THE HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS A WEB-QUEST FOR SIXTH GRADE SCIENCE DESIGNED BY INTESAR MAZAHREH ISARA612@HOTMAIL.COM INTRODUCTION TASK PROCESS EVALUATION PAGE CONCLUSIONS STANDARDS TEACHER PAGES HUMAN BODY WEB-QUEST • • • • • • NERVOUS SYSTEM SKELETAL SYSTEM MUSCULAR SYSTEM RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DIGESTIVE SYSTEM CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Why do I need to understand the human body systems? • We are living in a world with many people suffering from wide range of diseases. Some people suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and many more. Most people are impacted with these diseases, mostly, later in life; however, if people properly took care of their bodies before reaching adulthood or had someone inform them of consequences to lack of care, then their problems would have been prevented or minimized. Understanding the human body systems and how they function is the knowledge that everyone needs to acquire to minimize diseases and live a healthier life. The human body systems work together and are dependent on each other. Every activity we do involves using our body systems. For example, you wake up in the morning to the sound of the alarm clock, you see the time on the clock, you get up and take a shower, You put on your clothes and shoes and go on with your daily routines. You do not think about this, but you used the respiratory system, circulatory system, nervous system, skeletal and muscular system to accomplish the this daily routine. When you put on your socks, for example, you are breathing, binging in oxygen to your lungs and blood to help them do their job and bring it to muscles and nerves to accomplish the activity. The human body systems are dependent on each other, and work together to maintain a stable environment in our bodies. It is imperative to be mindful of the environment that we live in, and what we eat, and drink; the choices we make are vital for our well being. Everyone must be well informed of how the body works in order to make wellinformed and intelligent choices to take care of it. I hope you see that the purpose of your mission is to enable you to become well informed of how your body systems work and how to take care of INTRODUCTION The human body systems are amazing and very interesting. The more you study and understand them, the more knowledgeable you will become in making intelligent decisions to properly take care of them.The body has millions of cells that make up tissues that make up the organs, which work together to make up the body systems. Your mission is to surf the Web to explore and investigate what systems make up the human body, and how they are interconnected. Our main focus will be on the nervous system, muscular system, skeletal system, respiratory system, digestive system and the circulatory system. You will understand their functions, how they work, the diseases associated with them and how to make proper and healthy choices to maintain a healthy body. • • • • • • • • TASK You will work in a group of 3 and will be visiting many Websites that will provide you with all the information you need to answer the key question: How are the human body systems interrelated? You will gather the information in a journal, which will be checked periodically. You must cite the website used for the information. The knowledge and understanding you acquired will be manifested in a book report and a PowerPoint presentation (100 points). In your book report, you will answer questions, illustrate and label diagrams, and write essays. In the last page of your book report, you will apply what you learned and choose one activity and describe how the human body systems work together to accomplish the activity. Your power point presentation must show your understanding of how the body systems are interrelated. There are six body systems that will be divided by the three of you for presentation. you need to allow time to take questions from your classmates and be able to respond. Once you complete your mission, you will reach the unit objective of understanding the organs that make up each of the body systems, how they depend on each other and how healthy living impacts them. This will enable you to make intelligent choices in living a healthy life style. In addition, you would be familiar with searching the internet and identifying authentic websites to find valuable information that would be beneficial to you. Good luck in this valuable research. You can use this Website for clarification of any difficult concept: PROCESS THE NERVOUS SYSTEM You will begin your research with the nervous system. Your group of 3 will research the nervous system and answer the questions on the next slide. Once you gathered your information, you will record it in your journal; you will be using it to organize your book report and PowerPoint presentation. PROCESS THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Your group will answer the following questions by referring to the following Websites: • 1. 2. 3. 