Report from the Nominating and Alumni Trustee Search Committee Thomas T. Daniels ’82, Chair Presentation to the 199th Alumni Council Friday December 4, 2009 Purpose • Educate Alumni Council on trustee nominating process • Seek Alumni Council approval on recommended nominations • Encourage involvement and engagement in upcoming elections Agenda • Committee Profile • Perspectives from the Past • Process – Guiding principles – Search criteria – Due diligence and vetting – Final selection • Recommendations Committee Members Rick Allen ’75 Bethesda, MD Janine Avner ’80 Los Angeles, CA Tom Daniels ’82 Glen Ridge, NJ Danielle Dyer ’81, ’89Tu Lenox, MA Martha Sundberg Hartfiel ’83 Minnetrista, MN Thad King ’73 Atlanta, GA Susan Luria ’89 Shaker Heights, OH Jon Murchinson ’91 San Francisco, CA Tom Peisch ’70 Wellesley Hills, MA Dennis Ryan ’81 Minneapolis, MN Tracey Salmon-Smith ’87 New York, NY Committee Profile and Purpose NomCom represents a broad spectrum of alumni GEOGRAPHY CLASS 7 0 Rick Allen ’75, P’07 8 0 9 0 X E M S DARTMOUTH AFFILILATION PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND W X MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY, GOVT, NONPROFIT, PRIVATE EQUITY, LAW ALUMNI COUNCIL PRESIDENT; DARTMOUTH CLUB OF LA; EXEC COMM, NATIVE AMERICAN ALUMNI GOVERNANCE, EDUCATION, LAW, NONPROFITS Janine Avner ’80 X Tom Daniels ‘82 X X FORMER CLASS PRESIDENT; DED & ALUMNI INTERVIEWER; FORMER CHAIR, HONORARY DEGREES EXECUTIVE RECRUITING, BANKING, GOVT Danielle Dyer ’81, ’89Tu X X FORMER CLASS PRESIDENT; TUCK REPRESENTATIVE; ALUMNI INTERVIEWER HEALTH CARE, MANAGEMENT CONSULTING, ENTREPRENEUR Martha Sundberg Hartfiel ’83 X FORMER NOMCOM CHAIR; EXEC COMM, DARTMOUTH CLUB OF MIDWEST ; 2X ALUM. COUNCIL RENEWABLE ENERGY, CONSULTING, ENTREPRENEUR FORMER PRESIDENT, DARTMOUTH CLUB OF GEORGIA; FORMER CLASS PRESIDENT; ALUMNI MAG BD; FORMER NOMCOM CHAIR, 2x ALUM.COUNCIL; PARENT REAL ESTATE, LAW FORMER PRESIDENT, DART. CLUB OF NE OHIO; CLUB OFFICERS EXEC COMM; INTERVIEWER, DED HEALTH CARE, CONSULTING, VC CHAIR, COMMUNICATIONS COMM; HEAD AGT; INTERVIEWER MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS, TECHNOLOGY, GOVT ALUMNI COUNCIL PRES-ELECT,CLASS OFFICER, REUNION CHAIR; 2X ALUM.COUNCIL; PARENT CIVIL/REGULATORY LAW PRES, CLUB OFFICERS; DED, DARTMOUTH CLUB OF MIDWEST BANKRUPTCY LAW, RESTRUCTURING YOUNG ALUMNI DISTUINGUISHED SERVCIE AWARD WINNER; CHAIR, YOUNG ALUMNI DSA; BADA PRESIDENT BANKING, LAW, GOVT Thad King ’73, P’04 P’09 X X X X Susan Luria ’89 X X Jon Murchinson ’91 Tom Peisch ’70, P’04 P’10 X AT-LARGE, PARENT X X X Dennis Ryan ’81 X Tracey Salmon-Smith ’87 X X X Committee Profile and Purpose The diversity is purposeful as the committee seeks input from a broad cross-section of the alumni body • • • By Class – 10 classes over 3 decades (’70-’92) – 5 alumni next generation (‘04-’10) – Median year = 1981 By Geography – New England = 2 – Mid-Atlantic = 3 – South = 1 – Midwest = 3 – West = 2 By Undergraduate Experience – 8 fraternities/sororities – Rugby, crew, cross country, lacrosse – Glee Club, Handel Society – Green Key, C&G, Cobra • By Profession – Large cap, small business, private equity, venture capital, start-up – Health care, media, communications, energy, real estate, banking, law, consulting, government, nonprofit • By Alumni Experience – Classes, clubs, affiliated groups • By Demographic and Political Affiliation – 6 men, 5 women; 4 diverse/PoC – Republicans/Democrats Perspectives from the Past Eyes Wide Open: Lay of the Land • NomCom’s purpose is to identify and recruit candidates for the trustee elections, which are run by the AoA and will be held in the spring of 2010 • Alumni Council was advised that openings have been created for two of the eight alumni-nominated trustee seats • The Council’s nominees for the last four seats have lost to petition candidates • The rancorous nature of these elections was beginning to affect the ability to recruit trustee candidates • Recent reforms in the AoA constitution address some of these issues Process Guiding Principles • Dartmouth needs to attract the strongest possible trustee candidates, now more than ever – – – – Enormous complexity of the institution Increasingly global nature of the College and issues facing it Highly competitive environment for best talent and resources Significant new challenges presented by economic environment • NomCom’s objective was to conduct a process that attracted the best candidates by being – – – – – Broad-based and inclusive