UCC Climate Change Research Workshop Flash Presentations University College Cork May 29th, 2013, 9:00 -13:00 Boole 5, UCC Campus The Status of Ireland’s Climate, 2012 Dr. Ned Dwyer Essential Climate Variables of Relevance to Ireland as defined by the Global Climate Observing System Secretariat Air Temperature Mean Surface Air Temperature (1900-2011) Annual Mean 11 year moving average 1961-1990 Normal Simple linear trend 1.3 10.6 0.9 0.7 10.2 0.5 0.3 9.8 0.1 -0.1 9.4 -0.3 -0.5 9.0 -0.7 -0.9 1900 Mean Annual Temperature (oC) Difference (oC) from 1961 - 1990 1.1 8.6 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 Year 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 T mean has increased by approximately 0.8oC over the last 110 years Ireland’s Climate is changing in line with regional and global trends….. …but local patterns are evident. It is essential that Ireland’s climate observation system is maintained and enhanced to allow us understand how our climate is changing and how best to adapt Dr. Dean Venables Dept. of Chemistry/ERI New Approaches To Measuring The Aerosol Direct Effect In Radiative Forcing OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES Field studies: Martins et al., 2009 Wood combustion: Chen & Bond, 2010 “a large source of uncertainty in the aerosol radiative forcing estimates is associated with aerosol absorption.” (IPCC, 2007) OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT: Extension to near-UV Atmospheric chamber FTIR Filter M1 M2 M M Iris Iris L1 NOx detect. O3 detect. L2 CCD Xe Arc Lamp Broadband optical cavity spectroscopy (IBBCEAS) Coupled to simulation chambers OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF PARTICLES (a) 3 340 nm 1-nitronaphthalene 2 -1 1 extinction coefficient (10 cm ) 400 nm 1-NN added photolysis 0 60 • • 2 -3 3 (b) 2 40 20 1 0 0 60 80 100 Time (min) 6 (c) -5 60 80 100 120 Time (min) -3 40 Mass concentration (10 g m ) 20 3 0 Concentration (10 cm ) Fractional intensity change OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF NITROAROMATIC AEROSOL 120 118 min 4 99 min 2 94 min 89 min (1-NN gas) 0 320 340 360 380 wavelength (nm) 400 Measure broadband, near-UV extinction spectra of gases & particles Study optical properties of different aerosol types & how they change with atmospheric processing Prof. Graham Parkes Dept. of Philosophy The Politics of Global Warming The Politics of Climate Change: Philosophical Perspectives • • • • • 1. The Climate Sciences 2. Climate Scepticism 3. The Promethean Spirit 4. Engaging China 5. Nature and Technology Climate Scepticism Psycho-social factors: the problem is imperceptible, abstract (far future); wishful thinking, pre-judgments - social identity Economic factors: tackling climate change will restrict growth of GNP An inconvenient fact: To stand an 80% chance of preventing a temperature rise of 2ºC over pre-industrial levels, some 80% of currently owned fossil fuel reserves will have to be left in the ground -- a loss of some $20 trillion. • Political factors: two major obstacles (USA) • 1. The enormous financial power of the fossil fuel industries » to fund think-tanks, lobby Congress, re-elect politicians • Carbon-rich nations: » USA, Russia, China, Australia, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, Canada . . . • 2. The power of the religious Republicans in Congress » who control the Committee on the Environment, the Energy Committee, the Science Committee The Spirit of Prometheus • Myth: ‘This never happened, but is always going on.’ • • The Titan Prometheus gave us fire stolen from Zeus and (stolen from other Gods) the techniques of survival: • • • • woodworking, house-building, ship-building, agriculture, animal husbandry, and mining. Plato: ‘Prometheus gave humans the survival arts, but not the political arts.’ Prometheus relieved us of ‘a sense of our death’ and gave us instead ‘blind hopes’. The punishment of Prometheus: Chained to a rock on a mountain-top, his liver is pecked out daily by the eagle of Zeus. Celine McInerney Finance Lecturer Department of Accounting, Finance and Information Systems “Financial Market Assessment of Carbon Liabilities” Unburnable Carbon 2013: Wasted capital and stranded assets • • 565 – 886 billion tonnes CO2 carbon budget for 20 C scenario (IEA & Carbon Tracker) 2,860 billion tonnes CO2 – Top 200 emitters current fossil fuel reserves (Stern et al.) • 40-60% of the market value of top 200 oil and gas companies ($4 trillion market value & $1.5 trillion debt) at risk as carbon liabilities are not recognised by investors Lord Nicholas Stern Conclusion: Markets do not believe politicians will enforce carbon targets • • If markets are right => carbon targets not enforced and temperature will increase by over 30 C If markets are wrong => politicians enforce carbon targets and 40-60% of energy companies’ value will be