Reducing Risks by Setting Measurable Targets Footprint Dr. Mathis Wackernagel Metabolism like a cow Bioproductive Segments Bioproductive segments 22% 67% LowProductivity Ocean 4% Biologically Productive Ocean 18% Biologically Productive Land 11% Deserts, Ice Caps and Barren Land Personal planetoid Global average availability of bioproductive Land + Sea = 1.9 global hectares/person Footprint components Fossil Fuel Built-up Waste Food absorption Fibres Global Footprint Accounts (in global hectares/person, 1999 data) Global Footprint Ecological Demand (Ecological Footprint) Footprint Areas for: Demand Growing Crops 0.53 Exceeds Grazing Animals 0.12 Settlements & infrastructure 0.10 Producing timber & fuelwood 0.33 Absorbing excess CO2 1.07 Harvesting Fish 0.14 Total Global Demand 2.29 Ecological Supply (Biocapacity) Biocapacity Areas: Crop land 0.53 Supply Grazing land 0.27 By Built-up area 0.10 Forest 0.86 Fishing Grounds 0.14 20% > Total Global Supply 1.90 1.40 # of Earths used 1.20 Footprint time series Footprint time series 1.00 0.80 # of Earths available, representing the total capacity of the biosphere 0.60 # of Earths used by humanity 0.40 0.20 0.00 61 9 1 64 9 1 67 9 1 70 9 1 73 9 1 76 9 1 79 9 1 82 9 1 85 9 1 88 9 1 91 9 1 94 9 1 97 9 1 Year Target Median Scenario (UN/IPCC/FAO) 2 number of planets total EF fossil EF component 1 FAO/UN median EF for future 0 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2 EF Used for Scenario Analysis past Footprint FAO/UN median EF for future 1 "E.O. Wilson" scenario Mid century scenario "Brundtland" scenario 0 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 [planet years] Ecological Debt in 4 Scenarios 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 actual debt (2000) total debt for "Wilson" scenario total debt for "mid century" scenario total debt for "Brundtland" scenario debt through 2050 for BAU scenario “Shrink & Share” by Region 2 global past ASIA-PACIFIC NORTH AMERICA number of planets WESTERN EUROPE CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE 1 LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN AFRICA MIDDLE EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA 0 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 Implications for continents? 180% ASIA-PACIFIC 160% NORTH AMERICA 140% WESTERN EUROPE 120% 100% CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE 80% LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN 60% AFRICA 40% MIDDLE EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA 20% 0% 2000 OR GLOBAL WORLD OVERALL TREND 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2120 What Does this Open up? • Accounting leads to accountability • Targets informed by risks associated with different scenarios • 2 simple choices: integrating climate change and biocapacity • Performance measure Cat on Roman foot