JOHN WESLEY MOMENTS Bill Galante, Lay Servant writes John Wesley Moments which contains materials taken from John Wesley’s journal and other writings, as well as personal accounts of travels to Wesley’s world in the UK and elsewhere. Wesley in Ireland - Part 2 In a previous John Wesley Moment I noted that due to the opposition of the Archbishop of Dublin, Wesley did not preach in any of the parish churches of the archdiocese after 1747. However, in 1775, Wesley twice led a large number of Dublin Methodists to St. Patrick’s Cathedral for Holy Communion where, as Wesley relates, “The good old Dean of St. Patrick’s (William Craddock) desired me to come within the rails, and assist him at the Lord’s Supper.” The chalices, which were used by Wesley on one occasion, were stolen a few years later but replicas were made. These may be seen today displayed in a special case in the Cathedral. CONVERSATIONS ON IMMIGRATION The South District Border Committee invites you to its series "Conversations on Immigration" on November 16, at 6:30 p.m., First UMC San Diego, 2111 Camino del Rio South, San Diego 92108. Update on the immigration situation with unaccompanied children. Ways the local congregation can get involved to minister to this crisis FALL WORK DAY With cooler temperatures coming it’s time to do some much needed maintenance. On Saturday, October 25, we will have an all church work day. Beginning at 8 am and going to Noon. Come for all or part of the time. We have a number of opportunities, including several Gardening, Painting and Plumbing projects. Please sign up in the patio this Sunday. St. Mark’s Messenger (USPS 516-260) is published weekly by St. Mark’s United Methodist Church, 3502 Clairemont Drive, San Diego CA 92117. Periodicals Postage paid at San Diego, CA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to St. Mark’s Messenger, 3502 Clairemont Drive, San Diego CA 92117 Dear St. Mark's Families, It is with very mixed emotions that I have to tell you that I am (finally) going to retire at the end of this year. St. Mark's School has been my refuge, my second home, my easel . . . my masterpiece. Except for a 3-month stint at another nearby school, it has been my ONLY job! St. Mark's United Methodist Church has been the most-supportive employer a girl could hope for. The parents that have brought their children here for the past 38 years have not been clients as much as friends. The children who have graced our classrooms and playgrounds have left their imprint not just on our walls, but on our curriculum, our library, and mostly our hearts. The people on our staff are not just co-workers, but people for whom I have the greatest respect for their dedication and (very) hard work. Their tireless passion never ceases to amaze me. I shall keep all this along with the joy of having served in this place so thankfully. Those of you who know me already know that I am married to my best friend, Bob, and I have four grandchildren. I am going to carve out time for them while I still think and feel young . . . even though the calendar tells me otherwise. I will, of course, do all I can to assist St. Mark's with the transition that lies ahead. It is our greatest desire that this program will carry on with the same spirit of love, care, and quality education for children. At this point I am very committed to making this year the best ever - and I know with the support of my staff - and you - we can make that happen together. I'm certain you will be kept informed as the church has information to share. In love and appreciation, M'Lu Director, St. Mark’s School BROTHER, SISTER, YOU LEND A HAND? St. Mark’s is giving out water to those who wait in line for assistance at CCSA from 8:00 – 10:00 AM on Thursdays, Oct 23, Nov. 20, and Dec. 18. We provide the water, you provide the smile. Sign up or call the office if you can help. St. Mark’s Messenger Volume XXXXI Issue 40 3502 Clairemont Drive, San Diego, CA 92117 October 8, 2014 (858) 273-1480 DEAR FRIENDS, In his book See, Know, and Serve, Thomas Bandy says that many of us who have been involved in churches for a long time consider “missions” as a program or set of programs that the church does. He points out the reality that mission is our identity--it defines why we are here and what we are to be about in all our work, and he makes this statement: “All that matters is the Gospel, and everything else is tactics.” In a recent