The Mobile Advertising Platform A major shift in platform usage has

The Mobile Advertising Platform
A major shift in platform usage has changed the desktop and mobile landscape. In the US alone,
Americans spent 46.6% of their total internet time in their mobile apps compared to desktop which
declined to 45.1% and the remaining 8.3% using mobile browsers. According to a recent study by, it suggests that smart phone users are in pace to reach 1.7 billion users by the end of the
year which amounts to nearly a third of the world’s population. Since most of the consumers today get
their mobile phones to use the internet to browse or connect, it presents an opportunity for marketers
to place ads in these platforms.
With this said, what is Mobile Marketing? By definition, mobile marketing is marketing on or with a
mobile device. In a deeper context, it is distribution of any kind of advertising message through wireless
media. Mobile Smart phones are the most direct and personal type of media channel since we are
connected to it 24/7. Since we remain connected to it throughout the day, marketers see this as an
opportunity to connect with their target audiences and send out personal targeted messages directly to
the consumer. It is also measurable through analytics and data targeting so it makes perfect sense that
advertising through mobile should take up some attention from brands and businesses. With
multinational corporations joining in the mobile advertising bandwagon, they have been shifting their
advertising budgets to allocate it to mobile advertising to cater to this new media avenue. As the shift
begins, popular social media websites and companies are beginning to develop new advertising
products to cater to this demand for better optimization and results for mobile advertising.
View the full report, "Mobile Advertising Platform" and get answers to key questions:
1. What are the different types of Mobile Advertising?
2. What companies offer Mobile Advertising?
3. How do you set up a Mobile Advertising Campaign?
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The Mobile Advertising Platform
A major shift in internet platform usage has changed the desktop and mobile landscape. In the US alone,
Americans spent 46.6% of their total internet time in their mobile apps compared to desktop which
declined to 45.1% and the remaining 8.3% using mobile browsers. According to a recent study by, it suggests that smart phone users are in pace to reach 1.7 billion users by the end of the
year which amounts to nearly a third of the world’s population. Since most of the consumers today get
their mobile phones to use the internet to browse or connect, it presents an opportunity for marketers
to place ads in these platforms. With this said, what is Mobile Marketing? By definition, mobile
marketing is marketing on or with a mobile device. In a deeper context, it is distribution of any kind of
advertising message through wireless media.
Mobile Marketing is the next big thing in advertising and why do I say so? In today’s fast paced data
sharing network, people are fond of using their mobile device to search and receive information because
it is both portable and functional.
Mobile Smart phones are the most direct and personal type of media channel since we are connected to
it 24/7. Since we remain connected to it throughout the day, marketers see this as an opportunity to
connect with their target audiences and send out personal targeted messages directly to the consumer.
It is also measurable through analytics and data targeting so it makes perfect sense that advertising
through mobile should take up some attention from brands and businesses.
Large multinational corporations like McDonalds, Coke and many more has already shifted their
advertising budgets to allocate to digital advertising to cater to this new media avenue. As the shift from
traditional to digital advertising begins, early adopters of the technology has gained a fair amount of
advantage over competitors who has not adopted with the technology which is my most businesses
today have dedicated some or most of their advertising budget to mobile marketing.
Mobile Marketing has opened a lot of doorways for new advertising platforms such as Facebook App
Installs, Twitter App Ads and Google Ads. Today, Facebook and Google is accounted for the majority of
the mobile ad market with revenue increasing from $6.92 billion is 2012 to $9.2 billion in 2013.
According to E-marketer, mobile ad spending is expected to grow in the coming years due to increasing
ad budgets and heavy growth in internet growth.
With Mobile Advertising expected to grow by 2014,
Google the leader in mobile advertising has been on top
of the food chain as it holds more than one third of the
market. The key reason for Google’s dominance is its
flagship Android iOS which has deep market penetration
in the mobile industry. Google also has apps such as
Google Play, Search and YouTube app which has almost
50% reach for mobile audiences. Google runs a variety of
mobile ads, ranging from Mobile Device with Full
Browsers to Mobile Install Ads. Ad types such as Text Ads,
Image Ads, App promotion ads, HTML5, Image app
promotion app and video app promotion ads are also
available. To learn more on the different types of Google
Mobile Ads platform you can visit this site.
Implementation for Google Mobile Advertising is the following:
1. Campaign Name. This is where you describe the name of your campaign to easily choose
differentiate different campaign.
2. Campaign Type. Choosing between different types of campaigns that is available with Google.
There are 3 types of campaign types available, “Search Network only, Display Network Only or
Search Network with Display Setting.
