Departmental Poster Template

The Dayani Center for
Health and Wellness
March 18, 2015
Where we have been
“Since our doors opened, we've been operating as a
medical fitness facility, catering to those who need
to exercise in a safe environment with a highly
qualified staff. However, we've never defined
"medical fitness" or had a structure in place to
ensure that we maintain the consistent quality
associated with the Vanderbilt name. By defining
who we are and what we do best, we
can concentrate our time and efforts toward
growing programs that best meet the needs of our
members.”—Karen Klein, Dayani Exercise Specialist
Our New Mission
The Vanderbilt Dayani Center’s multidisciplinary team
of physicians, physical therapists, exercise physiologists,
nurses, dietician and health psychologist, as well as
other allied health professionals, work as an integrated
team to promote positive lifestyle changes in an effort
to treat and/or minimize acute and chronic disease.
Our New Goals
 Improve health outcomes for those with, or at high
risk of developing, chronic disease by providing safe,
structured land- and aquatic-based physical activity
and wellness programs.
 Provide a transition from rehabilitation programs
into supervised exercise and wellness activities
designed to promote long-term health.
Facility concerns
 We are NOT moving out of this location.
 We are NOT going to be changing the hours
 We are NOT going to be transitioning to a
“clinic only” model.
93% of our members have at least one medical
76% of our members are over 65+
15 - 19
25 - 29
35 - 39
45 - 49
55 - 59
65 - 69
75 - 79
# Members
Do I need a note from my doctor or a
referral to continue my membership?
• You DO NOT need to provide any written
documentation of your medical condition.
What if my medical condition is controlled
by medication or I am in remission?
• You still qualify for membership.
• You DO NOT need to provide any written
documentation of your medical condition.
Why are membership fees increasing?
• Membership fees have not increased in over 12
years, but the cost of operating the facility and
providing qualified staff increases each year
• Eliminate significant inequities in rates paid
• Our facility is in serious need of updating and repairs
If I’m a Vanderbilt employee what do I need to
• We no longer offer a discounted membership rate.
Providing discounted rates requires we report your
discount as taxable income AND you are required by the
IRS to claim is as income.
• We have been asked to encourage employees to use the
Campus Rec Center.
• Payroll deduction is no longer offered.
Why is there a discrepancy in the letter about
membership fees?
• This is a great example of why we are requiring
everyone to re-enroll under the new model.
• We were unaware some of your were receiving an even
larger discounted rate than what is on record or
receiving larger deductions that what is on record.
Everyone will be asked to enroll at the new rates listed in
the letter. However, you will NOT be required to schedule
an appointment to complete a new intake with the
Exercise Specialists.
Are you going to grandfather current members
who may not meet the criteria?
• We will NOT be grandfathering any existing members
who do not meet the medical criteria.
Are you getting rid of group fitness classes?
Answer : We will NOT be discontinuing group fitness
classes (land- and aquatic). However, classes will be
restricted to Dayani members ONLY.
If I re-enroll as a regular member, do I also have
to pay for the group fitness classes?
• Group fitness classes are included in the regular
membership rate. You DO NOT have to pay additional
for access to those classes.
If I enroll in a Group Fitness membership can I
use the pool or other equipment?
• Enrolling as a “group fitness member” ONLY
allows access to land- and pool-classes.
Do I have to schedule an appointment with an
Exercise Specialist to re-enroll?
• Our exercise specialists are very familiar with our
members medical histories. As a result, existing
members DO NOT have to complete a formal
intake/orientation when they re-enroll.
What if my insurance company offers to pay for
my membership?
There are no facilities at Vanderbilt approved to provide BCBS
Fitness Blue or Silver Sneakers memberships or discounts.
Reasons for not offering this benefit:
• Expensive to qualify to offer programs
• Poor reimbursement from the insurance providers
What if my insurance says they will cover a gym membership?
• Contact your plan provider for details.
Why do I have to Re-enroll?
1. Our membership database is out of date and must
be purged.
2. We need to transition members to a more reliable
billing system:
• Reduce # of billing errors
• Ability to track delinquent accounts
• Allows medical center to manage payments
How do I re-enroll to ensure I don’t have any
interruption to my membership?
Answer: Starting April 1st, current members can stop
at the front desk as if you were checking in for a
doctor’s appointment. You will be asked to:
• Update contact information
• Pay 1st month membership fee
• Set-up your preferred payment plan.
Do I have to pay for a full year when I re-enroll?
Answer: You do not have to pay for a full year
when you re-enroll. Our front desk staff will be
able to assist you with setting up a payment
plan when you update your information in our
If I re-enroll in April will I be paying twice for
my membership?
Answer: Yes. We will be sending one more
billing cycle in April.
If you re-enroll in April, you will receive a 13month membership for your first year.
If you re-enroll after May 1st, you will be
renewed for a 12-month membership.
What if I paid in advance for this years
Answer: We have already identified individuals
who have paid in advance for their
membership. Anyone who had paid past April
30th, 2015 will be receiving a refund for the
months paid in advance.
Is there a fee to re-enroll if I decide to cancel
my membership at any time, travel for the
summer or have a medical event?
Answer: There are NO enrollment fees moving
forward and you may rejoin at any time.
We do require 30-day written notice of
cancellation request.
If I want to cancel my membership now, do I
still have to give 30 day notice?
Answer: Yes, due to our billing cycle. However,
you may also choose not to renew in April and
we will terminate your membership
automatically on May 1st.
If I get referred to Physical Therapy or
Cardiac/Pulmonary Rehab will my membership
continue or can I use the facility for free when
I’m not being treated?
Answer: Your membership will continue unless
you choose to cancel. We will NO LONGER
allow patients or family members to use the
facility for free during treatment. Please see
your therapy provider for more details on
Concurrent Membership options.
Do I have to pay a family membership rate if
I have a caregiver who assists me through
my exercise program or fitness class?
• We do not require a member pay for a caregiver IF:
• The member requires direct assistance to
complete their exercise program and move
safely about the facility.
• The caregiver remains with the member at all
times and not using the equipment.
Caregivers will be asked to wear a bracelet while in
the facility. These will be available at the front desk.
Is a parking pass included in my membership
Answer: Yes. We will no longer be charging
additional fees for parking passes.
Vanderbilt employees will receive a parking
pass, but when you park in the Dayani lot, you
may risk receiving a ticket.