Q & A January 8

How much and what kind of technical support will be required to administer SB? How will this be provided?
(elementary buildings have part-time tech support)
On the technology support side in NKSD, the primary focus of support will be maintaining network connectivity,
and keeping computers operational and ready for testing.
Who is going to get computer labs prepped for testing? If this question is asking in regard to software installation and
getting equipment operational, the answer is:
Our system is designed to configure all student computers simultaneously with the necessary software to run
the test engine. Building and district technicians will be monitoring network access and
ensuring/troubleshooting any computer hardware issues.
Are we going to get district support or is every school on their own?
Secondary schools have full time building technicians who will provide support. At the elementary, additional
support will be provided by district technicians. In addition, we are working on ways to provide potential
temporary tech support during the testing window.
Will the test assess a student’s use of technology while testing?
The test does not assess the use of technology; however students do need to be familiar with the test format
and the various keys, mouse clicks, etc. that will be necessary to respond to questions.
Will all computers require the “Front Motion Firefox” browser?
To run the “live” version of the SBA an additional secure browser will be needed on each computer.
The secure browser is not needed for the practice tests. Although you can run the practice tests on Internet
Explorer, they do run more smoothly on either Chrome or Front Motion Firefox.
Currently, Chrome is installed on all student computers and under the “bookmarks” tab, the site for the practice
test is listed.
When will schools that did not participate last year be receiving special headphones with microphones?
Headphones will be ordered after the Assessment Office receives the inventory of computers to be used for
Will the district make sure we have enough computers to test the students?
It will be crucial that buildings identify computers that will be used in testing. As schedules are developed, the
number of accessible computers will be reviewed and if additional resources are needed, those will be
addressed on a case-by-case basis. This does not necessarily mean that new computers will be purchased, but
all available resources/options will be explored.
January 8, 2015
Are techs going to be at schools when testing occurs?
Our goal is to have a technician in each building throughout each day when testing is scheduled. However, the
number of existing technology staff is not sufficient to cover all 10 schools, if all were testing on the same day.
Since we anticipate this will be the case on many days during the testing window, we are exploring other
sources of technical support to provide assistance this spring.
Do you have to use two labs for testing at all times or can a school use one lab and use the other for instruction?
This decision would be driven by several factors: The number of available computers for testing, the building
testing schedule, and building-based decisions on how many computers will be designated exclusively for testing
during the SBA window. Our current reality, based on economics, is that the vast majority of computer labs will
have to be used exclusively for testing.
How will all the kids being online testing effect the computer system/ band usage?
Since last year’s testing window, we have expanded the network capacity, and have replaced all network
equipment. We will have more than adequate capacity within our NKSD network (it is ten times larger now).
However, keep in mind that we rely on a statewide (K-20) network to provide service into the district. It is not
known what the impact of statewide testing will have on the K-20 network. If there are issues, we have the
ability to quickly determine whether the issues are occurring within our network, or related to the K-20 network.
What are we doing district wide to teach our students keyboarding skills so typing is not an issue on SBA?
At the elementary level, “Type to Learn” keyboarding software was purchased for student practice.
Digital Library
What is the status of the Digital Library? Are teachers aware of it and how to access it?
The Digital Library is available to all district staff. All certificated staff have an account. If your staff is not aware
of their login and password, please contact Sara Castro at scastro@nkschools.org
How can a teacher access SB DL if they have not yet attempted to do so?
Please contact Sara Castro at scastro@nkschools.org for logon information.
Suggestion: provide a “quick guide” of how to access the DL: for all staff.
Getting Started with Digital Library
When will accommodations list be available for staff and schools?
The Assessment Office is in the process of creating an accommodations inventory at this time. We hope to have
it available very soon.
OSPI has made available their Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodation Guidelines
January 8, 2015
Can the test be paused to move a student to another location in the event of overtime testing? Will the items they are
working on be lost if the test is paused?
The test can be paused for up to 20 minutes. Pausing the test will prevent the student from returning to test
items already attempted.
Is paper/pencil a possibility?
A districtwide decision has been made to test online.
Practice Tests
I need to have installed the SBA practice tests for my teacher computer so I can show all the students who will be testing
how to do it.
You do not need practice or training tests installed on student or teacher computers. Practice tests can be easily
accessed online at http://sbac.portal.airast.org/practice-test/
What does CAT stand for?
Computer Adaptive Test
Any need or interest in aligning testing dates across elementary schools?
Schools may choose their own testing dates, or coordinate with others.
Will the window be more specific for elementary schools? Will it be narrower?
The Assessment Office has provided the testing windows.
Parents in ALE program should have access to digital library so they can see examples of lessons how the CCSS will be
At this point Smarter Balanced is not making the Digital Library available to parents.
General Questions
Does a student have to pass HSPE to get into college?
The Class of 2015 must meet standard on the Reading and Writing HSPE in order to receive a CAA.
January 8, 2015