Title: Are Their Arguments Convincing? Topic: Mathematics Education Presentation Format: Paper session Paper Authors: Robert Sigley Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, USA robert.sigley@gse.rutgers.edu Carolyn A. Maher Department of Learning and Teaching Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, USA carolyn.maher@gse.rutgers.edu Marjory F. Palius Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, USA marjory.palius@gse.rutgers.edu Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver Department of Educational Psychology Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, USA cindy.hmelo-silver@gse.rutgers.edu Are Their Arguments Convincing? Abstract This study examines the conversations provided by teachers studying videos of children’s mathematical reasoning in an online environment over a two-week period in a hybrid, graduate mathematics education course. In particular, it investigates whether the justification of a solution to a problem posed to a group of five students in an informal problem-solving environment, as presented in a video clip of that group’s problem solving, was convincing. Analysis of the teachers’ discourse about students’ reasoning revealed that teachers made reference to their own problem solving in referring to the forms of reasoning presented by the students in the video. In comparing their own arguments with the students in the video, they indicated that studying the video offered a context to discuss the reasoning of the students. Further, they indicated that observing the reasoning of the students resulted in reflecting about their own problem solving. Theoretical Perspective Opportunities to reflect and revisit ideas, and discuss them within a community of learners, have shown to be especially powerful in the development of mathematical reasoning (Maher, Powell & Uptegrove, 2010). Based on longitudinal and crosssectional studies of the development of reasoning in learners, a unique collection of videos and related metadata are being prepared for storage on the Video Mosaic Collaborative (VMC), a repository at Rutgers University1 (Agnew et. al 2010). The repository provides access not only to videos but also to related metadata, such as descriptions, transcripts, and written work of students (Agnew, et al, 2010; Palius & Maher, 2011). The VMC also makes available innovative tools for using the materials in teacher education contexts, both in face-to-face situations and in collaborative online environments (Maher, Landis, & Palius, 2010; Maher, Hmelo-Silver, Palius, Sigley, 2011). The research presented here is part of larger project of design research in teacher education that is being conducted in association with the development of the video repository and its tools2. The research is grounded in constructivist views on the learning and teaching of mathematics (Davis & Maher, 1990; Maher & Davis, 1990; Davis, 1990), and is premised on the concept that videos of student learning can serve as powerful pedagogical tools (Maher, 2008). Making use of the repository resources, a hybrid course was designed to offer a learning environment that blended in-class problem solving, asynchronous online discussion, access to videos, and reading assignments of relevant literature. A goal for the instructional intervention is that teachers learn to recognize students’ reasoning as presented on video clips selected from the VMC repository. 1 The video mosaic is located at: http://www.videomosaic.org Research supported by the National Science Foundation grant DRL-0822204, directed by C. A. Maher with G. Agnew, C. E. Hmelo-Silver, and M. F. Palius. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the funding agency. 2 2 Setting The intervention occurred in a graduate-level, hybrid mathematics education course in which teachers worked on challenging mathematical tasks in the classroom environment, and then studied videos of students who had been working on the same tasks. For the online component, the teachers were organized into four discussion groups of 6 to 7 teachers per group. The format involved posing questions for discussion about the reasoning of the students in the video and whether the teachers found the reasoning convincing, and if so, why or why not. Data Source The data were collected within a course management system at a major public research university and consist of online discussions among twenty-five teacher participants in the course setting described above. Data were used to conduct an analysis of the threaded discussions in a course unit that focused on a particular task, which included problem solving, video clip viewing, and related reading (Maher & Muter, 2010). The unit took place in the fifth week of the course, over a two and a half week period. The Task During the in-class problem solving, the teachers worked in small groups on the following problem: How many different block towers can be built selecting from three colors of blocks such that the towers have at least one of each color? They then presented their solutions to the entire class. Their follow-up assignment was to study a video, Romina’s Proof to Ankur’s Challenge3, of five 10th grade students who worked on the same problem-solving