Chapter 11 Student Notes

Chapter 11
Cell Communication
Student Version
Cells can receive signals in several different ways
o ______________________________________ – light
o ______________________________________ – touch
o _________________________________ – hormones **Most Common**
Cell Signaling Evolved Early in Life – YEAST!
o There are 2 types of yeast, and they identify their mates using chemical signaling
The chemicals they secrets causes ___________________________________________
o Signal Transduction Pathway  ___________________________________________________
This process evolved way before _____________________________________________
Communicating cells may be close together or far apart
o _____________________________ Signaling (CLOSE)
Transmitting cells secrete ______________________________________________,
which influences cells in that vicinity
Example of local regulators: GROWTH FACTORS  ________________________
_____________________________________________; called paracrine signaling
Animal Nervous system  more specific; one nerve cells produces
neurotransmitters and sends that signal to only ONE target cell; called
__________ _____________________________________________
o Cells further away from each other:
Hormones  chemicals plants and animals use to signal at greater distances; utilizes the
________________________________ system and __________________________
system in animals; in plants hormones can travel in __________________________ but
usually __________________________________________________________________
o Cells that are in direct contact can also communicate
Animals = gap junctions (signals dissolved in cytosol can pass through using these)
Plants = plasmodesmata
In animals, signaling is important in _______________________________________ and
in the _________________________________________
o When a cell receives a signal, it must be recognized by a specific receptor and then the
information it carries must be changed into another form – this is called transduction; once this
happens, then the cell can respond
Three Stages of Cell Signaling: Reception, Transduction, and Response
o Earl W. Sutherland  investigated how ______________________________________________
He came up with 3 specific steps in cell signaling:
________________________________ = ________________________________
________________________________ = ________________________________
_______________________________________; may be a series of steps called a
________________________________ = cellular response that is triggered by the
transduced signal
Signal receptors on the target cells are the key to signaling
Signal molecules binding to receptor proteins can cause the protein to change shape
o The signal molecule is complementary in shape to the receptor and attaches like a lock and key
o ________________________________ = small molecule that specifically binds to a larger one;
the signal molecule behaves like a ligand in this case
o Ligand binding usually causes ______________________________________________________
Most signal molecules are too big to pass through, but the receptor proteins can be embedded in the
plasma membrane, so it can transmit the signal to the inside of the cell by changing shape or
opening/closing when the signal binds to it
3 types of membrane receptors:
o 1. G-protein linked receptors:
Many different types but all have the same basic structure
If _______________ is bound to the protein = ACTIVE
If _______________ is bound to the protein = INACTIVE
** GTP is similar to ________, and GDP is similar to _________**
See Figure 11.7 pg. 202 for mechanism of G-protein
______________________ converts the GTP back into GDP so the protein
becomes inactive when the signal is no longer there
o 2. Tyrosine-Kinase Receptors:
A class of plasma membrane receptors characterized by enzymatic activity
Receptors for Growth Factors
Can trigger _______________________________________________________
_____________________________________ at once
Membrane receptors that attach ___________________________________________
See Figure 11.8 pg. 203
o 3. Ion-Channel Receptors
Open or close in response to a __________________________________________, which
allows _______________________________________________________________
_________________________________________(for example, Na+ or Ca2+)
Changes shape when molecules bind to create a channel
Very important in the _____________________________ system
Intracellular Receptors
o Some signal receptors are proteins dissolved in the cytoplasm or nucleus of the cell
o Signals need to be able to cross the ___________________________________________ in
order to get into the cell (usually hydro___________!)
Examples: steroid hormones,____________________________________, ____________
These receptors act as transcription factors – which activate transcription of the gene
into _____________
Transduction stage is usually a multistep pathway
o Benefit = a small number of extracellular signal molecules can produce a large cellular response;
signal is amplified by one molecule in the chain transmitting the message to multiple molecules
at the next step, and so on
Pathways relay signals from the receptors to the cellular response
o The signal starts with the activation of the receptor protein, which then passes the signal to the
next molecule, then to the next, etc.
Usually the molecules in the pathways are proteins and the signals are brought on by
conformational changes – usually caused by _________________________________
(protein kinases = _________________________________________________________
Many of the molecules in the signal transduction pathway are protein kinases that act on
each other to create a “___________________________________________________”
Protein kinases are EXTREMELY important in animals – involved in the regulation of most
o To turn off the signal pathway when the initial signal is no longer present, _________________
_______________________________________ are used; these remove ___________________
groups from ____________________________ thus inactivating those proteins
o THEREFORE…the activity in a cell depends on the balance between ________________________
_________________________ molecules and _________________________________________
Second messengers
o Second messengers = _____________________________________________________________
o Most important second messengers = __________________________ and ______________
o 1. Cyclic AMP (cAMP)
Adenylyl cyclase = _________________________________________________________
Overview = the first messenger (the hormone) causes a membrane enzyme to
make cAMP, which broadcasts the signal out to the cytoplasm
o Phosphodiesterase = enzyme that converts cAMP into AMP (inactive), so
once the hormone is gone, the signal stops
o Many hormones can signal the formation of cAMP
o cAMP usually works by activating _______________________________
(___________________/_____________________________ kinase)
o See Figure 11.13 pg. 207
o 2. Calcium Ions
More widely used as a second messenger than cAMP
The concentration of Ca2+ is…
Lower in _________________________________________________________
Higher in _________________________________________________________
Calcium is critical for both plants and animals
Animals = _________________________________________________________
Plants = ____________________________________________________________
Changes in the Ca2+ levels (usually by release of Ca2+ from the ER) initiates other second
_______________________________________ = Ca2+ binding protein found in
eukaryotic cells; mediates many calcium-regulated processes by changing
conformation and then binding to other proteins to activate or deactivate them
Signal transduction pathways lead to ____________________________________________________
o Ex. The response of liver cells to signaling by the hormone ______________________________
helps regulate __________________________________________________________________
o Production of transcription factors (which can switch genes on and off)
Multi-step pathways have two important benefits:
o 1. ________________________________________________
At each step in the process, the number of activated molecules is greater than the one
before it
o 2. ____________________________________________________________________
The same signal (ex. Hormone) can produce effects in one cell and not in another, OR it
can activate both, but the cells can respond differently – it all depends on the
_________________________________ that make up the cell
How does a specific signal molecule find its substrate?
Scaffolding proteins = ________________________________________________
See Figure 11.19 pg. 212