3. Networks. Once you have chosen what campaign network you want yours ads to show, the
network setting needs to be adjusted to your preference. From Google’s example, if you choose
Google Search Network then you will need to choose where your ads will appear on Google
Search Site or non-Google search sites.
4. Audience. Google allows you to choose between what device types your ads will show as well
as location and language targeting
5. Bidding and Budget. Advertisers can choose to manually set bids and control all existing
campaigns or choose default bid where this is the most you will pay for a click.
6. Ad Extensions. Ad extensions are unique to Google since this will provide additional information
and link to your website, address and phone number to better engage your consumers.
7. Advanced Settings. Scheduling campaign start and end date is also available and ad delivery can
also be adjusted to how much ads will be served to one person.
Campaigns are also easily measured through Google Analytics to show real-time performance for your
ad campaigns. For a more detailed and comprehensive explanation on how to create ads and campaign
in Google Mobile Ads platform you can visit them at
Recently, Facebook has put down all lingering doubts about their ability to transform its business into a
top mobile advertising platform. In 2012, profit from Facebook’s mobile ads comprised only 11% of its
total profit. But in 2014, it has more than doubled its
revenue getting 62% of its profits from Mobile Ads
platform. Facebook today has garnered 18% market share
in the Mobile Ad industry while Google’s market share is
also expected to fall to 39.8% from 49.8%. With Facebook’s
recent resurgence in the mobile advertising game they
have added new features unique only to Facebook.
Facebook App ads can now run in a variety of ways from
Mobile App Install Ads, Mobile App Engagement Ads and
App Events for iOS and Android.
On the other hand, implementation is fairly simple as
Facebook made it very user friendly. Here are the steps on
how to install Mobile App Ads to drive installs to your app.
Steps are as follows:
1. Quickly start your App Install Ad by going to Click on App Installs as
the objectives and past in your Apple App Store or Google PlayStore URL link to the destination.
Photo from: Facebook Developers
2. Customized your Ad. Connect your ad to an existing Facebook page or Facebook will direct to
create a new page for your app. You can now customize your Ad to your preference, you are
allowed to upload a creative and ad title and icon to your default image. A call to action is also
available, as you can choose between many call to action icons such as “Install Now, “Play
Game” and many more.
Photo from: Facebook Developers
3. Choose your Audience. You can customize your audience in a variety of ways.
 Platform (iOS or Android)
 Version (iOS 4 or greater or Jellybean 2.3 and greater)
 Specific mobile Model
 Interest, Age, Language, Location, Behavior and Gender
Photo from: Facebook Developers
4. Setting your Budget. Budgets are set in a variety of ways, from daily spend to lifetime spent.
Pricing is also customizable as your can choose between CPC and CPM.
5. Place Order. You now need to plot in your payment source to complete your order. Payment
options are available and the currency is flexible depending on what country you are in.
For more information regarding the step by step process on how to install and measure performance
you can run to this link:
With the continuous growth of Mobile App Advertising, new players come into play. Twitter has just
announced its new Twitter Marketing Platform Program which competes with top players such as
Google and Facebook in terms of mobile app marketing. According to the Laura, CEO and co-founder of
SocialCode, Twitter Ads have become a necessary channel for brands, achieving direct response,
branding and real-time marketing goals. Twitter ad platform includes Promoted Tweets, Promoted
accounts and Promoted Trends.
To start a campaign in Twitter the following steps needs to be taken
1. Account. Create a Twitter account for the account you will be advertising
2. Campaign Objectives. Define what the objectives for your Twitter campaign are so you can set
the goal to help you develop the most effective way to connect with your audience.
3. Campaign Set up. Campaign Setup is based on your goals and objectives. You will be able to set
up your campaign through Campaign Picker. This where you can easily reach targeted audiences
that would most likely to be interested in your business.
Campaign Picker
4. Targeting. Twitter targeting is custom tailored to different types of campaigns. Here are the
targeting tools that you can use for Twitter.
 Geo, device, gender and language targeting
 Keyword Targeting
 Interest and username targeting
 Website Tag for Remarketing
 Tailored Audiences
 TV targeting
5. Bid and Budget. The bidding and budget system of Twitter is slightly different from the other
platforms. Since Twitter uses a second price auction system where you can bid what you truly
believe a Tweet engagement is worth.
Twitter also has their own Analytics platform that will be generate reports for your campaign. For more
information regarding the step by step process for you to set up your twitter campaign.
Mobile App Install Ads
Promoted Accounts
Twitter Analytics
Overall, all these mobile advertising platforms has their own unique qualities from each other which can
be used in different types of campaigns. For more questions and inquiries regarding these platforms,
you can email us at and we will be happy to help you with your next