Chemical Names and Formulas

Chapter 9
Essential Questions
 How does the periodic table help you determine the
names and formulas of ion and compounds?
 What is the difference between an ionic and
molecular formula?
How do we determine the
charges of monatomic ions?
 Monotomic ions are the simplest ions
 They either cations or anions
 Positive, metals, give away electrons to obtain the
configuration of a noble gas state.
 Negative, nonmetals, take electrons to obtain the
configuration of a noble gas.
Naming Monotomic Ions
 Metals are named using the name of the metal
 Sodium ion, calcium ion, aluminum ion
 Anions
 Start with the stem of the element and end in ide
 Oxide, Sulfide, Nitride
Naming Monotomic Ions
 Some metals form more than one ion
 Transition metals 1B-8B
 Two ways used to name these metals
 Stock method
 Fe2+
 Iron(II)
 Fe3+
 Iron(III)
Naming Monotomic Ions
 Classical System
 The classical name of the element is used to form the
 Ferrous ion, Ferric ion
 List the symbols and names of common metal ions
with more than one charge. Make flash cards for
memorization (HW)
 Write the symbol, including the charge for the ion
formed by each element; classify each as anion or
cation; then write the name of each ion.
 Arsenic
 Beryllium
 Fluorine
 Gallium
 Sodium
 As3-; anion; arsenide ion
 Be2+; cation; beryllium ion
 F-; anion; fluoride ion
 Ga3+; cation; gallium
 Na+; cation sodium ion
Polyatomic Ions
 polyatomic ions
Naming Ionic Compounds
 Writing ionic formulas
Writing the Formulas for Ionic
 Practice problem 9.2 pg 246
Naming Binary Ionic
 If you know the formula, you can write its name
 Place the cation name first and the anion name
 For compounds with elements that form only one
ion, it is straight forward as in NaBr
 For compounds with elements that form more than
one ion, the name of the metal must be . SnF2, SnO2
 Sample Problem 9.3 pg 249
 Write the names of these binary compounds
 Li2O
 MgS
 MnCl3
 FeO
 CaI2
 Lithium oxide
 Magnesium sulfide
 Manganese(III) chloride
 Iron(II) oxide
 Calcium iodide
Compounds with Polyatomic
 The procedure is similar to binary compounds
 Write the symbol (or formula) for the cation
 Write the symbol (or formula) for the anion
 Add subscripts as needed to balance the charges
 Use which ever method you are comfortable with
 Use parenthesis when more than one polyatomic ion
is necessary to balance charges
 Sample problem 9.4 pg 251
Naming Compounds with
Polyatomic Ions
 First write the cation name
 If the cation has than one charge, use a roman
numeral in the cation name
 Identify the polyatomic ions and write that in the
 Sample problem 9.5 pg 253
 Name the following compounds
 Na2CO3
 Pb(OH)2
 FeN
 NH4NO3
 Mg(NO3)2
Naming and Writing Formulas
for Molecular Compounds
 Write the of the elements in the order listed in the
 Use prefixes to indicate the number of each kind of
atom. You do not have to use mono. The vowel at
the end of a prefix is dropped if the element begins
with a vowel
 End the name with the suffix ide
 Memorize the chart of prefixes on page 257
 Practice problems 9.6 pg 258
Naming and Writing Formulas
for Molecular Compounds
 Writing formulas for Binary Molecular Compounds
 Use the prefixes to determine the subscript
 Write the correct symbols for each element with the
appropriate subscripts
Naming and writing formulas for
acids and bases
 Naming Acids
 The general formula for an acid is HnX
 n is the number of hydrogen ions combined with the
 The naming depends on the anion (X)
 If the anion ends in ide, the prefix is hydro, the anion has
the suffix ic hydrochloric acid
 If the anion ends in ite, the stem ends in ous sulfuous
 If the anion ends in ate, the stem ends in ic nitric acid
 Chart pg 260