Clayton State University Teacher Education Program Gifted In

Clayton State University Teacher Education Program
Gifted In-Field Endorsement - Advisement Sheet
CSU’s Gifted in-Field Endorsement program is designed to train local candidates to identify and teach gifted
students from a variety of cultural, linguistic, and economic backgrounds. This program ensures that its graduates
have in-depth knowledge of teaching gifted and talented students and are able to appropriately address the
unique characteristics, development, and needs of the gifted learner. Successful completion of the assignments,
performance tasks, and assessments for each course will serve as evidence that candidates have developed
knowledge of subject. Program candidates will complete 200 hours of coursework and applied field experiences.
Content knowledge will be integrated across courses to help ensure mastery. Participants will receive a total of 12
credits or upon completion of the program.
The Gifted In-Field Endorsement enables educators to provide "direct instruction" only in the grade levels and
fields of their base certificates. Individuals with this endorsement may serve as a resource teacher for "indirect
services" for gifted education in any content area or grade level P-12. Successful completion of the Endorsement
for the Talented and Gifted courses leads to a Gifted In-Field Endorsement from the Georgia Professional
Standards Commission (PSC). Working educators choose CSU’s program because of its quality, and fit with their
busy lifestyles.
Special Requirements: This program is for licensed teachers who work in a classroom setting with students a minimum of 20
hours per week per semester, excluding summers, or, undergraduate/graduate Teacher Education Candidates who intend to
seek gifted certification. Students will need a criminal background check (through the employing school district or your local
police department) and professional liability insurance, through membership in a professional agency.
Delivery: Courses are offered on a continuous basis, allowing for part-time enrollment. Students conduct 80% of work in online
courses, including team functions, exams, discussion posts, and case studies. Students also have access to academic
resources, such as an online library. Courses are asynchronous, but students may participate in videoconferencing for field
experience supervision or feedback. Students benefit from a highly interactive program setting that promotes leadership,
collegiality, and communication skills.
Technology: Students must have regular access to a computer with a current operating system (Windows or Mac) and high
speed internet access. Additional peripherals such as headphones and printer may be required. Students must have access to
Webcam software and hardware to enable remote classroom observation and conferencing. Students are required to purchase
LiveText portfolio assessment software. Additional course specific software may be required.
Portfolio: Preparation and presentation of a final electronic portfolio is a program exit requirement.
Transfer credit: No credits can be transferred from other institutions for this endorsement program.
Financial Aid: Not available for this program.
Retention/Completion: The maximum time allowed for completion of the endorsement is seven calendar years. Students must
successfully complete the endorsement courses with an average grade of “B” or better to be recommended for the endorsement.
Candidates applying to enroll in the Gifted-In-Field Endorsement Program for the purposes of certification, must
meet the following qualifications:
Prerequisites – In Service Teacher
Valid clear renewable Georgia Teaching Certificate – T4 or higher
Passed content area GACE or equivalent assessment
Minimum 3.0 GPA from most recent degree program
One year of successful teaching experience
Principal or System Level Recommendation
 Yes
 No
 Pending
 Yes
 No
 Pending
 Yes
 No
 Pending
 Yes
 No
 Pending
 Yes
 No
 Pending
 Yes
 No
 Pending
 Yes
 No
 Pending
 Yes
 No
 Pending
Prerequisites – Pre Service Teacher
Minimum 3.0 GPA
Passed content area GACE
Submitted a complete Intent to Seek Endorsement Application
Program of Study
If course enrollment is high enough, two classes will be offered each semester including summer, permitting
students to complete the endorsement in two consecutive semesters. If low enrollment, only course per semester
will be offered. Courses are offered on a rotating basis. Students may enter the program during any semester.
The program will follows a 15-week semester schedule for Spring and Fall Semester and a 7-week schedule for
Summer Semester.
Overview of Courses, Field Experiences, and Clinical Practice Internship:
Four courses are required for the Gifted In-Field Endorsement. Courses and field experiences (FE) in the program
are as follows. Courses may only be taken in the sequence presented. Candidates must pass each course with at
least a C prior to continuing on to the next course offered.
Foundations &
of the Multicultural
Gifted Learner
A course designed to
give an overview of
educational and
characteristics of pupils
who are talented and
gifted. Includes
diagnosis, referral,
management, and
educational practices.