activity. Specifically, the posted assignment was: This week's assignment for online work involves a video and two readings, with threaded discussion, that follows class work on problem solving for the Ankur's Challenge task. The following questions are intended to guide discussion in your small groups (and will also be posted in the introduction to group discussion threads). (1) Describe Romina’s strategy for solving the Ankur’s Challenge problem. (2) In your opinion, is this solution a convincing one? Why or why not? Research Questions The research questions that guided this study are: (1) How, if at all, does teachers studying the video of Romina’s Proof contribute to understanding their own problem 3 See http://hdl.rutgers.edu/1782.1/rucore00000001201.Video.000062055 3 solving? And (2) To what extent, if at all, do the teachers find the students’ reasoning convincing? Results Pooling the data analyzed across the four groups of teachers, a total of 71 posts were made in the discussion threads of the course unit we studied. Individual posts tended to be rich in the scope of commentary that the teacher offered in their respective group’s discussion thread. That is, a single post often commented on more than one aspect of teacher reflection on problem solving within context of this study. Five themes recurred with high frequency in our analysis of the teachers’ postings, which give compelling evidence that studying the video proved to be a strong catalyst in teachers’ analysis of the students’ reasoning. Teacher comments reflected acknowledgement of Romina’s proof as correct, clever, convincing, elegant, and impressive. The logic of Romina’s proof was mentioned repeatedly across the postings. Teachers also made reference to whether the proof was similar and/or different than that of their own or other class members. This included references such as similarity in notation, cleverness in notation, personally insightful, brilliantly represented, and so forth. What is particularly noteworthy is that the study of the students’ reasoning triggered in the teachers a reflection about their own problem solving. The following table summarizes the recurrence of top five themes that appeared from our coding of the teacher discussion threads. Theme of reflective commentary Related video to own problem solving Related video to others’ problem solving Acknowledged positive qualities of Romina’s proof Mentioned specifically the logic of Romina’s proof Referred to arguments / justification as a social activity Frequency 23 14 20 17 21 Percentage 92% 56% 75% 68% 84% The fifth theme in above table is especially interesting, as it refers to the notion of doing mathematics as discussion among a community of learners through the process of making and evaluating arguments to justify solutions to problems. The teachers expressed this idea in various ways, and their commentary reflected what they think is important and necessary about engaging in mathematics as a social activity. We share some examples of teacher postings taken verbatim from the course management system, using pseudonyms in lieu of actual names. For instance, Michael addressed student-to-student discussion of mathematical arguments, and connected his idea to a comment made by classmate Beth, in his post: I think asking the students to convince their peers is what makes this study special, the solution is not very important. When trying to convince someone the students really deepen their understanding and as (Beth) says reformulate, reorganize, rethink, restate their argument. By considering the video episode in its broader context of the research study from which it came, Michael is noticing how certain features of the learning environment, namely peer evaluation of arguments, contribute to learning mathematics with understanding. 4 Teachers also reflected on the need for a student to justify a solution. Sam asserted a connection between convincing mathematical explanations and the deep thinking that leads to understanding and learning. The need for justification is what leads students to think deeper about a topic and fully understand the specific problem. Being able to explain and justify their solutions and convince others of their solution is a very powerful tool and perhaps is where the most learning takes place. Conceptual learning and understanding arises when there is reason to support it. This is what made Romina's proof so convincing. In fact, her proof became more convincing and with each time she explained it, gaining little insight and knowledge each time. In accordance with Glaserfeld's view, I think Romina was the knower who came to know more. Romina had the initial thoughts and idea of her process but through reasoning and explaining, her proof became clearer because she became clearer on her own method. Classmate Jennifer responded to Sam’s post to elaborate further on the link between justification and deeper understanding. By justifying her answer, she not only learned new math but also learned how to articulate her ideas effectively, leading to a deeper understanding… It is important for students not only to understand and be able to justify their own solutions, but understand other solutions as well. The same theme