Sample Online Survey - Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council

1. Broadband Polk Business Survey
Hello: You are invited to participate in our survey regarding current and future broadband (High Speed Internet) needs in order to plan
for future broadband improvements in Polk County, Florida. It will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel
uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your
opinions. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your
information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may
contact Eric Labbe, Program Manager, at the Central Florida Regional Planning Council; email Thank you very
much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Does your organization have internet service?
1. Yes
2. No
About how many employees are there at your location?
What is your best estimate of how many employees at your location use the internet at work?
What is your best estimate of what your company’s internet costs each month?
1. Less than $25 a month
2. $25 to $49/month
3. $50 to $99/month
4. $100 to $149/month
5. $150 to $199/month
6. $200 to $349/month
7. $350 to $499/month
8. $500 to $999/month
9. $1,000 to $1,499/month
10. $1,500 or more a month
11. Not sure
Does that cost include something else besides the internet connection, e.g., security, phone, etc.?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Not sure
Based on what you pay for internet service and what it provides for your company, would you say your internet service is:
1. Excellent value
2. Good value
3. Fair value
4. Poor value
5. Not sure
For which of the following purposes does your organization use the internet? Select all that apply.
1. Research
2. Social media
3. Selling merchandise or products or services
4. Supply chain management
5. Finance/banking
6. Communication
7. Teleconferencing
8. Telecommuting
9. Data management
10. Marketing
11. Education/continuing education
12. Entertainment
13. Geographic information
14. Security
15. Other __________________________________________________
Please rate your organization’s internet speed on a scale of 1 to 10.(10 = exceptional, 1 = severely limiting)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 means definitely and 1 means definitely not, how likely is it that your organization will need a faster
internet connection in: The next year?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10
The next 3 years?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9
10. 10
What would your company like to do via the internet that it cannot do now because of the speed of your internet connection?
1. Research
2. Social media
3. Selling merchandise or products or services
4. Supply chain management
5. Finance/banking
6. Communication
7. Teleconferencing
8. Telecommuting
9. Data management
10. Marketing
11. Education/continuing education
12. Entertainment
13. Geographic information
14. Security
15. Other __________________________________________________
What prevents your company from getting a faster internet connection? Select all that apply.
1. Boss/corporate doesn’t value a faster connection
2. Not in the budget
3. Up-front costs are too high
4. The connection speed will still vary, so it’s not worth it
5. Business is not good - poor economy
6. Too expensive
7. Costs more than its worth
8. Have fastest connection available
9. Don’t really need a faster connection
10. Other __________________________________________________
High speed internet connections can be valuable to companies for many different reasons. For which of the following reasons is high
speed internet most important to your company? Select all that apply.
1. Banking
2. Marketing
3. Supply chain management
4. Government forms and registrations
5. Telephone system
6. Computer system
7. Teleconferencing
Getting to websites
Accessing global markets
Accessing continuing education
Selling our products and services
Access to data sources
Other __________________________________________________
Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements:
A fast internet connection is critical for maintaining your company’s competitiveness.
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Strongly disagree
6. Not sure
A fast internet connection is critical for being able to produce and deliver the services or products your company provides to customers.
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Strongly disagree
6. Not sure
A fast internet connection is critical for the survival of your company.
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Strongly disagree
6. Not sure
Does your organization have a Wifi connection?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Not sure
How many devices that connect to the internet, such as computers, iPads, tablets, smart phones, etc. does your organization have?
How many more such devices do you expect to add in the next year?
Please check the download and upload speeds of your internet connection at a free speed test site, such as or is your approximate download speed? (in Mbps or Kbps)
1. Less than 500 Kbps
2. 500 Kbps - 999 Kbps
3. 1 Mbps - 2.99 Mbps
4. 3 Mbps - 4.99 Mbps
5. 5 Mbps - 9.99 Mbps
6. 10 Mbps - 24.99 Mbps
7. 25 Mbps - 49.99 Mbps
8. 50 Mbps - 99.99 Mbps
9. 100 Mbps - 499 Mbps
10. 500 Mbps - 999 Mbps
11. 1000 Gbps or more
What is your approximate upload speed?
1. Less than 500 Kbps
2. 500 Kbps - 999 Kbps
3. 1 Mbps - 2.99 Mbps
4. 3 Mbps - 4.99 Mbps
5. 5 Mbps - 9.99 Mbps
6. 10 Mbps - 24.99 Mbps
7. 25 Mbps - 49.99 Mbps
8. 50 Mbps - 99.99 Mbps
9. 100 Mbps - 499 Mbps
10. 500 Mbps - 999 Mbps
11. 1000 Gbps or more
Does your company have computers?
1. Yes
2. No
What is the number one reason why your company does not have internet service?
1. Company does not need computers to survive
2. Want to keep our employees from using the internet
3. Upfront costs are too high
4. Monthly charges are too high
5. Too much money for what you get
6. Slow connection in our area
7. Not available in our area
8. Employees don’t know much about computers
9. Other __________________________________________________
We have some brief profile questions to ensure were reaching a cross section of businesses:
In which county is this organization?
1. Polk
2. Other
Which of these best describes your business sector?
1. Government
2. Public safety
3. Schools K to 12
4. Higher education
5. Library
6. Utilities
7. Healthcare
8. Retail
9. Warehousing/distribution
10. Office/professional
11. Restaurant/entertainment
12. Industrial/mining
13. Manufacturing
14. Agriculture
15. Recreational
16. Other
What is your company’s zip code?