Latin 323 Final Exam Study Guide 120 pts. 90 minutes I. Vocabulary

Latin 323 Final Exam Study Guide
120 pts.
90 minutes
I. Vocabulary. 27 pts. All words assigned this year beginning with
Chapter 28. Master Review list will be provided on Quizlet.
Be able to write the English meanings of the words.
II. Nouns and adjectives. Be able to decline a noun/adjective pair from
any declension. 20 pts.
III. Verbs. Be able to correctly fill out a verb synopsis chart. The chart
will include participial, infinitive and subjunctive forms. 28 pts.
IV. Grammar. Multiple choice questions on grammatical topics covered
this year. 25 pts.
Grammar topics to review:
Nouns – cases and uses (and noun/adjective agreement)
Adjectives – positive, comparative, superlative
Verbs – six tenses indicative active and passive– present , imperfect,
future, perfect, pluperfect, future perfect
Forms of sum, esse and possum, posse
Participles and Ablative Absolute Clauses
Infinitives and Indirect Statement
Subjunctives and Subjunctive Clauses (cum, indirect question, result,
purpose, indirect command)
V. Culture. Multiple choice questions on mythology, specifically the
heroes we studied: Jason, Hercules, Perseus, and Theseus 5 pts.
VI. Reading Comprehension. You will read two or three unseen
passages and answer questions about those passages (in the style of the
National Latin Exam passages.) 20 pts.