Topics Covered
Overview of Endorsement
Multiple criteria rule
Teaching Strategies and
Concept of Giftedness
Program Models
Historical Perspective of
Gifted Program Philosophy
Gifted Education
CSU Teacher Education Unit Philosophical Backgrounds
Conceptual Framework
and Principles of Gifted Ed.
Diverse Populations of Gifted
Learner goals and objectives
Myths and Realities in gifted
Characteristics of Giftedness
Definitions of Giftedness
Learning Styles
FEI – Observe Veteran
gifted teacher instructing
gifted students.
Observe a GA
Association for Gifted
Children meeting,
workshop, or conference
Identification and
Assessment of the
Gifted Learner
This course provides an
introduction to tests
unique to assessing the
developmental level and
the potential
achievement of children
with talents and gifts.
Emphasis is placed on
the use of these tests in
planning and selecting
curricular programs and
Gifted Exceptionalities
Economically Disadvantaged
Gifted Students
Gifted Females
Gifted Males
Case Study Discussion
FEII – Observe Eligibility
Team Meeting and
Assessment Testing.
Test students for gifted
services and score tests.
Characteristics Instrument
for Screening
Eligibility Team Members
and Roles
Basic Stats
Score Interpretation
IQ Achievement Testing and
Administering and
Interpreting CogAT and
IDing Special Populations
Class Activities
FE Reflections*
Special Populations
CSU Dispositions
Final Exam
50 Contact
3 Credit
Gifted Education
Literature Review*
FE Reflections*
Teacher Tools
Class Activities
Final Exam
40 Contact
3 Credit
Multiple Criteria Process
Development of Staff
Screening Training
Role of the School
Creativity and Torrance Test
of Creative Thinking
Administering the TTCT and
Product Assessments
Measuring Motivation
Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities
Role Play: Parent/Teacher
eligibility conference
Simulations: Interpreting
Completing the DCI
Literature Review
Eligibility Teams
Curriculum and
Strategies for the
Gifted Learner
A course covering the
development of
curriculum content and
teaching materials for
students identified as
talented and gifted.
Considerable time will be
spent on organizing
learning experiences
and utilizing a variety of
teaching methods.
FEIII – Attend
informational meeting for
Attend an enrichment
activity for gifted
Program Development
for the Gifted Learner
This course provides a
study of curriculum
models, the types of
curriculum needed for
the Talented and Gifted,
guidelines for developing
curricular patterns which
include subject or skill,
core, interest, process,
experiential bases of
operations, and modular
designs of community
involvement. The course
requirements include the
development of
curriculum of learning
activities which will have
greatest applicability and
usability within the local
school system.
FEIV/Clinical Practice
Internship – Teach
seven original
differentiated lessons in
a Gifted Education
classroom. 20 Contact
Parallel Curriculum
Content and Assessments
Differentiation of Content,
Process, Product,
Tiered Activities, Compare
and Contrast, Mystery,
Creative Problem Solving,
Decision Making, and
Metaphorical Expression
Unit Development
Scope and Sequence of
Gifted Services
IB and AP
GA Delivery Model Options
Barbara Clark: Integrative
Education Model
Options for Enriching Gifted
Clifford: Learning Enrichment
Services (LES): A
Participatory Model for Gifted
Book Discussion: Re-forming
Gifted Education - Rogers
John Feldhusen: Perdue
Three Stage Enrichment
Model - Elementary Level
George Betts the
Autonomous Learner Model
Renzuli: Enrichment Triad/
Revolving Door Model/
Secondary Triad Model
John Feldhusen: Perdue
Three Stage Enrichment
Model – Secondary for G&T
Mary Landrum: consultation
in gifted Ed: Teachers
Working Together to Serve
Calvin Taylor: Multiple Talent
Schlichter: Talents Unlimited
Susan Winebrenner and
Barbara Devlin: Cluster
Grouping of gifted Students
Donald Treffinger: Selfdirected Learning
Program Advocacy
Sample Lessons
Toolbox Presentations
7-Lesson Unit Plan*
Final Exam
Theoretical Model
Case Study*
Model Presentation
School Plan
Clinical Practice
CSU Dispositions
CSU Diversity
Final Portfolio
50 Contact
3 Credit
40 Contact
3 Credit
* To be included in final LiveText portfolio