VLASS * Galactic Science

VLASS – Galactic Science
Life cycle of star formation in our Galaxy
as a proxy for understanding the Local
legacy science
Infrared GLIMPSE survey
VLASS – Galactic Science
Detailed study and Identification of High
Mass Star Formation Regions
high mass stars have a huge effect on their
environs, through UV radiation, wind energy,
shocks, enriching the ISM
our understanding of high mass star formation
is woefully incomplete: triggered star
formation vs. spontaneous collapse?
these stars drive winds and jets, which are
compact thermal sources
H II regions form once the star has contracted
down to the main sequence, and are useful
probes of high mass star formation
methanol masers are associated with regions
of high mass star formation
HST image of NGC 3603, showing a cluster
of massive star formation
GLIMPSE and CORNISH (5 GHz survey)
VLASS – Galactic Science
Stellar Winds, Planetary Nebulae, and Active Stars
thermal radio emission from stellar winds complements UV, optical studies
evolved OB stars reside in the densest part of the Galaxy
understanding mass loss  mass and energy flows in local Universe
PN have flat radio spectra in the GHz range (methanol masers reveal physical conditions)
only 3000 (of proposed 23,000) planetary nebula currently known (Frew & Parker 2010)
rates of detection and mass loss rates affect models for input energy into ISM
Magnetically active stars have flat radio spectra from non-thermal emission with possible
gyroresonance at higher frequencies; high spatial resolution enables identification
Detection of a previously unknown
planetary nebula from the CORNISH
survey, Hoare et al. (2012). Left: 5 GHz
Middle: Spitzer GLIMPSE (3.6,4.5,8 um)
VLASS – Galactic Science
Setting the Landscape
Ku band survey is complementary with many other
survey efforts
VLASS – Galactic Science
example: constraining thermal sources
With the proposed sensitivity,
radio emission can be used to
distinguish between these types
of thermal sources in star forming
regions Hoare et al. (2012)
 radio loud UCHII regions
 radio quiet Massive YSOs
 CORNISH limited in scope!
 sensitivity and spatial coverage
Typical spectral energy distribution of an Ultra-Compact HII
region (red curve). The distinctive shape is the product
of two emission processes: thermal radiation from warm
dust (the 'hump') and thermal free-free radio emission
from ionised gas (the 'plateau'). Fluxes normalized
VLASS – Galactic Science
• Key Science Advantages of Ku band
– sensitivity is optimized to thermal sources (a > +0.6)
– access to 12.2 GHz methanol maser (usually associated with 6.7 GHz
methanol maser and star formation) to help constrain pumping
mechanism; access to recombination lines
– complementary with infrared and submillimeter surveys that trace dusty
regions of early and current star formation
– picks up thermal emission from dense plasmas which are missed by lower
• Key Science Disadvantages of S band
– baseline sensitivity of 30 mJy will not pick up the same population as the
baseline sensitivity at Ku band will: miss many optically thick, thermal
– non-thermal (AGN) contamination will make source identification nature
very difficult at S-band
– no spectral lines (methanol maser very important indicator of star forming
regions; recombination lines provide basic kinematics)
VLASS – Galactic Science
Parameters of Proposed Survey
Galactic Latitude Coverage