Name: _______________________________ Longitude, Latitude and Maps Week 1 Which of the following is a continent that is entirely in the Southern Hemisphere: A. North America C. Australia B. Africa D. Europe 2. Which of the following is a continent that is entirely in the Northern Hemisphere: A. Australia C. South America B. North America D. Antartica 3. Which of the following is a continent that is entirely in the Western Hemisphere: A. Africa C. Asia B. Europe D. South America 4. Which of the following latitudes would have the coldest climate in the Northern Hemisphere: A. 0° C. 30°S B. 30°N D. 60°N 5. If you took a trip to 90°S latitude on the globe, which of the following items would be most important to bring with you: A. a swimsuit C. suntan oil B. a heavy coat D. a tennis racket 6. On a piece of blank paper, draw a globe and answer the questions below: A. Label the following on your globe: 90°N, 60°N, 30°N, 0°, 30°S, 60°S, 90°S lines of latitude North Pole, South Pole, Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere B. Suppose your family decided to move to a place that is located on your globe between 90°N and 60°N parallels. Describe the type of climate there and the kind of clothing that you would have to wear. You may either use words for your description or draw a picture. Name: _______________________________ Longitude, Latitude and Maps Week 1 How many continents are in the world? What Continents are located at the following positions? (50°N, 20°E) (0°, 30°E) (30°N, 90°E) (30°S, 140°E (40°N, 90°W) (20°S, 60°W) (90°S, 0°) What countries are located at the following positions? (0°, 60°W) (60°N, 90°W) (30°N, 60°E) (30°S, 60°W ) What cities are located near the following positions? (61°N, 150°W) (35°N, 90°W) (51°N, 0°) (33°S, 131° E) (33°N, 44° E) Name: _______________________________ Longitude, Latitude and Maps Week 1 PROJECTION TYPES Orthographic This type of map is a very old version dating from the 2 BC. It was used to keep track of star rise and star set and also in the creation of accurate sun dials. It was used in an effort to keep the distance and direction close to the correct relationship. It does this only if you are measuring from the center of the map outward. It tells nothing about the distance around the circle. This map is used today to keep track of animal populations, human populations, and study large geographic formations. Cylindrical Projection This type of map is created by wrapping a globe in a piece of paper, tracing the continents, and then unrolling the paper. It has the advantage of straight lines. Lands near the equator are stretched out and lands near the poles are compressed (squished). This map is often used for online mapping. Cone Projection This map is similar to the cylindrical projection, except it uses a cone rather than a cylinder. It is often used when the person wants to show only one continent. Name: _______________________________ Longitude, Latitude and Maps Week 1 PROJECTION TYPES Sinusoidal This map dates back to Italy in the 1500s. This map has straight latitude lines but curved longitude lines. It was created in an effort to minimize the distortion caused by a curved earth. This is often used for online mapping when the people do not need to worry about it looking pretty Mercator Projection This is the most commonly used general map. It is only accurate for very small areas near the equator and has lots of distortion around the edges. Many think that the only reason this map is so popular is because people are so used to looking at it. If you compare a continent on this map to another continent the sizes will not be proportionally correct. Dymaxion Map Projection The globe is mapped onto geometric shapes and then the polygon shapes are unwrapped until they become a flat net. It is the type of projection with the least shape and size distortion. It is not popular to use, however, because it is so hard to visualize. This projection is used for studies where the areas of the earth must be accurate in relationship to one another. Name: _______________________________ Longitude, Latitude and Maps Week 1 PROJECTION TYPES Use the information from the previous pages to answer the following questions. 1. Which is the oldest map listed in the previous two pages? 2. Which map shows the size of the continents most accurately? 3. Which maps have straight latitude lines? 4. Which maps have straight longitude lines? 5. Which map is most commonly used for people who do online mapping but do not care if the map looks pretty? 6. Which map is most commonly used for online mapping like google maps? 7. What is the difference between a cylindrical and a cone projection? 8. Where is the Mercator projection the most accurate? What happens near the edges of the Mercator projection? 9. Why is the Dymaxion Projection not used more frequently? 