Open - The Scottish Government

Phases 1 and 2 - CashBack/Community Initiatives funded under of
which received investment from Proceeds of Crime from 2008 to 31
March 2014 (with some Phase 2 funding running beyond 2014**)
Sports Activities and Facilities
Scottish Football Association – ** Phase 2 payments through to 2014-15.
successful in obtaining Phase 3 funding.
Was also
Schools of Football: Programme to use football as a tool to engage with S1 – S2 pupils from areas
of deprivation. Selected pupils receive daily football coaching from a SFA coach.
Girl’s and Women’s Football Development: Establishment of 6 girls/women’s development officers
working to enhance opportunities for participate in sport and address issues related to physical
activity, health & wellbeing, obesity, diabetes & mental health
Volunteer Development: The programme will support the identification of potential volunteer
coaches for their engaging in the delivery of Soccer One, Midnight Leagues, Street Football and
work within clubs.
Football Equity Project: Support Football Equity Officer posts employed by member clubs to liaise
with appropriate bodies such as Show Racism the Red Card, Scottish Ethnic Minority Sports
Association and others to create links to activities.
Diversionary Football: Further development of Street Football for 10-19 years olds to get involved
in football on evenings & weekends in targeted communities.
Soccer 1: Develop Soccer One to become a games programme open to all regardless of ability
running in the school year directed by school co-ordinators & Football Development Officers.
Scottish Rugby Union – was successful in obtaining Phase 3 funding.
Schools of Rugby: The SRU approach secondary schools to introduce programmes and principles of
rugby into the heart of school life. Once established, a school of rugby will allow all pupils the
opportunity to play rugby, which hopefully will act as a catalyst for improved attendance,
attainment and healthy lifestyles.
Street Rugby: Further development of the Street Rugby programme as a diversionary project
planned in consultation with Community Safety Partnership’s.
Street Rugby - Youth Referral Model: Groups of targeted young people are referred to take part in
intensive 12-week programmes which aim to teach them how to play rugby, coach the sport and
develop their leadership skills. Street Rugby is focussed on targeted areas of high deprivation and
disengaged communities in the ‘major population centres’ (Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen,
Dundee, the Lanarkshires etc). Youth coaching courses will also be offered in schools, clubs and
community groups to those wishing to pursue rugby further.
School Rugby: Further development of a broad programme of primary and secondary school
activity in each local authority.
Club Development: SRU work with rugby clubs to ensure they provide more places for young
people into the clubs and that the clubs have the volunteers, coaches and facilities for this.
Scottish Sports Futures – ** Phase 2 payments through to 2014-15.
successful in obtaining Phase 3 funding
Was also
SSF stimulate positive behavioural and attitudinal change in young people from disadvantaged
communities, through the provision of sport, recreation and learning opportunities. Twilight
Basketball occurs mainly at times when the incidence of antisocial behaviour by young people is
highest (Friday and Saturday evenings).
SSF also receives CashBack funding to run the Jump2it programme - an ongoing health and
citizenship primary schools programme which delivers to primary schools and targets the most
disadvantaged areas of the country.
SSF have also received further funding to work on the Education through CashBack programme,
which will sit within the CashBack Academy. Education through CashBack will identify opportunities
and provide resources, training and support to allow partners to engage young people with
educational messages on a range of relevant issues
Basketballscotland’s CashBack funding supports their primary school participation programme
which aims to increase primary school participation of Basketball and linking with local clubs.
basketballscotland work in partnership with Scottish Sport Futures to provide structures for
participation beyond the SSF programmes. basketballscotland are also using their CashBack
funding to co-ordinate an annual programme of coach education and development.
sportscotland Facilities Fund – **Phase 2 payments through to 2015-16.
receive funding in Phase 3.
Will also
Rugby Facilities Fund: This fund has been set up to offer awards of up to £50,000 for the
improvement of rugby club facilities in areas of greatest need across Scotland. Applications are
received and a panel chooses from clubs with a proven track record of investing in and supporting
players and teams at junior and senior levels in clubs and schools.
Football Facilities Fund: Investment in a range of projects identified in discussion with the Scottish
FA and sportscotland that will enhance the provision and development of football in local
communities including 3G pitches being developed across the country
Amateur Boxing Scotland Limited (ABSL)
To increase the number of youngsters aged 10-19 experiencing activity through all boxing related
activities, providing disengaged and disadvantaged young people with a sporting opportunity
through boxing. Provide safe, well organised and enjoyable activities for children and young
people with amateur boxing clubs within Scotland, raising the profile of amateur boxing Scotland
Ltd and its member clubs throughout Scotland as an inclusive and open sport.
Multisport projects (funded 2009-10 to 2011-12)
Scottish Athletics
Scottish Athletics were funded by CashBack to run three projects:
Street Sprint was a diversionary street athletics project targeting 10-19 year olds in targeted
The Club Together Project focussed on increasing participation in athletics at entry level and
encouraging a stronger school to community club link and sustainable pathway for those
The National Volunteer Development Programme will offer training and leadership opportunities to
increase the numbers of new volunteers delivering athletics in clubs.
