2015 Academic A Religions of South Asia Lesson Plan

2015 Accelerated Level Religions
of South Asia Lesson Plan
Date and Number Your Papers:
Friday, February 27, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015: Begin Project
Tuesday, March 3, 2015: Work on Project
Block Days: Wednesday, March 4 or Monday, March 9, 2015: Work on
Tuesday, March 10, 2015: Work on Project
Wednesday, March 11, 2015: Work on Project
Thursday, March 12, 2015: Introduce Essay
Monday, March 16 and Tuesday, March 17, 2015: Learning Station Days
Friday, March 20, 2015: First South Asia Unit Test
Change of Dates Due to Wednesday’s Snow Delay
and Possible Thursday Snow Day
• Work Days for South Asian Religions Annotated Illustrations:
• Wednesday, March 4---Shortened Periods
• Friday, March 6
• Monday, March 9
• Tuesday, March 10---Needs to be done by end of the class period
• Learning Station Days:
• Wednesday, March 11
• Thursday, March 12---Shortened Periods
• Homework for Long Weekend:
• Go to You Tube and Watch the Two Documentaries on Hinduism and Buddhism
and add to your notes
• Begin the Compare and Contrast Essay---Follow Chunking
Day One: Friday, February 27, 2015
• Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---Continuing with the water issue theme
we began in the Middle East Unit, we are
going to explore the pollution of the holy
Ganges River in much more depth than
what was introduced in the PowerPoint.
We are going to use two different
resources for this activity. You and your
partner will then work together to
answer the Reflection Questions.
• We are going to watch a short You Tube
Clip entitled “India’s Polluted Rivers”
from the Financial Times published on
March 22, 2013.
• And then the teacher is going to read
aloud the included National Geographic
article on the pollution of the Ganges
Rivers, and you are to use Active Reading
• Reflection Questions:
• a)Identify and explain at least
THREE different causes of
pollution of the Ganges River and
their effects with historical
• b)Identify and explain at least
TWO different steps that have
been taken to try to correct the
pollution problem of the Ganges
River and the problems with
those steps.
Day One: Friday, February 27, 2015
• Class: As we learned in the last lesson, in India the religious beliefs are tied in
to the geography, history, etc…In this lesson, we will be examining FOUR of the
FIVE major religions/philosophies of India----Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and
Sikhism. We will not be learning about Islam, as we learned about that already
in the Middle East Unit in the first semester.
• Class: To introduce you to the four new religions, the teacher is going begin the
Introduction to the Religions of South Asia PowerPoint Lecture.
• You should be taking notes in the provided graphic organizer in EITHER PENCIL,
Day One: Friday, February 27, 2015
• Homework: Finish labeling and color-coding your Maps of South Asia. You are
to go to the online textbook and take additional notes in EITHER RED, ORANGE,
PINK, OR PURPLE PEN on the four religions.
• You are to do this tonight...ONLY ONE NIGHT to complete!
• Monday we begin the Summative Assessment Group Project South Asia
Religions Annotated Illustration.
• Online Textbook Pages
• Hinduism: pages 72-73
• Buddhism: pages 73-75, 216-217, and 284-285
• Jainism: page 287 primary source in the second half of page
• Sikhism: pages 228-229
Day Two: Monday, March 2, 2015
• Class: The teacher is going to finish the Introduction to the Religions of South Asia
PowerPoint Lecture, and you should finish adding to the notes in the graphic
• Groups: Summative Assessment---You will now be broken up into four groups to
create a Religions Annotated Illustration for the Indian religion assigned to your
group. This is different from what we did for the religions of the Middle East.
• An Annotated Illustration is a detailed drawing of an historical scene.
• Key characteristics, events, people are incorporated into the scene like a photograph
or an oil painting; they are integrated into the scene.
• Each of the main aspects is identified with either a number or letter that corresponds
with the annotations below.
• You should use as many visuals from the computer for the project to save on time and
be accurate.
Period One Groups
•Hinduism: Mark, Molly, Tanvi, Wiley
•Buddhism: Dan, David, Abby, Sam
•Sikhism: Geoff, Lilly, Emily, Todd
•Jainism: Chip, Luke, Billy, Emma
Period Five Groups
•Hinduism: Nate, Maggie, Kayla, Miles,
•Buddhism: Breanna, Annabelle, Liz, Matt
P, Emilia
•Sikhism: Jake, Erica, Jimmy, Joey
•Jainism: Ximena, Charlotte, Matt D,
Kevin, Kaiti
Annotated Illustrations
• 2015 Indian Religion Annotated Illustration Grade Sheet
Due on:
• A)___________ The illustration/scene needs to contain a minimum of 15 different images
addressing 15 different aspects of your assigned religion. IT CANNOT BE IN COLLAGE STYLE.
