
Chapter 13
Subcultural (Co-cultural)
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Chapter Spotlights
Subculture and Society
Subcultures based on nationality and
Subcultures based on age
Subcultures based on geographic region
Subcultures based on religion
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Subculture and Society
Subculture is any cultural patterning that preserves
important features of the dominant society but
provides for values, norms, and behaviors of its own.
Foundations for subcultural variation:
Geographic region
Who belongs to what subculture – Three factors
Generalizations, self-perceptions, feelings about
identification with a subculture
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Subcultures Based on
Nationality and Ethnicity
Nationality and ethnic subcultures develop in
order to serve their members in three ways:
To provide a source of psychological group
To offer a patterned network of groups and
institutions supportive of the subculture
To serve as a frame of reference through which to
evaluate the dominant culture.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
African-American Subculture
See Exhibit 13.1
Younger with very high numbers living
in cities
1999 earnings: $491 billion
1999 purchases: $207 billion (ninth
largest economy in the world)
Approximately 28% of families had an
annual income of $50,000 or more in
The group is very diverse
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Marketing to African
African American consumers expect
respect within the marketplace and
must feel a sense of acceptance.
When they seek subculture-specific
products they use media targeted to the
Use of black models in advertising is
important to them.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Hispanic-American Subculture
2000 purchasing power: $340 billion
Median income is about two thirds of
the average in the U.S.
In 2000, 9.6 % percent of Hispanic
families had incomes of more than
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Hispanics (continued)
They think of themselves as Hispanic or
Latino first and as Americans second.
90% indicate that the Spanish language
is the most important feature of their
Two-thirds of Hispanics prefer to speak
Spanish at home
20% of Hispanics do not speak English at
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Marketing to Hispanic
They are a diverse group, bound together by a
common language and cultural heritage. (66%
Mexican, 14.5% C/S American, 9% P.R., 4% Cuban)
Tend to marry within subculture (M>F); having
children is most important event in family; dominant
values: traditional, conservative, respect for elders,
commitment to family, male dominance
They are very brand loyal.
90% use Spanish language media for product
They have positive attitudes toward advertising.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Asian- and Pacific IslandAmerican Subculture
It consists of 29 distinct groups
Their nationalities range from Chinese (32%),
Filipino (19%), Japanese (12%), Asian Indian and
Pakistani (11%), Korean (11%), Vietnamese (8%)
and Pacific Island (5%) to 20 others
The group earned $350 billion in 2000 with the
median income per household at approximately
They tend to be conservative and family oriented.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Asian- and Pacific IslandAmericans (continued)
They are cost conscious and very brand loyal
They shop mostly within their communities
Language barrier may be a challenge for
The most effective advertising to ChineseAmericans reflects traditional family values
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Subculture Based on Age
They influence purchases in approx. 60
product categories
They select the stores in which they spend
they own money
By appealing to preteens, marketers build
brand loyalty at an early stage
The medium of choice for them is
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
They make up 6% of the population,
but growth will be flat until 2010.
One view is that they have
segmented themselves into seven
groups based on psychographics.
The groups are named: 1) jarheads
(athletes), 2) nerds or geeks
(computer wizards), 3) prepsters or
bushies (conservatives), 4) surfer
dudes (casual dressers/attitudes, 5)
heavy metal rockers/punks 6) study
gerkins, and 7) bohos (poetry and
black dress)
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Teens (continued)
Teens are preoccupied with their
They are open to new ideas and new
Teens are avid television viewers
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Young Adults – Generation X
Those born between 1965 and 1977 (40
million people)
They are distrustful of marketing
They look for a balance between work
and leisure
Gen X-ers are close to their parents and
may return to live at home
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Gen X (Continued)
They are not drawn to traditional forms
of advertising (see it as “hyping”)
Gen X-ers express their need to stay in
control by purchasing communications
equipment such as beepers, fax
machines, e-mail, and mobile phones.
They prefer products based on their
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Baby Boomers
Those born between 1946 and 1964 (78
Total income is over $1 trillion, increasing at a
rate of 10% per year (versus 5% for the rest
of the population)
They have a high level of education
They have more discretionary income than
other groups and they buy more and save
Boomers are health conscious.
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Baby Boomers (continued)
They are becoming less materialistic in
outlook and their product and service
selections reflect their concern for the
environment and quality of life.
They use credit cards extensively and the
higher income groups buy expensive exercise
equipment and other personal/luxury goods.
Boomers keep up with fashions
The marketing of nostalgia works well with
them (especially older baby boomers)
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
There were approx. 35
million people over 65
in 2000 – it is the
fastest growing
segment of the
Households are small
and their need for new
purchases is limited
They enjoy convenience
in the marketplace and
appreciate their leisure
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Seniors (continued)
They spend more on themselves
They perceive themselves as younger than
their years (e.g. 65 year olds perceive
themselves as age 50).
Although brand loyal, they tend to try new
products or brands if given good reasons to
do so.
The senior market can further be segmented
on the basis of age, activity level, health, and
mobility (65-74 and 75+ groups;
active/healthy vs. poor health or disabled)
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Subcultures Based on
Geographic Region
Regional subcultures do exist and vary in size.
Regional differences have been tied to
nationality, ethnic background, or religion of
the original settlers in the region
The two coasts: California versus New York;
Great Lakes as “third coast” (Midwest)
Climate, altitude, and terrain have an impact
on the needs of people for products and
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Subcultures Based on Religion
Beliefs are a major influence on
marketplace behavior.
Generalizing based on religion must be
done carefully.
Religious calendars influence product
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002
Religion-based Subcultures
Geographic concentrations of religious
sects are also important to marketers
Members of some religious groups may
only patronize the businesses of other
Media choice depends upon sensitivity
to lifestyle and behavior patterns.
Copyright Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002