arose in a different discussion group, where Tom responded to one of his classmates by citing a particular idea and giving further evidence from the video about how notations created by the student became more refined along with re-writing the solution more convincingly. I agree with you that "explanation and justification help the student rethink about his/her ideas and push him to make sense of their findings before making them public". This is why Romina was successful in her proof. Every time she explained herself, she was able to make more sense of it and therefore justify her findings better. At first, she had 2's next to each of the 6 towers and then got confused herself why they put them there, then erased them and rewrote her solution in a more clear, convincing way. If Romina did not have to explain herself and justify her solution, she may have never came up with the nice, elegant solution that she did. The last example comes from Maria, who moved beyond the specifics of the assignment and reflected more generally on how the studying of videos has transformed her view of what mathematics is. From watching numerous videos throughout this semester, I have learned that mathematics is more than just finding an answer (correct or not). Math is about being able to explain your thinking and justify your solution to others. I believe one truly understands a concept when they are able to explain it in such a way that others can now understand. By explaining your solution, you are contributing to the learning of others, but, more importantly, you are contributing to your own learning. When one justifies their solution, they are using higher order thinking skills. They must be able to present a 5 complete argument that leaves the reader with no doubt or questions that the argument is correct. That can be a hard task to accomplish. Conclusions and Implications As our study has shown, the teachers compared their own and each others’ problem solving with the problem solving of the students in the video. They found the arguments provided by the students in the video to be logical and convincing, and they backed their assessment with detailed explanations. Understanding how teachers are stimulated to reflect on their own and each others’ problem solving, as well as on the problem solving of students, can help us design learning environments that afford opportunities for this reflection. This study suggests that giving teachers the opportunity to work collaboratively on a challenging mathematical task, share and discuss their and the students’ solutions with each other, can provide a powerful incentive for deep reflection about what constitutes a convincing argument in a mathematics task. Analysis of the detailed conversations suggest how carefully selected videos can enrich collaborative teacher learning about mathematical reasoning. Attention to student reasoning is an important aspect of mathematics teaching. Further research in other contexts and with other problem solving and video resources is suggested in order to examine how reflection can be enhanced by collaborative mathematics learning and through studying videos of students learning in other contexts. References Agnew, G., Mills, C. M., & Maher, C. A. (2010). VMCAnalytic: Developing a collaborative video analysis tool for education faculty and practicing educators. In R. H. Sprague, Jr. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS-43): Abstracts and CD-ROM of Full Papers. IEEE Computer Society, Conference Publishing Services: Los Alamitos, CA. Davis, R. B. (1990). Discovery learning and constructivism. In R. B. Davis, C. A. Maher, & N. Noddings (Eds.), Constructivist Views on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Monograph No. 4, 93-106. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Davis, R. B. & Maher, C. A. (1990). What do we do when we do mathematics? In R. B. Davis, C. A. Maher, & N. Noddings (Eds.), Constructivist Views on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Monograph No. 4, 65-78. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Maher, C. A. (2008).Video recordings as pedagogical tools in mathematics teacher education. In D. Tirosh and T. Wood (Eds.), International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Vol. 2: Tools and Processes in Mathematics Teacher Education (pp. 65-83). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. 6 Maher, C. A. & Davis, R. B. (1990). Building representations of children's meanings. In R. B. Davis, C. A. Maher, & N. Noddings (Eds.), Constructivist Views on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Monograph No. 4, 79-90. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Maher, C. A., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Palius, M. F. & Sigley, R. (2011). Reflecting on Reasoning by Studying Videos. Paper presented at EARLI Conference, August 2011, Exeter. Maher, C. A., Landis, J. H. & Palius, M. F. (2010). Teachers attending to students’ reasoning: Using videos as tools. Journal of Mathematics Education 3(2), 1-24 Maher, C. A. & Muter, E. (2010). Responding to Ankur’s Challenge: Co-construction of Argument Leading to Proof. In C. A. Maher, A. B. 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