• Pictures of places of worship enlarged and inset pictures of what it looks like on the inside
• People practicing the religion within the scene in their homes, in their communities, etc...
• At the top of the illustration, depict their beliefs about the afterlife.
• At the top of the illustration have god or gods depicted as they watch over the followers.
• For history of the religion, incorporate key events in the far corners to indicate time/distance.
Historical Content For Religious Annotated
• Hinduism: All must all of the topic categories below. A category that has more than one aspect
within it can be addressed more to meet the minimum 15 requirements for the overall project.
• Number of followers today and where they are located
• History of the religion---how it developed and why
• Basic beliefs: Samsura/Reincarnation, Brahman, Atman, Devas, Dharma, Karma, Nirvana, and
Moksha----Address each of the beliefs separately to meet the requirement.
• Important Texts---Vedas, Upanishads, Ramayana, and Mahabharata
• Views on Gods and Goddesses---Holy Trinity of Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva, other important ones of
Ganesh and Lakshmi----Address each of the Gods and Goddesses separately to meet the requirement.
• Four Daily Duties
• How they worship: temples, holy cities, holy rivers, and practices
• Sacred Cows
• Festivals
• Symbols
Historical Content For Religious Annotated
• Buddhism: All must all of the topic categories below. A category that has more than one aspect within it can
be addressed more to meet the minimum 15 requirements for the overall project.
• Who was Buddha and what happened in his life to create this religion?---Siddhartha Gautama
• History---why did it develop in response to Hinduism? Role or purpose of the religion
• Three Jewels of Buddhism
• Symbols
• Five Precepts
• The Middle Way
• The Four Noble Truths---Address each of the truths separately to meet the requirements.
• The Eight Fold Path
• Nirvana
• Karma
• Types of Buddhism: Theravada, Mahayana, Tibetan, and Zen---Address each of the type separately to meet
the requirements.
• Monks and their ways of life
• Number of followers and where are they located
Historical Content For Religious Annotated
• Jainism: All must all of the topic categories below. A category that has more than one aspect within it can be addressed
more to meet the minimum 15 requirements for the overall project.
• How did this religion develop and why? What does this religion focus on? Purpose of the faith?
• History---major leaders and events—founder Mahavira
• Tirthankara
• Similarities to Buddhism and Hinduism
• Major Beliefs: Ahisma, Karma, Reincarnation, Moksha, Atomism, No Absolutes---Address each of the beliefs separately to
meet the requirements.
• Number of followers and where are they located
• Views on Gods---Unique teachings and view of God
• Texts---Angas and Upanga
• Proper conduct
• How they worship? Major practices and rituals like Samayika and Mantra
• Monks
• Importance of vegetarianism
• Sects: White or Svetambara, Sky or Gigambara, Lay
• Symbols
Historical Content For Religious Annotated
• Sikhism: All must all of the topic categories below. A category that has more than one aspect within it can be
addressed more to meet the minimum 15 requirements for the overall project.
• History---Guru Nanak and other Gurus
• Views on God and Basic Beliefs like Reincarnation and Afterlife, Khalsa, How to Reach Salvation, Views on
Wealth and Charity----Address each of these beliefs separately to meet the requirements.
• Number of followers and where
• Similarities to Hinduism and similarities to Islam
• Views on monasticism
• Five Ks---Kesh, Kuchha, Kanga, Kara, and Kirpin----Address each of these separately to meet the requirements.
• Importance of turbans
• Five Evils---Kam, Krodin, Lobh, Moh, and Ahanker
• Five Virtues---Sat, Santokh, Daya, Nimvata, and Pyare
• Values and practices
• Symbols
• Sacred Texts---Dasam Granth Guru and Granth Sahib
• Place of Worship and Holy Places: Golden Temple, Gurudwara---places of worship---what they are like and the
roles they play
Annotated Illustrations
• B)_____________ At the bottom of the Annotated Illustration, there is a detailed key
explaining the symbolism.
• Each key description is a minimum of THREE WELL-DEVELOPED SENTENCES that contains the
5 Ws, How, Causes/Effects, and other Historical Aspects.
• A well-developed sentences should either define, explain, provide examples, or analyze.
will not be counted.
• DO NOT WRITE IN PARAGRAPH FORMAT! It makes it too hard to read and take notes from.
• This should be numbered and the numbers should match the images on the poster.
• The numbers should be in correct numerical order.
• Each is worth 6 Points for total of 90 points.
• This should be TYPED and in Calibri Bold Size 14 Font.
• It should be attached to the bottom of your poster to hang front-wise for students to read
and look at the art part at the same time.
Annotated Illustrations
• C)__________It was done neatly, in an organized manner, labeled with the title
of the religion, and the key was spell-checked and grammar-checked. If any of
this is not done, it is 10% off the value.