4. The information you gather will be recorded in your journal; it will be checked periodically and the information will be used in your book report and PowerPoint presentation. Make sure you title each body system in the book report. What system in our body controls our everyday activities? How? Be sure to compare the somatic and the autonomic nervous system. What part of the body is regulated by each system? Compare the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system. What organs are involved? Name two diseases associated with the nervous system? Once your group gathered the information, each one of you will choose one daily routine that will demonstrate your understanding of how your nervous system works. You will describe it in one paragraph in your book report. Copy an image of the nervous system and label it. • • In your PowerPoint presentation, be ready to explain how your nervous system is connected to other body systems and how to keep it healthy. Now you are ready to move on to the next body system. PROCESS MUSCULAR SYSTEM SKELETAL SYSTEM PROCESS • • • THE MUSCULAR AND SKELETAL SYSTEMS You group will research the skeletal and muscular systems and record your responses in your journal; this will be later organized in your book report. The questions to explore are the following: What are the functions of each system? How are both systems related? How can you maintain healthy bones and muscles? Compare voluntary muscles to involuntary muscles? Give examples. Discuss 2 diseases and preventions associated with each system. Identify parts of your body that has Joints, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons? Refer to the following links: • • • • • • Do not forget to discuss how the muscular and skeletal systems are linked to the rest of the body systems in your PowerPoint presentation. Now you will go on to your next body system. • • • • • • • THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM PROCESS • You group of 3 will research the respiratory system. • These are the questions to explore: 1. What is the function of the respiratory system? 2. What organs are involved? 3. Compare inhalation to exhalation. 4. Name 3 diseases associated with the respiratory system? You will read the following selection on the respiratory system using these links. espiration.html 8.html In addition to answering the above questions, choose one of the following options on the next slide. • . Each member in the group will choose only one of the following choices to include in the book report. You may be asked to present it orally. Please write the question. List 5 important facts about the respiratory system and 2 diseases associated with it. Be sure it includes one fact on the exchange of gases ,and the path of oxygen and carbon dioxide and the structures that they pass through. Show how oxygen is taken in, which organs are involved, label them, and show arrows showing the path of gas exchange in the body in an illustration. Be sure to label and include every part that is involved in the respiratory system. http::// iagram&revid=635579 How can we keep the respiratory system healthy? Describe the respiratory system function in one paragraph, then, you need to list 2 diseases associated with the respiratory system; how they damage your health, and their causes and preventions. Once you are done, you need to make an illustration of a place that people can choose to live in where there is clean air, and compare it to an illustration of a place with polluted air. Label everything that indicates clean air or polluted air. You will provided with paper for your diagram illustrations. You now know that clean air will lead to a healthy respiratory system and a healthier body. Write a persuasive essay and make an argument to help the public contribute to clean air and a healthier atmospheres. Your essay must have a thesis that shows your position with 3 reasons to discuss and support it using the information you researched, followed by your conclusion. Do not forget that that each one of you will choose only one of the above options to include in the book report. However, you will work together on the PowerPoint. Now you will go on to your digestive system and nutrition. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM • • 1. 2. • 1. 2. 3. • • The digestive system is the next body system your team will investigate. Answer these questions: what is the function of the digestive system? What organs are involved in this digestive system, how does it work? you can use any of the links on this slide to answer your questions. In addition to the above questions, You must respond to one of the following options. Each member of the group will choose only one. You ate breakfast, describe what happens using the information you read on following link. Specify the organs involved in digestions, and describe what happens. Illustrate the digestive system in the human body, and label the organs involved. Refer to this link: sa=1&q=digestive+system+diagram&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=digestive+system What is involved in the digestion of a meal? Compare mechanical digestion to chemical digestion. Refer to the following link for your reading. Remember to link the digestive system to other human body system s in your PowerPoint presentation. Each one of the group will choose one of the above options to be included in the book report. Now you are ready to go on to maintaining a healthy body with nutrition and exercise. WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF A HEALTHFUL DIET? • • • • • • • • • It is important that we understand the nutrient value when we eat a meal. In order for the body to absorb nutrients effectively, we must make wise choices in eating a well-balanced meal. Questions to be explored by your group: How does our body uses nutrients? Why do we read food labels? Would an adult need the same amount of nutrients as a young active person? Why? Refer to the websites on, the next slide, to gather and organize your information. Then, choose one of the following to be included in your PowerPoint presentation. Option 