10. Which projection would be best for a pilot flying away from the north pole who is determining the length of his trip? 11. Name: _______________________________ Airplanes Week 2 The Phonetic Alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliett Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-ray Yankee Zulu 1. Write your first name using the phonetic alphabet: 2. Write your last name using the phonetic alphabet: 3. Write the name of your favorite food using the phonetic alphabet 4. Translate the following message: Sierra Charlie India Echo November Charlie Echo India Sierra Tango Hotel Echo Bravo Echo Sierra Tango Sierra Uniform Bravo Juliet Echo Charlie Tango 5. Write a message in the phonetic alphabet for somebody else to translate: Name: _______________________________ Airplanes Week 2 Using the letters on the airplane parts listed below. Some parts have two letters. Wings Fuselage Cockpit Rudder Elevator __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Vertical Stabilizer __________ Flaps __________ Propeller __________ Ailerons __________ Horizontal Stabilizer __________ Write the names of two of the parts of the airplane that can be used to change the shape of the wings. The wing generates lift because of its shape. What other part of the airplane, because of the similar shape, is used to generate lift? Which moveable part of the airplane would the pilot use to make the plane turn left? Which moveable part of the airplane would the pilot use to make the airplane move towards the earth? Which part of the airplane in the picture is used to generate thrust? Name: _______________________________ Airplanes Week 2 There are three words that describe the motion of an airplane. Draw an airplane and use arrows to show each motion. Pitch Down Pitch Up Yaw to the left Yaw to the right Roll to the left Roll to the right Name: _________________ Airplanes Week 2 Research a specific airplane and answer the following questions. Use complete sentences for #6 and #7. You may add an additional paper. Bring a picture of this airplane to class. 1. What is the name of your airplane? 2. What year was this airplane invented? 3. Where was your airplane invented? 4. Who invented your airplane? 5. Who was the pilot of your airplane? 6. List two or three special facts about your airplane 7. Why was this airplane one of your favorites? Name: _________________ Time Zones Week 3 Why is the time different for different parts of the world? Give two reasons for creating a single universal time. 1. 2. The United States has how many time zones? The world has how many time zones? Memphis, Tennessee is in what time zone (give the name of the zone)? Los Angeles, California is in what time zone (give the name of the zone)? Why are the lines for the time zones not always straight? Name: _________________ Time Zones and Local Time Week 3 A time zone map can be used to determine the time anywhere on the earth. You place your finger on the location where you know the time. Then you find the location where you want to know the time. You add 1 hour for every time zone you move to the right and subtract an hour for every time zone you move to the left. 1. If you are in time zone +4 and the local time is 4:00 p.m., what time is it in time zone +9? What time is it in time zone -3? 2. If you are in time zone -8 and it is 10:00 a.m, what time is it in time zone -1? What time is it in time zone +10? 3. Memphis, Tennessee is located in time zone -6. If you wanted to call somebody in time zone +1. They will be waiting by the phone at 3:00 p.m. their time. What time should you call them? Name: _________________ Military Time Week 3 The military, businesses, and especially aviation use what is called “Zulu time.” This is also called “universal time.” It is used so that there is a single number for time all over the world. Zulu time uses military time where there are is no a.m. or p.m. The first two numbers indicate the hour of the day. The last two numbers indicated the number of minutes. So… 10:31 a.m. = 1031 zulu time and 3:02 p.m. is 1502. Regular time Military time Regular time Military time 1:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 0900 1000 1100 1200 9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 2100 2200 2300 2400 Match the regular time with the correct zulu time. _____ 8:32 a.m. _____ 12:35 a.m. a.1235 b. 2455 _____ 3:09 p.m. _____ 3:09 a.m. _____ 12:55 p.m. _____ 1:41 a.m. _____ 7:27 p.m. _____ 10:00 p.m. c. 0309 d. 1927 e. 0832 f. 1000 g. 0141 h. 1509 Name: _________________ Zulu Time Week 3 Zulu time is based in Greenwich, England. On the time zone map this is time zone 0. Wherever you are in the world zulu time is the same number… the time in Greenwich. 1. The time in Memphis (zone -6) is 3:00 p.m. What is the local time in Sydney, Australia (zone +9)? What is zulu time? 2. The local time in India (+5) is 10:04 p.m. What is the local time in Alaska (-9)? What is zulu time? 3. The local time in Italy (+1) is 8:00 a.m. What time is it in Maine (-4)? What is zulu time? 4. Zulu time is 1400. What is the local military time in Memphis (-6)? What is the local military time in Japan (+9)? What is the local military time in Greenland (-3)? What is the local military time in England (0)? What is the local military time in Hawaii (-10)?