wiped out Summary • No accounting standard for carbon liabilities • CO2 liabilities not disclosed in accounts • Difficult for rating agencies to assess impact • Expectation of CO2 market fix increasing cost of capital – April 16, 2013, following EU parliament rejection of CO2 “backloading” plan utilities shares ↓: Eon 5%, RWE 2% • Neither equity nor credit markets pricing in CO2 risk Areas of Knowledge • • • • • • • • • Finance theory on risk and return, portfolio theory Valuation using Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Monte Carlo Modelling financial returns to renewable investors Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), Cost of debt (bond pricing), cost of equity – calculating asset Betas etc. Options: Black and Scholes, Margrabe spread options, real options Financial statement analysis Energy market models and electricity price forecasting, SEM, BETTA Interconnection / Valuation of Interconnectors Accounting for carbon liabilities Dr Fiona Cawkwell, Department of Geography, UCC; f.cawkwell@ucc.ie Earth Observation systems for Climate Change Dr Fiona Cawkwell, Department of Geography, UCC; f.cawkwell@ucc.ie Earth Observation systems for Climate Change Dr Fiona Cawkwell, Department of Geography, UCC; f.cawkwell@ucc.ie Earth Observation systems for Climate Change at UCC Courtesy of Dr Brian Barrett Courtesy of Dr Brian O’Connor Courtesy of Gillian Whelan FAPAR value Courtesy of Dr Brian Barrett Courtesy of Stuart Green Image: Anne, flickr.com, creative commons licence Wind Energy, CO2 emissions and export of renewable electricity Dr. Paul Leahy, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Environmental Research Institute University College Cork ERI Climate Change Research Showcase, May 29th 2013 paul.leahy@ucc.ie Does wind energy mitigate CO2 emissions? CO2 sources • • • • • • • • • CO2 sinks Turbine manufacture Transport to site Soil disturbance Foundations & site works Tree felling Spinning reserve Other power system effects Operations & maintenance Decommissioning • Displaced CO2 emissions from fossil fuel generation ERI Climate Change Workshop 2013 Does wind energy mitigate CO2 Yes, emissions? Indicative wind farm CO2 balance 10 CO2 source 5 lifetime 0 2 2 CO emissions [g CO / kWh] overwhelmingly,: but… CO2 sink -5 1 year -10 -15 -20 CO2 emissions are highly site-dependent foundations/site works peat disturbance turbine manufacture displaced emissions (1 year) pre-operational CO2 abatement: Power systems are complex -- new measures and infrastructure to support renewables may have unintended consequences! operational ERI Climate Change Workshop 2013 Wind export to Britain: issues to be resolved ‘Greenwire’ project – Element Power (2.5 GW wind) `c. 1000 turbines ‘EnergyBridge’ project - Mainstream Renewable Power (3 GW wind) c. 1200 turbines … both by 2020! • RES-E generated counts towards UK renewables target • CO2 associated with land-use change : “booked” in Ireland? ERI Climate Change Workshop 2013 Climate Justice, Human Rights and Natural Disasters Dug Cubie Irish Research Council New Foundations awards University College Cork, Ireland 29th May 2013 Post-2015 frameworks Climate change Kyoto Protocol MDGs Sustainable development Protection of Persons Disaster risk reduction Hyogo Framework ILC draft articles Disaster response Incoherent Broadband Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (IBBCEAS) Application to Climate Research Ranjini Raghunandan Albert A. Ruth Physics Department, University College Cork IBBCEAS • Measures the transmission of light intensity through a stable optical cavity consisting of high reflectance mirrors (R>0.999) • • Allows a significant spectral range to be covered simultaneously Light sources commercially available, simple, inexpensive and bright • IBBCEAS + FT • High sensitivity, experimental simplicity High spectral resolution Fiedler, S.E., Hese, A., Ruth, A.A., Chem. Phys. Lett., 371 (2003) 284. Orphal, J., Ruth, A.A., Opt. Express, 16 (2008) 19232. The Hydroxyl Radical The role of nitrogen in OH production • OH: The most important oxidising agent in the troposphere! • Determines concentrations and distribution of greenhouse gases and pollutants • An important source for CO2 production • OH + CO CO2 + H + H2O Lammel, G., Cape, J. N., Chem. Soc. Rev., 25 (1996) 361. Heard, D. E. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 57 (2006) 191 . + Application of FT-IBBCEAS to the HONO problem • Detection of the species’ fingerprints over 3000 cm-1 allows direct comparison of relative concentrations • High spectral resolution a probe to the reaction chemistry contribution to spectral databases Other applications of IBBCEAS • • • • • Chemical Reaction Kinetics Pollution monitoring Fundamental Science and Research Breath Analysis Combustion Diagnostics More Information http://laser-spectroscopy.ucc.ie/