Scottish Hockey
Scottish Hockey was funded by CashBack to provide blocks diversionary hockey sessions. The
programme enabled young people to try a new activity and encourage their further participation in
hockey. Scottish Hockey also worked to create sustainable pathways to hockey through links from
school activity to local hockey clubs and to create, where possible, satellite hockey centres for
disadvantaged/disengaged youngsters through Community Sport Hubs.
Badminton Scotland
Badminton Scotland provided blocks sessions of badminton in targeted communities. Activity was
free and focused on diverting young people away from anti-social behaviour. Badminton Scotland
encouraged positive progression pathways for particpants as part of their programme. A
Badminton Basics course offered training and leadership opportunities for young people as well as
expanding the network of coaches who deliver sessions locally and increasing the sustainability of
CashBack Badminton.
Scottish Squash
Scottish Squash provided squash sessions (RacketBall) in similar delivery style to Scottish Hockey
and Badminton Scotland. There were links to squash clubs for those participating in the sessions.
Tennis Scotland
Tennis Scotland provided tennis sessions in similar diversionary delivery style to the above
Youth Work
Youth Scotland – **Phase 2 payments through to 2015-16.
Youth Scotland manage a small grant scheme of up to £1,000 towards the start-up costs of a new
unit or youth group or £2,000 towards the costs, or part of the costs, of a particular programme of
activity for young people aged 10 and over. To be eligible for a Small Grant, groups or units must
be led by volunteers and be a member of one of the six partnership organisations; The Scottish
Council The Scout Association, Girlguiding Scotland, Boys’ Brigade, The Girls’ Brigade in Scotland,
Clubs for Young People (Scotland) or Youth Scotland. The small grants scheme is targeted at
groups that do not have the services of paid youth work staff i.e. the group and the programme is
managed and delivered by volunteers.
YouthLink Scotland – successful in obtaining Phase 3 funding
YouthLink managed 3 CashBack grant schemes:
General Youth Work Fund - for grants of up to £30,000 for organisations offering youth work
activities for local young people aged 10 – 19. Applications for funding are assessed using panels –
one in each local authority area – with representation from CSPs, CLD, the voluntary sector and
trained young people to scrutinise applications. Successful applicants are given funding by
Youthlink Scotland to deliver projects that are in line with SG/CashBack priorities.
The Anti-violence Fund - provides ring-fenced grant funding to projects dedicated to addressing
the perception or experience of violence in Scotland among young people ages 10 - 19 who are at
risk of becoming involved in violence, no upper or lower limits for the awards. This grant scheme
has recently closed.
The Creative Identities Dance Fund - a strand of Creative Scotland's programme which is being
delivered in partnership with YouthLink Scotland. The £100,000 from the Scottish Government's
CashBack for Communities scheme will be invested in a series of dance programmes for young
people who would not normally have access, or who are considered to be vulnerable or at risk of
offending. Grant awards of up to £5,000 will be decided by a national assessment panel that
includes representatives from the Scottish Government, local authorities and voluntary groups.
Along with this core business, Youthlink hosted the Cashback Delivery Team until June 2012.
Cultural Activities
Creative Scotland – successful in obtaining Phase 3 funding
Creative Identities is managed by Creative Scotland and aims to contribute to the Scottish
Government’s CashBack for Communities programme by providing and increasing access to high
quality experiential opportunities in dance, film and music for young people within communities
where there is an identified and demonstrated need
‘Need’ is determined by a range of factors including: socio-economic; lack of cultural
opportunities; geographic location.
Through partnerships with both cultural and non-cultural organisations the three year programme
will create access for young people who would not normally engage in organised cultural activity.
It will focus on those within our communities considered to be most vulnerable or at risk of
In 2011-12, a total of £1,000,000 was available for Creative Identities. £420,000 of this is being
made available through open investment programmes and £580,000 through the managed
investment route.
A comprehensive programme of one-off diversionary mass participation events will lead to longerterm engagements that will enable Creative Identities to deliver its two key objectives:
Access & Participation – creating high quality experiences
for the hardest to reach young people and breaking down
barriers to participation.
Learning and Progression – creating pathways for further
learning and development, including nurturing excellence.
Young people will work with experts and professional artists from the music, film or music
industries to explore their creativity, develop new
skills, and work as part of team leading to a wide range of possible outputs including: the creation
of a dance performance, short film or documentary; or piece of original recorded music.
Mentoring and Youth Employability
Personal Development Partnership (funded 2009-10 to 2012-13)
The Personal Development Partnership (PDP) is a partnership between Venture Scotland, Venture
Trust, the Prince’s Trust and Fairbridge, funded through Cashback for Communities. The partner
organisations have joined forces to create a one-stop development shop for young people utilising
the outdoors as a learning environment. There are clear and significant differences in the provision
offered by each partner which can be tapped into depending on the needs of the young person.
