Jeopardy - Cinnaminson Public Schools

The Catcher in the Rye
Characters Symbols
Final Jeopardy
$100 Characters
Who is Holden’s anti-social
dorm neighbor?
$100 Characters
Who is Ackley
$200 Characters
Young woman who gets paid to have
$200 Characters
Who is Sunny?
$300 Characters
Seedy elevator operator who offers Holden
a “little tail.”
$300 Characters
Who is Maurice?
$400 Characters
Intellectual classmate that knows a
lot about sex.
$400 Characters
Who is Carl Luce?
$500 Characters
Holden’s classmate that would not
take back something he said.
$500 Characters
Who is James Castle?
$100 Symbols
Which symbol represents
Holden’s uniqueness and
$100 Symbols
What the red hunting hat?
$200 Symbols
What contains poems in green
ink and reminds Holden of his
$200 Symbols
What is Allie’s baseball
$300 Symbols
What do Jane, Phoebe and
Allie represent to Holden?
$300 Symbols
What is youth and innocence
$400 Symbols
What is it about the museum that
makes Holden feel happy when he
$400 Symbols
What is Holden likes that the exhibits
never change, they remain the same.
The only thing that changes, he says, is
you. The museum also reminds Holden
of a happier time.
$500 Symbols
The ducks in Central Park represent
Holden’s feelings of ___________
$500 Symbols
What is…
• being stuck and unable to
move forward
• Protection- he wants to protect
those who are helpless
. . I’m standing on the edge of some
crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to
catch everybody if they start to go over
the cliff—I mean if they’re running and
they don’t look where they’re going I
have to come out from somewhere and
catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d
just be the catcher in the rye and all.”
Who is Holden
“You don’t like anything that’s
happening…you don’t like any
schools. You don’t like a million
things. You don’t.”
Who is Phoebe?
“Life is a game, boy. Life is a game
that one plays according to the rules.”
Who is Old Spencer?
In the first place, we are both
practically children. Did you ever
stop to think what you’d do if you
didn’t get a job when your money ran
out? We’d starve to death.”
Who is Sally Hayes
“The mark of the immature man is that
he wants to die nobly for a cause, while
the mark of the mature man is that he
wants to live humbly for one.”
Who is Mr. Antonlini?
$100 Conflicts
Why does Holden fight with
$100 Conflicts
What is he doesn’t want Stradlater
to give Jane Gallagher “the time”
$200 Conflicts
Explain why Holden is in conflict
with himself (man vs. self)?
$200 Conflicts
What is Holden desperately
wants to feel accepted and
loved, however, he does not
accept those who want to
befriend him such as Ackley.
Holden also avoids going
home to his parents.
$300 Conflict
How does Holden imagine his
response to Maurice after he
punches him?
$300 Conflict
What is he imagines
that he is a tough guy
that retaliates against
Maurice and then has
Jane Gallagher tend
to his wounds.
$400 Conflict
Why does Holden originally refuse
Phoebe’s offer of $$?
$400 Conflict
What is he feels like a failure because
he wants to take care of/protect her
$500 Conflict
Why does Holden think of the ducks
when he is at Spencer’s house?
$500 Conflict
What is Holden feels stuck in this
conversation and is desperate
for an excuse/way out
$100 Miscellaneous
Who is the author of Catcher
in the Rye?
$100 Miscellaneous
Who is J.D. Salinger
$200 Miscellaneous
Who does Holden call in the
phone booth in Penn
$200 Miscellaneous
Who is Holden calls no one,
as he cannot think of anyone
to call, despite being in the
phone booth for about ½ hour.
$300 Miscellaneous
Who does Holden visit with just
before returning home? Describe
this interaction.
$300 Miscellaneous
Who is Mr. Antolini, who offers
advice/comfort, but also “pets”
Holden while he sleeps. Holden
is offended by this and leaves
Mr. Antolini's apartment in the
middle of the night. Holden thinks
Mr. Antolini is being inappropriate.
$400 Miscellaneous
Explain the motif of Holden’s
loneliness in NYC. (3-5 examples)
$400 Miscellaneous
What is…
1. Holden spends 20 minutes in the phone booth looking fo
someone to call when he arrives in Penn Station.
2. Hiring a prostitute to keep him company.
3. Invites several cab drivers to join him for a drink.
4. Holden's desire to see Phoebe.
5. Holden's constant worry about the ducks.
$500 Miscellaneous
Holden giving Spencer an excuse
that he has to leave to get his
equipment from the gym indicates
a motif of _________?
$500 Miscellaneous
What is avoidance of reality=
Holden is uncomfortable with
dealing with the reality of him
failing out of another school.