PIG the Week of 1-19-16 - St. Charles Parish Public Schools

Parent Involvement Guide
January 19 – January 22, 2016
Mrs. Chauvin
Mrs. Hymel
Notes & Reminders:
Graded Papers: will be sent home this Wednesday in your child’s red folder. Please sign the cover sheet and
return the folder and all of its contents.
If internet is available, we encourage you to have your child access TenMarks & ReadTheory.org nightly for
about 10 -15 minutes. Students have been given a username and password for these websites.
Friday is an early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed at 12:35.
Friday is Rock Star Spirit Day. Let’s get 100% participation so we can win the spirit stick.
Lakewood Elementary’s Parade is February 5th. We are asking that you send in $5.50 with your child no later
than this Friday to help cover the cost of the costume & other party supplies.
This week we will be working in Module 4. We will focus on multiplying a mixed number times a fraction, and
reviewing for our District Assessment.
Students will be taking a quiz on multiplying fractions by fractions on Wednesday. They will also take their post
CFA on multiplying fractions (whole number by fraction and fraction by fraction) on Thursday.
The District Assessment will be this Friday, and will cover all topics learned so far in Module 4 (i.e. multiplying
fractions, line plots, and order of operations with fractions). A study guide was sent home last Friday, and is
due this Thursday.
A new spiral review was given out today. Students are responsible for completing each night’s assigned work
and returning it to school the following day.
This week we will be wrapping up our unit on Small Things & Microscopes. The test on Small Things and
Microscopes is tomorrow. At the end of this week we will begin our new unit on Life Science. Our focus this
week will be on the dichotomous key (Chapter 5, Lesson 1).
Students will have a quiz on using the dichotomous key on Monday.
Monday, the students will complete an assessment on numbers 21-30 from their Science Survival Guide. This
assessment does not count in the grade book; it is simply a way to reinforce lessons learned in class, and to
help prepare for concepts assessed on the state testing.
We are reviewing skills that we’ve been learning within this reading unit. The mid-unit test will be given on
Thursday. It will cover the skills of reading for key information, using text features, asking questions & making
connections as we read, analyzing cause and effect, and using various strategies to understand challenging
We are continuing our essay unit. Students will choose their own topic to begin the construction of an opinionbased essay.
In our grammar lessons, we’ll wrap up our focus on the various uses of commas: introductory elements, direct
addresses, serial commas, and complex sentences. We’ll also review for the Quarter 3 Cumulative Language
Test that will be given next Tuesday, the 26th.
The dates we schedule formative & summative assessments are subject to change
based on the needs of our students. Please consult your child’s planner for any updates.