1: You will create a healthy meal for your family. As a group, create a list and illustrate the food groups. You will list the three meals of the day showing a balanced healthy diet including the food groups you researched. You need to define what a balanced diet is and why you chose the foods listed in the meal. Option 2: Create an advertisement for a boxed healthy meal. Include food label that shows the amount of calories and nutrients. Make it appealing to convince the consumer to buy it. Option 3: List the nutrients that we need, their function in the body, and an example of a food source for this nutrient. Example: Fats are necessary to insulate organs and store energy. Make a table for nutrients and its function with examples of food sources. NUTRIENTS CONTINUED • • • • In addition, choose one of the following essays to be included in your book report. in this country, we are lucky enough, and most of us can have a wellbalanced meal daily. In other disadvantaged countries, they might not be as lucky, and might lack many nutrients in their diet. Research a country where its people lack nutrition in their diet. What can you do to help that country? come up with an idea to help that country. Research diseases associated with making poor food choices. for example, excess of sugar in the diet leads to Diabetes. Write an essay about the advantages of a healthy diet, and why we need to be well informed of the disadvantages of making poor choices. Remember to link the importance of a healthy life style to your human body systems in your PowerPoint presentation. Share examples. Now go on to the last body system, the circulatory system. THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM • • • • • • • PROCESS CONTINUED/CIRCULATORY SYSTEM The circulatory system is last human body system you will examine. You will answer these questions with your group: 1. What is the function of the circulatory system? 2. List the organs involved in this system. 3. Describe the flow of blood in the body. Click on this link for a complete discussion of the flow of blood. 17d557e72515c02&t=Circulatory-System 4. What can you do maintain a healthy circulatory system? Refer to the following link for the information: • Once you answered the above questions and gathered the information in your journal, each one in your team will choose one of the options on the next slide to research and include in the book report. OPTIONS • • You must answer one of the following choices and include in your book report. Please write the question before your respond. 1. List 3 diseases associated with the circulatory system and preventions. • 2. Discuss how healthy eating habits can maintain healthy circulation. • • 3. Compare the life styles today, to the life styles before the 1900’s. What do you think led to the increase in heart problems today? • • 4. Look at the circulatory system diagram; write one paragraph describing what you see. Refer to this diagram on the circulatory system. • • • • Extra credit: Arrange for an interview with a gym coach. Prepare questions that will help you with fitness program to help you become physically fit. Organize the information you gathered and write a one page summary and include in your book report. You can refer to this link to prepare your interview questions. • • Remember to link the circulatory system to other human body systems, and the importance of exercises and healthful diet in your power point. BOOKREPORT & POWER POINT RUBRIC BOOK REPRT AND PRESENTATION (100 pts) BEGINNER DEVELOPING ACCOMPLISHED ADVANCED RESEARCH REQUIREMENT AND BIBLIGRAPHY Not enough research is done and gathered. Some work is inaccurate. No illustration done. No Websites cited. Did not include bibliography Group did not work cooperatively. Did not follow directions Research requirement are not completed. Illustration are not neat. Bibliography is missing many required websites. Researched most of the required sources. Most of the required information and illustrations are included.. Bibliography included Research of all the required sources is evident in book report. Went beyond fact finding. Illustrations are very clear. Bibliography included. And neatly organized. Group worked cooperatively and followed directions some of the time. Group worked Cooperatively and followed directions. Group members were very cooperative with each other. and followed directions to the letter. BOOK REPORT AND ORGANIZATION Poorly organized and lacks creativity. Responses are not accurate or complete. The required essays are not included. Diagrams are not labeled. None of the extra credit work is done. Lacks organization. Essays are not very clear, they lack good introduction a and conclusion. Some diagrams are missing labeling. One extra credit work is done, however it is missing some required information. Book report is organized, easily understood and creative. Required essays are done, but lacks some supporting details. Diagrams are labeled with minimum errors. Extra credit work lacks some of the requirement. Work is well- organized and clearly understood. Required essays are well-written and include good introduction, thesis, supporting ideas and an excellent conclusion. Diagrams are labeled correctly. Extra credit work is done accurately. POWERPOINT PRESENTATION. Minimal eye contact. No audience hookup. Slides do not have complete information. More images than explanations. Does not show understanding of the connect ion between the human body systems. Does not know the answers to audience questions. Minimum eye contact. Audience hook up is ok. Limited understanding of the