The PDP was developed to co-ordinate a young person’s journey as they move away from negative
destinations, such as disengaging with formal education or statutory provision and/or displaying
offending behaviour, towards more positive destinations such as employment, education, training
or volunteering. The young person achieves this through accessing programmes offered by the
four partner organisations.
Cardonald College/Glasgow Clyde College and Scottish Power -**Phase 2 payments
through to 2014-15. Was also successful in obtaining Phase 3 funding.
Cardonald College works in partnership with Scottish Power to provide the PowerSkills programme.
The vocational programme allows students to work towards the Engineering Craft Skills Award,
whilst developing the their core skills such as numeracy and communications. Key Workers support
the student group, including pastoral care, timekeeping, absent management and addressing
behavioural concerns. Scottish Power offers students completing the Award an interview for entry
to ScottishPower’s Foundation Engineering Programme.
Prince's Trust Development Awards – successful in obtaining Phase 3 funding
In addition to the Personal Development Partnership, CashBack funding is being granted to the
Princes Trust to help finance their Development Awards. The Award aims to provide a ‘financial
lifeline’ to young people who are looking to step into either education, employment or training.
Examples include paying for course fees, clothing for interviews, equipment and other tools to
enable the start of an apprenticeship and travel costs to a place of work. Princes Trust employees
will also provide support to individuals in receipt of an Award.
Early Years
Just Play - Angus Council
Just Play is a joint venture between Angus Council and Police Scotland. This project seeks to
engage families with children aged between 0-3 within deprived areas of the county in order that
children can play in a controlled and safe environment, whilst developing the parents’ social skills,
self-esteem and confidence and raising their awareness of the benefits of play for young people.
This project is supported by the SG’s Early Years & Social Services Workforce Unit.
Working on Wheels
Working on Wheels is the UK’s principle charitable body for the development of mobile community
projects; incorporating play, youth, health, education and sport-related activities in some of the
most disadvantaged urban and rural communities in Scotland. Working on Wheels provides a
facility for those who live in areas where there is very little or no access to similar facilities and
their projects aim to bring disengaged people together to take part in activities which will improve
community cohesion, integration, and well-being. Working on Wheels are receiving CashBack
funding to increase their advisory services in Scotland. They will also develop an evaluation
method that gathers evidence of the added benefit of mobile projects and will report back to
Scottish Government on the added value of this type of diversionary delivery.
Community Assets
Inspiring Scotland – Link Up – ** Phase 2 payments through to 2014-15
Inspiring Scotland is being funded to deliver Link Up – an asset based programme whereby local
workers (community catalysts) within 10 local communities are employed to engage with and
facilitate opportunities for groups of residents to come together and undertake mutually beneficial
activities. Throughout, the workers and local host organisations are mentored and guided by
Inspiring Scotland Performance Advisers. The intended outcomes mainly concern improved
relationships and social connections between individuals within local communities, improved
community integration, increased well-being and individual and community resilience.
Community Initiatives
STV Child Poverty Appeal
Sports Relief – contribution towards Legacy 2014 Scottish Sport Relief Home and Away
Programme The Programme is part of the Government’s commitment to secure a lasting legacy
from the 2014 Commonwealth Games, both at ‘Home’ in Scotland and ‘Away’ in other parts of the
Borderline – Homeless Charity for Scots in London that aims to reduce homelessness, preventing
rough sleeping, and access a range of accommodation and specialist help options for their clients.
Funding used to provide information, advice and advocacy, provision of birth certificates for ID
purposes, referral to specialist projects where appropriate, and assistance with relocation either
back to Scotland or to other parts of the UK.
Scottish Communities League Cup – To promote the key message of Respect, Responsibility
and Tolerance, to extend reach into communities and to carry messages around Positive Coaching
Scotland, linking up with Active Schools and visiting 54 schools and 58 youth and community
initiatives around all 32 local authorities.
Club Golf - used to fund festival of ClubGolf in and around the Scottish Open
Community PayBack/Offender Services - Through this initiative, money seized from convicted
criminals allowed for the purchase of materials for the upgrade or refurbishment of community
leisure facilities. Offenders subject to the unpaid work requirement of Community Payback Orders
contributed the labour, delivering resources that provide positive activities for both young people
and the wider community. Examples of the type of work carried out under this scheme include:
the renovation of sporting pavilions and changing rooms; the refurbishment and extension of bike
tracks, equestrian paths and river walks; and the resurfacing of running tracks, tennis courts,
football pitches and basketball courts
Routes Out of Prison – a project run by the Wise Group Routes Out of Prison is run in seven
Scottish prisons and employs a radical approach to re-offending. Life coaches work with prisoners
serving sentences between three months and four years upon their release. Most of its Life
Coaches are ex-offenders themselves, which means they can adopt a hard-line approach that
changes ex-prisoner behaviours
Piper Alpha Memorial Trust
Tobar an Dualchais - project which aims to preserves and digitize material gathered in Scottish
Gaelic and Scots by the School of Scottish Studies University of Edinburgh and the National Library
for Scotland.