just to the south is called the Northern Temperate Zone. The equivalent polar circle in the Southern Hemisphere is called the Antarctic Circle. The Arctic Circle is the southernmost latitude in the Northern Hemisphere at which the sun can remain continuously above or below the horizon for 24 hours (at the June solstice and December solstice respectively). North of the Arctic Circle, the sun is above the horizon for 24 continuous hours at least once per year (and therefore visible at midnight) and below the horizon for 24 continuous hours at least once per year (and therefore not visible at noon). On the Arctic Circle those events occur, in principle, exactly once per year, at the June and December solstices, respectively. However, in actuality, because of atmospheric refraction and mirages, and because the sun appears as a disk and not a point, part of the midnight sun may be seen on the night of the northern summer solstice up to about 50′ (90 km (56 mi)) south of the Arctic Circle; similarly, on the day of the northern winter solstice, part of the sun may be seen up to about 50′ north of the Arctic Circle. That is true at sea level; those limits increase with elevation above sea level, although in mountainous regions there is often no direct view of the true horizon. The position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed. It directly depends on the Earth's axial tilt, which fluctuates within a margin of 2° over a 40,000-year period,[2] due to tidal forces resulting from the orbit of the Moon. The Arctic Circle is currently drifting northwards at a speed of about 15 m (49 ft.) per year. Mercator maps: What is bigger, Greenland or Africa? Check the map on the next slide then compare with a globe. Which one is correct? What is a distortion, and why are all flat maps distorted? Which end is up? Why is the North Pole at the top of a map? Does it have to be? Asheville is southwest of us. Do we go up to Asheville or down to Asheville? In around 1983 Korean Airline 007 left San Francisco headed for South Korea. It was shot down by a Russian fighter jet over the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russian territory during the cold war. What was it doing so far to the north? Day 2: 1. Get out sun/earth sheet. We will go over it. 2. Latitude and longitude practice. 3. Hurricane maps A) B) Hurricanes C) Hurricane news: Now brewing Tropical Storm Erika at 14.8 N Latitude 50.2 W Longitude . Day 3: 1. Get out hurricane maps and update them 2. Labeling maps A) Latitude/Longitude, continents, bodies of water B) Major countries . Day 4: 1. Get out hurricane maps so that we can update them. 2. Go over world maps 3. Notes of map features Non-graded practice quiz. Use scrap paper. You will check your own: 1. What line is at 0 degrees longitude? 2. What line is at 180 degrees longitude? 3. What line is at 23.5 north latitude? 4. What line is at 23.5 south latitude? 5. What line is 66.33 North? 6. What line is 66.33 South 7. Name 7 continents. 8. Name 5 oceans. 9. Where are the direct rays of the sun at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, and what two seasons start then. 10. Where are the direct rays of the sun on the Summer Solstice and what season is it in the northern hemisphere? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Prime Meridian International Date Line Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Arctic Circle Antarctic Circle North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica 8. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, Southern 9. The sun is directly over the Equator: Spring or Fall 10.The sun is over the Tropic of Cancer: summer Day 5: 1. Get out hurricane maps and be ready to track Erika. 2. Finish notes 3. North America maps Today is a music day. For five tickets you can use your i-pod or cell phone with ear-buds to listen to music. You may not share music and you may not be on any inappropriate sites. You can do this while working on N. America maps. Day 6: 1. Hurricane maps- Get out maps for an update; on laptops go to and click on hurricane central. 2. Laptops and textbook on line and weebly practice A) Go to Then use log in information which I will give you. Write this information in the inside front page of your planner and in your notebook for this class. B) Go to school website; Schools- Central Wilkes; Staff- 7th; Click on my name and you will find my weebly; Click on mapwork at the top; Go to bottom of the page and click on time zone maps. 3. Time zones maps Time zones should cover 15 degrees of longitude (24 hours or zones x 15 = 360 degrees in a circle. However, this causes Problems. . Day 7: Today is a music day after we go over the N. America maps. 1. Get out North America maps. We will go over them. 2. Complete time zone map questions 3. Africa maps 4. Research topic: Civil War in Sudan: Who? Where? What? When? Why? Possible solutions. How many have died? Why doesn’t this make the news in the U.S.? Upper level learners (Those who get done with work early) will be required to keep a research/reading journal. You will have a series of topics throughout the year to research or something to read related to our Social Studies curriculum. It will be due at interim time and at the end of the quarter. It is a major (70%) of your grade. You do not need a separate binder for this, as long as you keep your work together. Day 8: 1. Notes: Three grades have been entered so far: Earth/sun Relationships; North America Maps; Time Zones. If you are missing any of these by 9:30 tomorrow you will be disqualified from Falcon Fun Time. 2. 2. Review for test on Thursday: Game format 3. The two items you need to review are the notes you took on maps and lines on a map (On my weebly under map terms pptx if you did not get the notes) and the world maps which I did not take up. We will go over every question on the test. Day 8 continued 1. Assign Kingdoms: Brochures “While Europe Slept” 2. Ancient Kush Orange 41-43 3. Auxum Orange 44-45 4. Ghana 46 5. Mali- 47-49 6. Songhai- 50 7. Byzantine 8. African City States 51 9. Mayan- Green 133-34 10.Aztec- 136 11.Inca-137 12. Mughal- Gold 359 13.Mongol Gold s32-33 Use your laptop to produce advertising your assigned kingdom. Include information on when and where, key people and events, key places. You may include information on important rulers, how the kingdom arose, and how it fell. For some you may need to do additional research. Day 9: 1. Final review and Test 2. When done with test, make sure your first and last name is on it and turn it in at my desk under the spring paper weight. 3. Check grades and turn in any missing work. You will be in this afternoon if it is still missing when you leave class. Missing grades will be entered as zeroes tonight. 4. Work on kingdoms brochure periods 1 and 3 5. Finish Africa maps: Periods 2 and 4 6. Read a book on magazine Day 10: Return tests. Grades are posted. 1. Geographical terms 2. Work on kingdoms brochure periods 1 and 3 3. Finish Africa maps: Periods 2 and 4 4. Read a book or magazine 5. It may be a music day during the second half of the period. Day 11 1. Win, lose or draw on geographical terms 2. Complete brochures or Africa maps Day 12: 1. Geographical terms test 2. Middle East maps Day 13. 1. Present brochures 2. Complete maps