Economics Syllabus 2015-2016 first semester

Windsor Forest High School
Course Information: 2015 – 2016
Mr. Roddy Hatch
Room F-3
(912) 395-3400 (ext 760603)
Conference Time – 3:15 – 5:00
Tutorial; Mondays, 3:15 – 4:30
Course Description*
The economics course provides students with a basic foundation in the field of
economics. The course has five sections: fundamental concepts, microeconomics,
macroeconomics, international economics, and personal finance. In each area, students
are introduced to major concepts and themes concerning that aspect of economics.
Course Goals*
The goals of the new course are to empower students with:
 the skill of economic reasoning that they can apply to any decisions they make,
 an understanding of the economic system in which they participate so that they can
participate more effectively in that system, and
 an understanding of the macro economy so that they will understand the news that
they see and hear.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes*
Upon completion of the Economic course the student should score an “exceeds” on the
Economic EOCT or Milestones Test (if the Milestones Test is implemented by
Required Texts
Students will be issued one textbook to be used throughout the school year:
o Economics: Principles in Action
Please cover this book. They are old and need to last.
In addition, students will use the following text in class from time-to-time.
o The Worldly Philosophers
In addition to these texts, students will be required read economic articles that will be
given to them. These readings will require written analysis.
We will also extensively use the Georgia Council for Economic Education’s lessons in
VE4 (Virtual Economics).
Required Supplies
o 2 inch 3 ring binder with 4 dividers
o Black and/or dark blue ink pens
o Index cards (4x6 and 3x5) and highlighters
o College ruled notebook paper
Types of Assignments
o Reading- Text, articles, historical novels
o Essays- Narrative/Descriptive, Argument, Expository
o Graphic organizers
o Group Projects- team building, cooperative learning, group presentations
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
o Multiple – Choice Test, Quizzes, Essay Exams
Guidelines for Course Grade
40% Classwork & Homework
60% Tests and Quizzes
Attendance Policy
It is important to attend class and participate in class discussions and activities. Please
make sure you follow the district attendance policy in order to earn credit for the course.
On the block schedule for a semester, one day’s absence is equal to two days of
instruction on the traditional year-long schedule.
Tardy Policy
You must be in class before the bell rings. There will be consequences enforced for all
tardiness: 1st Tardy = verbal warning, 2nd Tardy = parent contact, 3rd tardy = 30 minute
detention, 4th tardy = office referral, 5th + tardy = administrative action
If you’re 10 minutes late or more (7:55+) for 1st period you must report to the attendance
Assignment/Make Up Policy
o I AM NOT INCLINED TO ACCEPT LATE WORK. However, I do understand
that emergency situations may prevent a student from turning in an assignment on
time. In these emergency situations, a student may submit a daily assignment
o If there is no extenuating circumstance, an assignment turned in one day late may
not receive credit higher than a 70. An assignment turned in two days late may
not receive credit higher than a 50.
o For major assignments, students have ample time to complete the assignment and
no late work will be accepted. If there are extenuating circumstances, the student
must speak to me privately and I will discuss with him/her on a one to one basis.
excused absence that keeps you from either turning in an assignment or receiving
instructions for an assignment, it is your duty to talk to me about the assignment
as soon as you return in tutorial. You may also email me.
o MAKE UP WORK is designated for students who have excused absences. If you
are absent and it is excused, you must fill out a Request for Make-up Work form
the day you return. You need to attach your excuse, if you have one, to this form
when you turn it in. You will have only as many days as you were out to
submit the assigned work. Again, I am available during tutoring hours to discuss
assignments missed. Please see me privately to discuss your assignments.
Otherwise, there will be no opportunity to make up assignments not turned in on
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Please read carefully and sign, along with your parents, the attached consent form
regarding academic integrity. Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated. There are
severe consequences for those involved with academic dishonesty.
For economics resources …
Library of Economics and Liberty offers a comprehensive list of fundamental concepts
for high school economics. These concepts are broken down into five categories that link
to key economics topics that are easy to understand and readily usable.
Econoclass offers many interactive games, simulations and activities that teach you
important economics lessons while having some fun. Resources include card games that
teach pricing, medieval simulations that feature plundering Vikings and an activity that
asks students “What’s wrong with this Picture?”
Foundation for Teaching Economics is a program to raise awareness of economics
among high school students. The Economics For Leaders program is a summer seminar
teaching leadership in economics to high school seniors and offers competitive
For economics homework help …
Jiskha Homework Help is the place to go for fast answers and homework help from
experts that volunteer every day to assist students like you. Simply post your question
and one or more Jiskha-certified teachers will respond, sometimes in as little as an hour.
