About the Religions of the World - Geography Hidden Word Game For Kids Read the sentences below. Visit our Easy Geography for Kids page Religions of the World to find the missing words. Write them in the empty spaces and find these hidden words in the puzzle! [Words might be hidden horizontally, vertically and perhaps even back to front…!] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Each religion has its own set of ____________ and ____________. The Eastern traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism began in _____________. ______________ began in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago after the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that all can have ____________ life. _____________ follow many of the same prophets revered by Christians and Jews, including Abraham, but especially _____________, the last and greatest prophet. 6. _____________ follow the teachings of the Jewish Bible, and most especially, the ___________, which includes the first five books. 7. Based on the teachings of ____________, a prince known as “the Enlightened One,” Buddhism teaches that we suffer because of our desires. 8. _____________ is one of the world’s oldest religions, as well as the third largest religion. Q J O D W M O U E S M I L S U M A N H G F S E C I T C A R P P L W J E W S S R D E M M A H O M A S A B E L I E F S K L M J K M N M A O U G A H D D U B E W B N R C H R I S T I A N I T Y J O V E V G A Y B T O R A H H L O D J T C M M S I U D N I H I N D I A E Learn about the Religions of the World and more here: http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-religions-of-the-world/ Fun Science Facts, Activities, Videos, Interactive Quizzes and more…