The Constitution

What will we learn today?
Take out
12.1.4 Establishment of a constitutional system that limited the power of governors
and governed as articulated in the Federalist Papers.
12.1.6 Understand how the Bill of Rights limits government power
12.4.2 Explain the process of how the Constitution is amended
CH 3 Sec 1-2
If you could only
choose one (1)
right from the Bill
of Rights which
one would it be?
You will be assigned
an Amendment from
the Bill of Rights (#110).
• Learn what you’re
amendment is and
prepare a skit to teach
the class. Use a live
skit or video.
How will you be graded?
20 points: How well did you
know your Amendment and
teach it to the class?
20 points: How
prepared/rehearsed was
your group?
Checks and Balances (pg. 67)
Separation of Powers (pg. 66)
The Constitution (pg. 771 – 773)
You are going to be creating a flip book about
the Constitution. In the book, you will be
explaining the Checks and Balances (5 pts),
Separation of Power
( 5 pts) and the first ten Amendments (5 pts
each) (The Bill of Rights) in simple, kid
friendly language.
Total = 60 points
On the outside will go the terms and pictures.
Checks and Balances (pg. 67)
Separation of Powers
(pg. 66)
Objectives: Chapter 3.1
 What are the important elements of the
 What are the six basic principles of the
An Outline of the
• The Constitution sets out the basic
principles upon which government in the
United States was built.
• The Constitution is a fairly brief
• The Constitution is organized into eight
sections: the Preamble and seven articles.
The original document is followed by 27
Articles of the Constitution
States the purpose of the Constitution
Article I
Legislative branch
Article II
Executive branch
Article III
Judicial branch
Article IV
Relations among the States and with the National
Amending the Constitution
Article V
Article VI
Article VII
National debts, supremacy of national law, and oaths of
Ratifying the Constitution
Three of the Basic Principles
The principle of popular sovereignty asserts that the people
are the source of any and all government power, and
government can exist only with the consent of the
governed. $ With the words “We the People,” the
Constitution establishes it’s authority on the basis of
Popular Sovereignty.
The principle of limited government states that government
is restricted in what it may do, and each individual has
rights that government cannot take away.
Separation of powers is the principle in which the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches of government are three
independent and coequal branches of government.
$Limited Government = Government must operate within
certain bounds set by the people.
More of the Basic Principles
 Checks and balances is the system that allows the
legislative, executive, and judicial branches to check,
or restrain, the actions of one another. $ ( The
Presidents power to veto an act of Congress is an
example of Checks and balances )
 The principle of judicial review consists of the
power of a court to determine the constitutionality of
a governmental action.
 Federalism is a system of government in which the
powers of government are divided between a central
government and several local governments.
1. Article II of the Constitution establishes the
powers of the
 (a) executive branch.
 (b) legislative branch.
 (c) States.
 (d) judicial branch.
2. The principle of popular sovereignty asserts
that the
 (a) government should be divided into three branches.
 (b) monarch is the supreme ruler.
 (c) means of production should be owned by the proletariat.
 (d) people are the source of any and all government power.
3.2 Formal Amendment
Objectives Ch.3 Sec 2
 What are the different ways to formally amend,
or change the wording of, the Constitution?
 How many times has the Constitution been
 What is the Bill of Rights?
Amending the Constitution
 The Constitution provides for its own
amendment—that is, for changes in its written
words. $ Built in provisions for accommodating
change accounts for the ability of the Constitution to
endure for more than 200 years.
 Article V sets out two methods for the proposal and
two methods for the ratification of constitutional
amendments, creating four possible methods of
formal amendment.
Formal Amendment Process
 The four different ways by which amendments may be added to the
Constitution are shown here: $ Each of the four methods for formally
amending the Constitution is undertaken jointly by the Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial branches.
Amendments to the Constitution
Collectively, the first ten amendments are known as the Bill of
Rights. $ The Basic Constitutional Rights of the PEOPLE were first
set out in the Bill of Rights.
Interpreting the Bill of Rights w/s
Do the Interpreting the Bill of Rights w/s
Fill in the Bill of Rights Study Guide on back
A formal amendment
 (a) changes the Constitution by passing laws.
 (b) changes the written language of the Constitution itself.
 (c) allows States to secede from the United States.
 (d) none of the above.
Many of the basic rights of citizens are constitutionally
guaranteed in
 (a) English common law.
 (b) the Declaration of Independence.
 (c) the Magna Carta.
 (d) the Bill of Rights.
Constitution Card Sort Questions
Answer the 21 Questions on the Constitutional
Card Sort Questions Worksheet.
 All answers must be in this form:
Answer to question, Article, Section
ex. 33 years old, Article 2, Section 4
Use the Constitution in your BOOK, the one you
bring everyday!!!!!!! Pg 760
Guys v. Girls Debate
A. Separate into 2 groups = guys and girls
B. Pick a guy and a girl to answer and debate each of
the following Questions:
Who is a better driver?
Who is a better parent?
Who is smarter?
Who is stronger?
Who is better at handling money?
Who is the better sales person?
Who is the better boss?
Who is more organized?
Who is better at cooking?
Who is better at teaching?
Make sure you answer your question and you can do a REBUTTAL or comment on
another question, but remember you only have 2 minutes