There’s also an extensive directory of helpful articles and links.
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco presents "Ask Dr. Econ," a feature that
explains difficult economic concepts. Enter your question in the search field or browse
the archives for specific information.
For a real-time challenge …
National Economics Challenge, sponsored by the Council for Economic Education and
the Goldman Sachs Foundation, is designed to increase students’ understanding of
economics and finance. The Challenge is comprised of competitions in 35 states. Teams
compete for savings bonds and for a trip to New York City for the national competition.
Web Site – All lesson plans, activities, assignments, due dates, etc. will be posted on my
web page located on the Windsor Forest home page.
Economics Notebook
2014 – 2015
Economics Notebook
Each student is responsible for keeping up with his/her Economics notebook and bringing it to
class every day. The notebook is an organizational tool that can help you stay on task and up to
date with assignments. In order to effectively use your notebook as a study guide for the EOCT
or Milestones Test, you will have to maintain it and keep all notes and writings we complete in
class and at home.
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
You will be earning a grade for how organized and up to date you keep your notebook. It is
important that your notebook make it to class with you, as the grading may be done periodically
and randomly.
I will check your notebook (assessment grade) to make sure you have all the daily exercises,
notes, and information in the proper section. Make sure to ask if you do not know where
something goes.
2” binder
5 dividers
Order of Binder:
1. Create a Personalized Cover page:
Your Name
Mr. Hatch’s Economics Class
Class Period
2. Course Information Packet (this packet)
3. Dividers in these sections…
 Notes: all notes, note-taking activities (Cornell Notes)
 Essays, DBQs, and Article Analysis : Any writing assignments from in or out
of class
 Homework/Classwork: All assignments other than Essays, DBQs, and Article
Analysis (Warm ups, remediation and reinforcement activities)
 Test/Quizzes: all assessments
 Miscellaneous: Any materials not designated above and assignments from group
4. Notebook entries will be listed on the large paper flip board each day.
Vocabulary will be on index cards and kept in stacks using rubber bands
Odds and Ends
Profanity – The use of profanity is not tolerated in class just as it isn’t tolerated in churches,
government meetings or anywhere else civility and decorum is expected. This is from the
student handbook:
Rule 17
Disrespectful Conduct
Students shall not become involved in disrespectful conduct or use vulgar or profane
language toward other students, teachers, administrators, other school personnel or persons
attending school-related functions.
Addressing students and teacher – My name, for all students at all times, is Mr. Hatch. I
don’t believe adults should ever be addressed by students in any other form. I will refer to
students using their surnames (i.e., Miss Smith or Mr. Brown) if they so choose; otherwise I
will use their first name.
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
Cell phones – these are the single biggest detriment to learning in the classroom. They are to
remain off and put away during class. If this doesn’t happen and becomes an issue I will
begin collecting them at the start of class and returning them at the end.
Rule 6
Harassment, Bullying and Cyberbullying
No student shall sexually, emotionally, verbally, physically or by any communication by
telephone, mail, broadcast, computer network or by any other electronic device or otherwise
harass or bully any student, teacher, school employee or other person (See Student Code of
Conduct, Procedure 4). Any student, in grades 6 through 12, committing the offense of
bullying for the third time in a school year, shall be assigned to an alternative school pursuant
to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-751.4. Any form of harassment or bullying shall be promptly reported to
an administrator or counselor. Teachers may be notified to maintain classroom discipline.
Restroom – You have time between classes to use the restroom if you prioritize your actions.
I am hesitant to write passes because if you aren’t in class, you’re not learning. I keep tissue
in my class room for runny noses but please bring your own if you have a cold.
Fire Drills – we will practice our exit, gathering and return to class during the first few days
of school. You must find and stay with me when we are outside. I will check attendance and
if you aren’t with me that will lead to a call home and a 30 minute detention. Fire drills are
practice for the real thing and are to be taken seriously.
Academic Integrity Consent Statement
Course: Economics
Teacher: Mr. Hatch
Year: 2014-2015
DIRECTIONS: (1) Read through this statement carefully. (2) Ask questions if there is
anything you do not understand. (3) Return it to your teacher.
I have heard the teacher's discussion of plagiarism, and I understand that I must use research
conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my paper. I
understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty. I understand it is academically
unethical and unacceptable to do any of the following acts:
To submit an essay written, in whole or in part, by another student as if it were my own.