letter to The Community United Methodist Church of Julian, Rev. Cindy Arntson wrote: “Instead of strategies or techniques, becoming a vital, growing congregation requires deepening our love for each other and developing love for those outside the church. It requires an effort by everyone, not just a few leaders or committee members. For the church to grow in mission, we have to be willing to risk some of our own comfort, security, and familiarity.” This is a lot easier to write in a newsletter than to do. Trying to work together and make decisions as a church community is an often frustrating, messy process in which many sincere, valid, logical, and well-meant desires simply can’t be met, because there are so many sincere, valid, logical, well-meant desires. That’s why, when priorities are set, many are somewhat unhappy, and some are very unhappy. Being able to come together in love and with faith and make difficult decisions together is part of being a vital church. Being the church means being in mission. It means growing in love for each other and for those who need us. It is humbling for me to see St. Mark’s grow in this way. It is what matters, and it is at the heart of our mission, whatever our priorities, strategies, or tactics. Be sure to read the information elsewhere in this Messenger about Impact Sunday, October 19. I hope you will plan to stay for a while after church that morning to take part in one of nine mission and service opportunities. We especially need you if you have lots of life experience--there will be a physically easy but very important letter-writing project in the narthex. If you want to participate, but can’t be here on Sunday, there’s a Saturday opportunity listed, also. See you in church! Craig DO YOU ENJOY VISITING AND TALKING? Do you live a distance from your own immediate family and miss hanging out with them? I have JUST the right activity for YOU! On Impact Sunday, October 19, we are going to visit each of our members that are unable to get out to church regularly. All of our visits are local 92117, 92110 and 92111. Directions will be provided. Please contact Millie McKibbin at or 619-407-0256 with questions and to volunteer. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2014 7:45 A.M. Community Pancake Breakfast 8:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:45 A.M. Pastor’s Sunday School/NR Church Joyful Noise Choir/CR 11:00 A.m. Worship Committee/NR 12:00 P.M. Tongan Fellowship Worship PACIFIC BRASS QUINTET CONCERT The TNT's social group will be attending the Pacific Brass Quintet concert at St. Mark's on Sunday, October 19, at 4:30 p.m. and then have dinner at LW's BBQ Restaurant in the Clairemont Shopping Center. All who are interested in going are welcome. Please call Kay Bays at 619-276-7268 or Dorothy Kay at 858-277-2917 to make reservations for dinner by October 13. ENTER THE DIGITAL ART SHOW The 2014 Digital Art Show will soon be here. It begins Sunday, October 12 and ends Sunday, November 9. You may come to view the art show for free on a Saturday between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and stay as long as you like. When you do, be sure to bring your friends and neighbors. An alternative is to be a host on Saturday, either 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. or 1 - 4 p.m.; then you would have even more time to enjoy the art. If you can be a host, please contact Judy Edelblute at 858-278-0255 or email her at THANK YOU’s By Sam Higgins Thank you very much for the scholarship award. I am looking forward to starting college at San Diego State this fall, and your gift will help pay for books and supplies for my class. By Kellie Donnelly Thank you so much for your continued support of my education! It means so much to me! I am so close to applying for R.D.H. school now. I am very excited! Much love and God Bless! PASTOR’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Begins at 8:30 a.m. in the New Room. Everyone is invited. Child care is available. Below are the lectionary reading for this week: Exodus 32:1 - 14 Psalm 106:1 - 6, 19 - 23 Philippians 4: 1 - 9 Matthew 22:1 - 14 IN OUR PRAYERS When we joined the United Methodist Church, we made vows to commit ourselves to support the Church by “our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness.” Continued Prayers: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Marty and Larry Peckham Jan Hutchinson