Summer Assignment AP World History

Summer Assignment AP World History
Total Points:
130 points
Step One:
1. Pick up a copy of the AP World textbook from the library within the next two weeks(6/2 to 6/14).
2. Check out the class website, go under the AP World history tabs:
3. If you have questions or if you cannot complete any of the following assignments-email Ms. Mayer at
4. Not completing the following assignments by the first day of school may result in being dropped from
this course. Do not wait till the last minute!!!
Step Two:
1) Read Chapters 1 (pages 8-29) and 2 (pages 34-57). Make sure to take frequent breaks during
your reading so you stay focused, suggestion is taking a break every 3 pages.
2) Fill out cornell reading notes for both chapters, example attached and rubric is below.
3) Make a separate vocabulary sheet for each chapter (1 & 2) defining the key terms at the end of
each chapter, example attached. Look for the words in bold, add other words if you see fit.
4) Listen and take cornell notes for the following crashcourse lectures on youtube, this link will take
you to the playlist...make sure to take frequent breaks because the presenter talks very quickly,
and you can turn on the subtitles. This link will also be live on the website, you can type in the
names of the individual videos to find them as well.
( ) for the
world history, select and watch the videos listed:
a. Agricultural Revolution, crash course world history #1
b. Indus Valley Civilization, crash course world history #2
c. Mesopotamia, crash course world history #3
d. Ancient Egypt, crash course world history #4
5) Mak sure the work you are turning in is high quality, thoughtful, and thorough.
Step Three:
1) When you come back in the Fall, have these items completed and ready to turn in:
a. Cornell notes for Chapter 1 (30 points) and 2 (30 points)
b. Vocabulary sheets for Chapter 1 (15 points) and 12 (15 points)
c. Cornell notes for four online lectures: (40 points-10 points each)
Rubric for Annotated Chapter Notes
5 Points
10 Points
20 Points
30 Points
*Includes some general
of key events, movements
*missing vocabulary
*missing dates
*missing notes on
images/graphs, maps,
timelines etc.
*no notes on the left side
*brief overview of the
reading: 2 pages or less
for a whole chapter
*missing summaries
*Includes some dates
*Includes some
*Includes some mention
of key events,
movements, and peoplelacking important
*missing most of the main
*very little work on left
*general overview of the
reading: 3 pages and less
for a whole chapter
*no notations
*Missing main information
in summary
*Includes most dates
*Includes most of the key
*Includes most of the key
events and movements
*Includes some notes on
images/graphs, maps,
*some notations (words in
bold, some highlighting
*Some work on left side
*missing some main points
*5 pages or less for a
*Summaries 2-3 sentences
*Includes all dates
associated with main events
*Includes key vocabulary
*Includes descriptions of
important events,
movements, people
(especially cause and
*Consistent work on left side
*Includes notes on
images/graphs, maps,
timelines, historical thinking
*highlighted (designated
colors for info)
*Developed summarie:5-6
*Keywords: $ = Economic P= Political M= Movement W=War
Ism= Ism
A=Art S=Social C=Cultural
SE= Series of Events (include $, P, M, S) TP=Time period
Chapter: _________
Example: Paleolithic
*Key word (from list
above): TP
Pg 10
Time period of the Old Stone Age
ending in 12,000 BCE, typified by use of
crude stone tools and hunting and
gathering for subsistence.
Time Period:_______
Humans learned only simple tools,
mainly through employing
rocks/sticks for hunting and warfare.
During this time period average size
of homo erectus increased and brain
capacity is also increased.
Cornell Notes Style
Section Titles, Key
Vocabulary, Questions
about the Reading
Title of Reading, Author, page numbers etc.
Notes on the Reading
*Hard Notes:
*Soft Notes:
*Important people
*Impactful developments
*Geographic relevance
*Relevant concepts etc.
Summary of the Reading
*4-5 Sentences long, address the main points of the reading and incorporate them into your
words. Make sure to emphasize
*Think about answering the question “How do these events relate to one another? How are
they similar, how are they different?”
*Combine main ideas of the reading and/or section.