To download an essay from the internet, then quote or paraphrase from it, in whole or in
part, without acknowledging the original source.
To restate a clever phrase verbatim from another writer without acknowledging the
To paraphrase part of another writer's work without acknowledging the source.
To reproduce the substance of another writer's argument without acknowledging the
To take work originally done for one instructor's assignment and re-submit it to another
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
To cheat on tests or quizzes through the use of crib sheets, hidden notes, viewing another
student's paper, revealing the answers on my own paper to another student, through
verbal or textual communication, sign language, or other means of storing and
communicating information, including electronic devices, recording devices, cellular
telephones, headsets, and portable computers.
To copy another student's homework and submit the work as if it were the product of my
own labor.
I understand that the consequences for committing any of the previous acts of academic
dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment or quiz with no opportunity
for make-up. Therefore, I will not plagiarize or cheat.
Assignment Policies
Course: Economics
Teacher: Mr. Hatch
Year: 2014-2015
DIRECTIONS: (1) Read through this statement carefully. (2) Ask questions if there is
anything you do not understand. (3) Return it to your teacher.
I have heard the teacher's discussion of the policies that will be enforced in Economics, and I
understand that I must be aware of due dates and submit my assignments at the time they are
due. I understand that if I have an excused absence, it is my responsibility to fill out a Request
for Make-up Work the day I return. I must attach an excuse to this form when I turn it in.. If I
forget to ask for my make up work, I understand I will miss my opportunity to complete the
assignments I missed while absent. I further understand that if I need additional explanation or
help with any assignments, I can seek tutorials from my teacher. I have read and agree to abide
by the policies set forth by my Economics instructor:
All assignments must be submitted at the time they are due, if not earlier. If an
assignment is one day late, it may not earn a grade higher than a 70. If an assignment is
two days late, it may not earn a grade higher than a 50. If there are extenuating
circumstances preventing a student from submitting an assignment on time, the student
must speak privately with the teacher to explain the circumstances surrounding a late
assignment beforehand. The teacher will discuss private issues with students on a one-toone basis only.
When a student shows proof of an excused absence from the attendance office, it is
his/her responsibility to fill out a Request for Make-up Work the day he/she returns to
class with an attached excuse. The student will have as many days as he/she was absent
to submit make up work. (For example, if a student was absent two days, he/she would
have two days to turn in assignments).
If a student does not show proof of an excused absence from the attendance office, the
student will not be able to complete make up work or turn in any work that was due on
the day the student was absent. Make up work is available for students who have
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
excused absences only. Student must take care of his/her make up work within 2 days of
As the Economics teacher, I make myself readily available to any student who needs
additional explanation or help getting started on assignments. If a student contacts me, I
will make myself available for tutorials as soon as possible.
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.
I have read course information, notebook requirements, academic integrity consent form, and
assignment policies for Economics. My signature below indicates that I understand the
requirements and policies for this course and agree to follow them throughout the semester.
Because this is a college and career readiness course, I am aware of the high expectations and my
enrollment in the class indicates that I am prepared to meet those expectations.
I understand the academic integrity consent statement and agree to its conditions throughout the
school year. Furthermore, I understand the assignment policies and agree to abide by them.
To Parents:
Hello! My name is Roddy Hatch and I will be your child’s Economics teacher this semester. I
began teaching in 1991 with the last 4 years at Windsor Forest High School. I teach both IB History and
Economics. My education consists of a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education Broad Field Social
Studies with an emphasis in Political Science and a Master’s degree in Political Science. I also hold
certification in AP US History, AP Micro & Macro Economics, and IB certification in History. In the
summer, and at nights during the school year, I teach Political Science at local colleges. I love teaching!
Personally, I am a father of two (one in high school the other in middle school) and my wife is
also an educator. I am active within my church and community and love to call Savannah home.
My course will be very demanding; it is in no one’s best interest to “pass students along”. Our
students, when they graduate, are no longer competing against other graduates here in Savannah, Georgia,
or the U.S. for jobs and resources; they are now competing against graduates from around the world. I
expect my students in this course to work hard so they will be equipped to compete with those other
I am always available if you feel the need to check on your child’s progress. The fastest way to
contact me is via email: I can also be reached on my classroom line: (912)
395-3400 (This is the office number - They will put you through to me). Conference time is 3:15 – 5:00
Thank you in advance for your support and I look forward to working with you!
What is the best phone number to reach you? ________________________________________
If you have an email address: _____________________________________________________
Note: The content of this syllabus is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the class and/or instructor.