Sex in the Eyes of
College Students
Sarah Novack and Sarah Varghese
Social Aspects
Sex in the eyes of most college students is now viewed more as a
casual/no strings attached activity, rather than a
committed/emotional interaction
Many college students have abandoned sexual behavior inside of a
relationship, to sexual behavior that is outside of love and
Compared to relationships back in the day, relationships have
Men are no longer expected to initiate
Women are more willing to be pursue their romantic interests
than in the past
Young adults are postponing the age of marriage, and many
don’t want to marry at all
What are
thoughts of
casual sex in
Hook-up Culture
College students prefer hookups rather than committed
Hookups are defined as the brief uncommitted sexual
encounter between individuals who are not romantic
partners or dating each other.
Media’s influence on hookup culture
Film’s (i.e. “No Strings Attached”, “Hooking Up”)
About 60-80% of college students have had some sort of
hook-up experience
Hook up Culture: APPS/MEDIA
Because of the hookup culture on college campuses, many
college students have resorted to social media and apps
to find partners to hook-up with.
Example: Tinder
Tinder is a smart phone app made available for people, especially
college students to find potential “matches” to engage in promiscuous
activities with. This in particular enhances the hookup culture on
college campuses today especially.
Responses to Hooking up
In a study done with 187 college students…
35% felt regretful or disappointed
27% felt good or happy
20% felt satisfied
11% felt confused
9% felt proud
7% felt excited or nervous
5% felt uncomfortable
Sex Culture and mental health
Those who engaged in hook-up regularly had higher
percentages of feeling depressed and lonely
Those who had more sex partners also had an increase in
depression and feeling of loneliness
Uncommitted sexual encounters resulted in lower self-esteem
in both men and women
Hook-up Culture and sexual risk
Risks include:
Emotional and psychological injury
Sexual violence
Sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy
1 in 4 college students have had an STD
Unwanted sex occurred:
77.8% during a hookup
13.9% in an ongoing relationship
Hook UP Culture
Sexual Assault: forced and unwanted sexual activity,
including: kissing, groping, and rape
1 in 5 college students experience sexual assault in their
college career
Sexual assault is a national issue, but clearly it's a
particularly urgent issue on college campuses
An estimated 95% of U.S. campus rates go unreported
38% of rape incidents are committed by a friend or
Ethical Issues
About 1 in 5 women will have an abortion by the time they
are 25
45% of these abortions are estimated to have occurred during college
Political Issues
College students are turning to prostitution to pay for
college tuition
Websites are set up for college students to search for
“sugar daddies” and “sugar mommas”, and for older
generations to look for “sugar babies”
Websites include: and
Created for college students in financial need
Sex Lives of College Students
A 20 year study was done on over 5,000 college students
between the years of 1990-2010:
Percentage of college students who say they have had a
sexually transmitted infection
8% of college men and women say they have had a sexually transmitted
infection, such as:
Chlamydia, Syphilis, and Herpes.
Across time, the number of college students who report
having an STI has decreased
Sex lives of college students
How many college students think “love” is an important
component to sex?
61%, because of this the term “making love” is less
likely to be used by college students when describing
the activity of sex.
What percent of college students have had a one-night stand?
Sex lives of college students
Percent of college students that have cheated on their
Which is the most popular non-bedroom location for college
students to have sex?
77% car, 65% outdoors,and 5% library
Sex lives of college students
The two most popular forms of birth control used by college
condoms and the pill
since the 1990s, the use of the pill has increased from
75% to 85%. Condom use increased from about 45% in the
1990s to 55% beginning through 2000 through today.
The average number of sex partners of a college student
3 to 4
Sex lives of college students
How many college students have reported being involved in an
involuntary sexual experience?
31%, about one-third. At 38%, college women are much
more likely than college men, at 16%, to report having
been involved in such a situation.
Top 10 colleges to Get Laid
1.Michigan State University
2.University of Massachusetts-- Amherst
3.New York University
4.University of Maryland-- College Park
5.Arizona State University
6.Florida State University
7.University of Miami
1.Arizona State University
2.University of Iowa
3.Florida State University
4.University of Alabama
5.Auburn University
Work Cited
Works cited