body systems. Images included but limited reference to them. Connects two of the body systems. Does not answer questions completely. Eye contact most of the time. Audience hook up is good.. Understanding of the body system is mostly evident when referring to images. Excellent audience hook up. Eye contact all the time. Knows the body systems well and refers to images during discussion., and elaborates more than what is written on the slide. Information is accurate. Complete understanding of body systems.. Shows connection of the body systems. Answers audience questions accurately. Many errors in spelling, and punctuation. Needs a lot of work. Less than 8 errors in spelling and punctuation. Transition needs some work. Less than 5 errors in spelling and punctuation. Only a couple of slides and paragraphs need some work in transition. GROUP WORK MECHANICS: SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR. TRANSITION Connect most of the body systems. Answers most of the audience questions accurately. No errors. Excellent transition between paragraphs and slides. TEACHER PAGES • West Windsor Plainsboro School District • • Mrs. Intesar Sara Mazahreh • Sixth grade Science/ Team 6G • • (609) - 275 – 8686 X-1111 • Science Homework • Science Documents REFERENCES AND CREDITS • Book: Being Healthy, authors: Larry Olson, Richard Pierre, Jan Ozias. Published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1990. • • • • • • • • • • • • &tbs=isch:1&q=respiratory+system+diagram&revid=635579 stem+diagram&revid=635579 %3A1&sa=1&q=digestive+system+diagram&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql p=152&id=2457 REFERENCES CONTINUED • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _clip_image014_000 457 CONCLUSION • Your mission is completed in exploring the nervous system. the muscular system, the skeletal system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, and the circulatory system of the human body. You know how to research, and find valuable information. You are well informed of what systems make up the human body and how they work. This valuable information will be of a great benefit to you and will enable you to benefit others You are now educated on the fascinating work of your body systems; with such knowledge, you will make careful and wise decisions that will positively impact your body. You will be willing to find the best approaches to maintain a well functioning body systems and a healthy life style. The next time someone asks you for an advice or an opinion that has to do with what you learned in this Web-Quest, you will be proud to offer an intelligent response. Be sure to stay on top of things and always read updated health information to extend your knowledge and protect your body. • I am sure you are curious about the rest of the human body systems; stay tuned for your next intriguing mission. STANDARDS/SCIENCE • • • • • • • • • • SCIENCE TANDARD 5.5 Characteristics of Life All students will gain an understanding of the structure, characteristics, and basic needs of organisms and will investigate the diversity of life. 5.5.4 A. Matter, Energy and Organization in Living Systems 4. Describe the basic functions of the major systems of the human body including, but not limited to: Digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system, skeletal system, muscular system, reproductive system Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, By the end of Grade 6, students will: 5.5.6 A. Matter, Energy and Organization in Living Systems 1. Explain how systems of the human body are interrelated and regulate the body’s internal environment. STANDARDS/TECHNOLOGY • STANDARD 8.1 • Computer and Information Literacy • All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information and solve problems. STANDARDS/SOCIAL STUDIES • Standard 6.1 • Social Studies Skills • All students will utilize historical thinking, problem solving skills to maximize their understanding of Civics, History, Geography and Economics. STANDARDS/LANGUAGE ARTS • Standard3.1 Reading • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.1.6 A. Concepts about Print/Text 1. Use a text index and glossary independently and appropriately. 2. Survey and explain text features that contribute to comprehension (e.g., headings, introductory, concluding paragraphs). 3. Recognize and use common print formats to obtain information (e.g., newspapers, magazines, electronic sources). 3.1.6 B: Phonological Awareness. 3.1.6 C: Decoding and word recognition. 3.1.6 D Fluency. 3.1.6 E: Reading Strategies(before, during, and after reading) 3.1.6 G: Comprehension Skills and response to Text. 3.1.6 E Vocabulary and Concept Development. 3.1.6 H: Inquiry and Research. • Standard 3.2 Writing • All students will write in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes. STANDARDS/HEALTH • HEALTH STANDARD 2.1 • Wellness • All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle. STANDARDS/ART • Art standards: • STANDARD 1.2 Creation and Performance All students will utilize those skills, media, methods, and technologies appropriate to each art form in the creation performance, and presentation of dance, music, theater, and visual arts. texture, and space for a variety of subjects and basic media. 1.2.2 D. Visual Art 1. Create works of art using the basic elements of color, line, shape, form, texture, and space for a variety of subjects and basic media. 2. Cite basic visual art vocabulary used to describe works of art. 3. Present completed works of art in exhibition areas inside and outside the classroom. 4. Recognize how art is part of everyday life.