• Total:
/180 Points
• Resources you will be using:
• You must split the different resources equally amongst the group members. My
recommendations are:
• ONE Person---United Streaming Film Clip on Religion and Part of the
PowerPoint on the Religion
• ONE Person---The Rest of the PowerPoint on the Religion
• TWO People---Split the Photocopied Supplemental Reading on Religion
Annotated Illustrations
• Group Responsibilities:
• Creation of Religious Annotated Illustration:
• Everyone must find images and write the corresponding
• Since there are a minimum of 15 aspects, if a group is made up of 4 people,
each person should do 4, and this will give you at least one extra credit.
• If it is a group of 5 people, each person should do at least 4. This will give you 5
extra credit.
•Chunking of Historical Religious
Annotated Illustration:
•Work Day One/Homework: Tuesday,
March 3, 2015
•Split up resources and assign to group
•Watch/read and take notes in the
corresponding graphic organizers.
Block Day
• As a group, go over the graphic organizer with each group
member sharing information. Make sure all group members
have completed notes.
• Create a list of ideas/rough draft for the Annotated
Illustration as a group.
• Assign different group members their art and writing parts.
• Homework: Write out and type up your writing part and
email to everyone in your group for editing in class the next
period. Work on your Study Guide for upcoming unit test.
•Assemble Art Part of Annotated Illustration.
•Group members should edit each other’s work.
•Homework: Make revisions to Writing Part.
Email writing part to people in group to
consolidate into one document. Work on Study
Guide for upcoming unit test.
•Cut and paste into one word document in
correct order.
•Print up and attach to project.
•Projects need to be done by the end of the
class period and turned in to teacher.
•The homework is to work on the South Asia
Unit Study Guide for upcoming test.
Days Seven and Eight: Wednesday, March 11,
and Thursday, March 12, 2015
• Class: You will have the class period to go around to all the Religions Annotated
Illustrations and use them as Learning Stations to complete the rest of your
graphic organizer notes.
• Homework for Both Nights: Go to You Tube and watch the following
documentaries adding to your notes. This will help you do the Writing
Summative Assessment. Also begin the Writing Assessment.
• BBC Life of Buddha---running time of 49:47 minutes
• National Geographic for the History Channel Religions of the World: Hinduism--running time of 45:15 minutes
Day Eight: Wednesday, March 11, 2015
• Homework: Summative Assessment--- You have the Take Home Short Answer
You are to compare and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism, like what we did in
the Middle East Unit comparing and contrasting Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam. This is due on: Wednesday, March 25, 2015
• See the attached grade sheet with the directions and grading criteria for how to
write the Thesis Statement, Introduction, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusion.
• This is similar to what we did for the Imperialism Editorial.
• For examples, go to the Middle East Unit Teacher Page and view the
Accelerated Compare/Contrast Monotheistic Religions Essays that were
Note: There are changes in the Chunking as
typed in your lesson plan due to snow delays and
snow day!
Chunking of Summative Assessment Take Home
• Night One:
Thursday, March 12, 2015
• This is the last day of the Religions Lesson Plan.
• If you did not go to Ms. Barben’s Introduction to the Religions of South Asia PowerPoint and take notes on all four religions,
do so.
• Go to You Tube and watch the two documentaries on Hinduism and Buddhism and add to your notes.
• Complete the ENTIRE Pre-Write Graphic Organizer for the Compare and Contrast Essay.
• Night Two:
Monday, March 16, 2015
• This is the first day of the Learning Stations.
• Add information to your Pre-Write Graphic Organizer.
• Write your Introduction Paragraph and the First Similarity Paragraph.
• Night Three: Tuesday, March 17, 2015
• This is the second day of the Learning Stations.
• Add information to your Pre-Write Graphic Organizer.
• Write the Second and Third Similarities Paragraphs.
• Night Four: Wednesday, March 18---Odd Block Day
• This is the first and second day combined for the Caste System Lesson.
• Write the First and Second Differences Paragraphs.
Chunking of Summative Assessment Take Home
Night Five: Thursday, March 19, 2015---Even Block Day
This is the first and second day combined for the Caste System Lesson.
Write the Third Differences and Conclusion Paragraph.
Print up two copies of the essay...one rough draft is for your notebook and the other is for
your peer editor.
Night Six: Friday, March 20---First South Asia Unit Test
You will be given a copy of another student’s Rough Draft to Peer Edit over the weekend.
Complete the Peer Editing Packet and write comments on draft. Due on Monday.
Night Seven: Monday, March 23, 2015
This is the first day of the British Imperialism and Rule of India Lesson Plan.
You will have received your Peer Edited Rough Draft.
Tonight make the revisions.
The final draft is due the next class period: due on Wednesday, March 25, 2015