i-1 answer form

Climate Insights 101 Introduction &
Lesson 1 on Carbon Dioxide and the Greenhouse Effect
[I-1 is worth 20 pts]
DIRECTIONS: Complete this answer form by typing in text wherever there is yellow highlighting: ___ Your text is
not limited by the size of the yellow highlighting, but please be succinct. Your answers will be fill in the blanks, a
few words, a short phrase, or a few sentences – no long paragraphs.
When you are finished, SAVE the form as follows: I-1.yourfirstname. yourlastname
(insert YOUR first & last names of course! Here’s how Stella did it: I-1.stella.student.docx)
Then submit this form in the I-1 Dropbox by the cutoff time on the due date.
Q1. [ 2 pts ] In the Climate Insights 101 Introduction, review items 11-14 on the Glossary and
the definitions of the terms “Climate,” “Weather” & “Climate Trend.” Then review this short
video animation about weather and climate which addresses these same concepts in a slightly
different way:
Link: http://www.ltrr.arizona.edu/kkh/video/GC-trend-and-variation.html
QUESTION: Enter a letter (W, C, or T) in the yellow blanks below to indicate whether the phenomenon
being described is an example of W = weather, C = Climate, or T = a Climate Trend
Over the last 130 years, global temperature has risen almost 1 degree Celsius..
Over 4 inches of rain fell on September 4, 2014 at Arivaca, AZ (62 miles southwest of Tucson) in
a rainstorm fed by moisture from Hurricane Norbert.
The mean September precipitation at Arivaca, AZ is 1.85 inches.
Tucson has an average of 284 days of sunshine annually.
Q2. [ 1 pt ] NOTE: There is no right or wrong answer to this question!!
You will get credit as long as you answer by entering an “X” in one of the
yellow spaces!]
In Item 17 of the Introduction, the “Clear the Air” section talked about a
survey that had been taken. What’s your answer ( at this point in time) to
the survey question: “Do you think human activity is a significant
contributing factor in changing mean global temperature?”
Q3. [3 pts] Long before the late 1950s when Dr. Charles David Keeling began his famous
measurements of CO2, three scientists had already published important findings about carbon dioxide.
Enter the decade (e.g., “1960s”) during which each of these findings took place:
= the decade during which it was demonstrated that carbon dioxide has the ability to absorb
infrared radiation that is being radiated from a heat source
= the decade in which it was first suggested that an Earth with no atmosphere would be colder
than an earth WITH an atmosphere.
= the decade during which it was first calculated that burning fossil fuels at a rapid rate would
warm the Earth up significantly
Q4 [3 pts] Briefly describe one important thing that LESSON 1 explained about the greenhouse
gas WATER VAPOR with respect to its influence on warming:
Q5 [2 pt ] Which of the greenhouse gases described in Lesson 1 is the most likely gas to be
released into the atmosphere at the “beginning” of the chain of events that produces a
fast-food hamburger? Why?
Q6 [3 pts ] Is the following a correct statement or not? State yes or no, and briefly explain why it
is correct OR what part of it is not correct:
“Greenhouse gases absorb outgoing solar shortwave radiation and some of it is
then re-emitted to the surface, temporarily “trapping” heat in the atmosphere.”
Q7. [2 pts] Type in ONE QUOTE from either the INTRODUCTION or LESSON 1 that made an
impression on you, surprised you, taught you something new, or gave you a new insight, or
explained things in a way that you found especially interesting and/or easy to remember.
HINT: To see the text spoken with each slide, click on Notes in the bottom right of the screen:
Q8. [4 pts] Lastly in a few sentences, explain what YOU personally think is the most important
insight that the INTRODUCTION and LESSON 1 revealed to you about global climate