Open and transparent Thorough and rigorous Respectful and discrete Independent Process Search Criteria • • • • High accomplishment and success in chosen field Accretive skill set to the existing board Effective communication and influencing skills Understanding of board dynamics and ability to work together in a collaborative environment • Critical thinking skills, energy, and independence • Broad appeal and willingness to run in a contested election • Appreciation and passion for Dartmouth Process Due Diligence and Vetting • More than 400 alumni considered since last trustee election in 2007 • Further casting the net since the announcement – – – – – – Emails and mailings sent to all 69,000 alumni Full page ad in Dartmouth Alumni Magazine Articles in Speaking of Dartmouth and Dartmouth Life Announcements in online version of The D and Facebook Postcards at alumni events through the fall Emails to nearly 400 alumni leaders and posting on AC website • In the past year, NomCom has met 14 times (6x in-person in full-day sessions, 8x conference calls) • Background checks and pre-referencing conducted through multiple sources on multiple prospects Process Narrowing the Funnel • A select group of the most highly qualified prospects who would consider running was invited to interview with the entire committee over a two-day period in New York City in early November Written statements and responses to questions developed by the committee were submitted by each candidate prior to the visit One hour interviews were conducted with each finalist No College employees were part of interviews or the deliberation process Recommendations Morton Kondracke ’60, P’91 • Renowned journalist with 40+ year career analyzing politics, foreign policy, health care, education and the economy in newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and Internet. Known as fierce independent and voice of moderation. Career highlights • • • • • • • • • • • • Executive editor and syndicated columnist, Roll Call Formerly Washington bureau chief of Newsweek; executive editor for The New Republic; earlier career at Chicago Sun-Times and WSJ, after U.S. Army Regular commentator for Fox News and co-host “The Beltway Boys;” panelist or host on "Special Report with Brit Hume,” “This Week with David Brinkley,” PBS's "National Desk“ Original panelist and regular on "The McLaughlin Group“ 1984 Reagan-Mondale Presidential Debate panelist Appearances on "Meet the Press,“ “Jim Lehrer,” “Crossfire,” NPR Author of Saving Milly: Love, Politics and Parkinson's Disease, a best-seller and CBS Sunday Night Movie Serves on boards of the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, The Parkinson's Action Network, Communities in Schools for the Nation’s Capital Nieman Fellow, Harvard University Former president of The D; editorial board, Dartmouth Alumni Magazine; class secretary, class agent and executive committee member; supporter of Tucker Foundation, Rockefeller Center, Dartmouth Alumni in Entertainment Married to Marguerite, a Duke trustee and CEO of America’s Promise; two daughters, including Alexandra ’91. DC-resident. Recommendations John Replogle ’88 • • Strong business leader with 20+ year career in global consumer products in executive management, strategic planning, financial management, brand positioning, marketing , sales and talent development. Recognized leader in corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues. Career highlights – President and CEO, Burt’s Bees, a leading global personal care company – Former GM, Unilever Skin Care and Operating Executive Committee – Previously, President, Guinness Bass Import Company; SVP, Diageo Chateau & Estates; MD, Guinness Great Britain; earlier roles in field operations, marketing, sales, strategy and business development – Began career at Boston Consulting Group in Boston and London – Founder and publisher of Beer, The Magazine – MBA, Harvard Business School, 1993 • • • • Won NC Sustainable Business Leadership Award, Triangle “Green” Leader of the Year and mention by PR Newswire for Socially Responsible leadership Serves on boards of Habitat for Humanity, Ravenscroft School, Terracycle and Duke University Corporate Sustainability Initiative; lecturer at Duke and UNC Former class VP, treasurer, mini-reunion chair and agent, WDCR/WFRD, crew, Student Assembly, Dean’s Prize, Bones Gate; father David ’53 and brother William ’77 also attended Dartmouth Married, four daughters; North Carolina resident