Erin Murphy George Riley Karin Backstrom Frank Djie Tonya Cartwright Sharon Kuessel Dorothy Sage Joan Johnson Molly Barret Deanna Marshall Harry Meyer Lorretta Schaffer Renae Pierce …and our military personnel, including: Kris Brendal, Army Robert S. Chisholm, Navy Craig Clemans, Marines Paul Clemans, Air Force Blake Cross, Navy Brandon Dempster, Navy Samuel England, Navy Lenny Hezelett, Navy Michael Hunter, Navy Brady Jackson, Army Jeremy Munson, Navy Daniel Ness, Army Milo Riegle, Marines Casper Stalnaker, Navy Nathan Streeter, Army Robert Tarango, Navy JOY HANGOVER BY Karen Scanlon It’s Monday morning after the Blessing of the Animals. The sanctuary is quiet, except for the drone of the carpet-cleaning machine. Pews are washed and vacuumed, pockets tidied, and Bibles arranged in perfect alignment, reminding me of why we do this work. Rev. Craig was right, these are the necessary occasions to stir us. We love routine and the ordinary, but in God’s scheme, are there such things? No successful endeavor happens without a team of workers. Behind the obvious are the clever provisions of Sherry Miller: time and props. Greg Long lent his enthusiasm to the cause of T-shirts and details. Cheerleader Audrey Derwin secured pet treats from PetSmart. Merrie Dorval, in the midst of a health scare, provided moral support and animal knowledge. Adam DiProfio’s portrayal of St. Francis: Priceless! Scott Upphole stood ready and willing for any task. “I work for God,” he says. Pam Rader always helps: Quiet, industrious. And new to St. Mark’s is Diane Carpio who jumped in with gusto her first week with us: Donations and muscle work. Answering the outside, floating-greeters’ call were Marie Campilongo, Diane Carpio, Judy Edelblute, Kirk Hinkleman, Billie Jean Jones, Dorothy Kay, Bob McMeekin, Sherry Miller, Alyce Peterson, Charles & Rose Marie Pierce, Pam Rader, and Barbara Workman. Carol McElroy, Donna & Ron Newby, Erin Murphy (in a long-leg cast), Livia Robinson, and Amber Peacock managed the hospitality and water stations. Cookie bakers and bringers (oh, don’t let me forget one, cookies simply fell from heaven like manna to the Israelites): Pat Comer, Sylvia Dismukes, Donna Guevera, Dorothy Kay, Sherry Miller, and Debbie Zeller: Mmmm! mannered you were. Pet people, what a chatter and rumpus! (Preschool’s Geri D’Aprile took her beagle to the ‘cry’ room. Casey’s happy howling echoed and inspired his neighbors. We loved it!) Our animals gave us reason to greet one another without forethought or intimidation. There were no strangers, though many guests, in the crowd. Praise God for the joy hangover at St. Mark’s. THIS WEEK @ A GLANCE Monday, October 13, 2014 1:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Book Study/NR Carillon Bells/SH Book Study/NR Tuesday, October 14, 2014 6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Nursery School Board/ Faith Circle/offsite Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 5:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. Chapel Time/Sanc Carol’s Writing Group/CR Peace Ringers/SH Bible Study/NR Glory Ringers/SH Youth Group/RM 10 Thursday, October 16, 2014 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 4:15 P.M. 5:20 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Chapel Time/Sanc Ties of Love/SH Hallelujah Choir/CR Chimes/SH Boy Scouts/Rm 10 Chancel Choir/CR And, finally, gracious and wonderfully welcoming, our ministers: Rev. Craig, Rev. Jeri, Rev. Gerge, and Rev. Mary Alice. (They fell from heaven, too.) Individual and precious blessings were given to each animal, and others by proxy for near and far. Saturday, October 18, 2014 Malinda Whitely describes her secretarial office with saloon-type swinging doors: She allows them to swing in and out. Great work, kid! Then there’s Bill Williams doing his Bill Williams’ thing! Kim Fahlen (Karen’s sister) and Kris Neider took lots of pictures. Gracious Diana Starnes put her touch upon us. Frank Williams rehearsed the children and adult choirs in musical 'beast'. Sunday, October 19, 2014 To all the dogs, cats, three chickens (the Robinson family), turtle, guinea pigs, horny lizard, and rodents (did I miss a creature?), how sweetly (continued…) 10:00 A.M. 1:30 P.M. View Art Show Art Show Awards/SH IMPACT SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. Pastor’s Sunday School Church Joyful Noise/CR Tongan Fellowship Worship Pacific Sound Brass Quintet