EARTHQUAKES Chapter 13 STRESS BUILDS UNTIL IT EXCEEDS ROCK STRENGTH Local rock strength Stress Time Earthquakes STRESS BUILDS UNTIL IT EXCEEDS ROCK STRENGTH Earthquakes are the result of stress that builds up over time. Local rock strength Stress Time Earthquakes STRESS BUILDS UNTIL IT EXCEEDS ROCK STRENGTH Earthquakes are the result of stress that builds up over time. Stress gradually builds as tectonic forces deform rocks. Local rock strength Stress Time Earthquakes STRESS BUILDS UNTIL IT EXCEEDS ROCK STRENGTH Earthquakes are the result of stress that builds up over time. Stress gradually builds as tectonic forces deform rocks. Local rock strength Stress Time Earthquakes When the stress exceeds the strength of the rocks… STRESS BUILDS UNTIL IT EXCEEDS ROCK STRENGTH Earthquakes are the result of stress that builds up over time. Stress gradually builds as tectonic forces deform rocks. …the fault slips, causing an earthquake. Local rock strength Stress Time Earthquakes When the stress exceeds the strength of the rocks… STRESS BUILDS UNTIL IT EXCEEDS ROCK STRENGTH Earthquakes are the result of stress that builds up over time. Stress gradually builds as tectonic forces deform rocks. …the fault slips, causing an earthquake. The process repeats again and again. Local rock strength Stress Time Earthquakes When the stress exceeds the strength of the rocks… ROCKS DEFORM ELASTICALLY, THEN REBOUND DURING AN EARTHQUAKE RUPTURE TIME 1 A farmer builds a stone wall across a strike-slip fault. TIME 2 The relative motion between blocks on either side of the locked fault causes the ground and the stone wall to deform. TIME 3 A new fence is built across the alreadydeformed land. TIME 4 The rupture displaces the fault, lowering the stress. The elastic rebound straightens the rock wall, but the fence exhibits a reverse curve. Rocks deform as strain develops Epicenter Focus Strike-slip fault Stress may build more quickly— or less quickly—… Local rock strength Stress Time Earthquakes …and the strength of the fault may vary, causing earthquakes to occur at varying times and with varying amounts of slip. Focus 0 Seconds Rupture expands circularly on fault plane, sending out seismic waves in all directions. Fault cracks at surface 5 Seconds Rupture continues to expand as a crack along the fault plane. Rocks at the surface begin to rebound from their deformed state. Fault crack extends 10 Seconds The rupture front progresses down the fault plane, reducing the stress. 20 Seconds Rupture has progressed along the entire length of the fault. The earthquake stops. Spring Mass Spring Mass The mass is loosely coupled to Earth. Earth moves up Recording pen Earth moves up Recording pen Upward movement of the Earth causes downward relative movement of the mass, and vice versa. Earth moves down Earth moves down The pen traces the differences in motion. Earth moves left Earth moves right Earth moves side to side Mass Hinge Seismic waves travel through Earth and over its surface. Body waves P waves S waves Focus Surface waves Mantle Love waves (left-right, or back and forth) Rayleigh waves (rolling) Core S P Seismograph The waves travel at different speeds and arrive at the seismograph at different times. Minutes 0 10 20 30 40 50 Surface waves P S P waves are compressional waves that travel quickly through rock. Compression wave P waves push and pull particles in the direction of their path of travel. A section of rock expands and then contracts Shear-wave crest S waves Shear-wave crest S waves push material at right angles to their path of travel. S waves travel at about half the speed of P waves. A section of rock shears from a square to a parallelogram. Surface waves ripple across Earth’s surface. The ground surface moves in a rolling, elliptical motion. Wave direction Rayleigh wave The ground shakes sideways, with no vertical motion. Wave direction Love wave Seismic waves arrive at distant seismographic stations at different times. Seismograph Seismograph Epicenter Seismograph Focus Time elapsed after start of earthquake (min) Because P waves travel faster than S waves, the interval between their travel-time curves increases with distance. 25 Seismogram A By matching the observed interval to the curves, a geologist can determine the distance from the station to the epicenter. Seismogram B Seismogram C 20 15 8-minute interval at 5600 km S wave 11-minute interval at 8600 km P wave 10 5 3-minute interval at 1500 km 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10,000 Distance traveled from earthquake epicenter (km) If the geologist then draws a circle around each seismographic station,… Epicenter B A 1500 km C 5600 km 8600 km …the point at which the circles intersect is the earthquake’s epicenter. P Amplitude =23 mm S-wave interval = 24 seconds …and the time interval between the P- and S-waves to determine the distance from the epicenter. Interval between S and P waves (s) Distance (km) P-wave S Richter magnitude A geologist measures the amplitude of the largest seismic wave… Amplitude (mm) P Amplitude =23 mm S-wave interval = 24 seconds …and the time interval between the P- and S-waves to determine the distance from the epicenter. Interval between S and P waves (s) Distance (km) P-wave S Richter magnitude A geologist measures the amplitude of the largest seismic wave… Amplitude (mm) By connecting the points, the geologist determines the Richter magnitude. Seismographic stations Fault First motion (pull toward epicenter) First motion (pull toward epicenter) First motion (push away from epicenter) First motion (pull toward epicenter) First motion (push away from epicenter) Determining a left-right or rightleft movement First motion (pull toward epicenter) World seismicity from 1976 to 2002 Mid-ocean ridge (divergence) Transform fault (lateral shearing) Rift valley (divergence) Mid-ocean ridge (divergence) Normal faulting Transform fault (lateral shearing) Rift valley (divergence) Mid-ocean ridge (divergence) Normal faulting Transform fault (lateral shearing) Rift valley (divergence) Shallow earthquakes coincide with normal faulting at divergent boundaries and with strike-slip faulting at transform boundaries. Deep-ocean trench (convergence) Large shallow earthquakes occur mainly on thrust faults. Intermediate- and deepfocus earthquakes occur in the descending slab. Southern California fault traces San Andreas fault Here, the San Andreas fault is parallel to plate motion, and the faulting is right-lateral strike slip. San Gabriel Mountains North American Plate Pacific Plate Los Angeles Motion of Pacific Plate relative to motion of North American Plate The “Big Bend” causes the Pacific Plate to compress against the North American Plate, causing Southern California earthquakes (July 1970-June 1995) Northridge 1994 Magnitude 6.9 Key: 5+ <5 July 1970–June 1995 San Fernando 1971 Magnitude 6.7 Landers 1992 Magnitude 7.3 Tsunami generation Thrust fault An earthquake produces a surge of water that moves outward as a tsunami. A tsunami is only a few centimeters high in the deep ocean but can increase to many meters Computer simulation of tsunami radiation. North America Epicenter 4 hr 42 min Hawaii Computer simulation of tsunami radiation. North America Epicenter 4 hr 42 min Hawaii Main tsunami wave reaches Hawaiian Islands about 4.5 hours after the earthquake. Tsunami Threat Click video to begin playing